From Play to Practice describes how and why play is important. The play workshop experiences for educators that are outlined in the book help teachers understand and promote play-based learning as part of developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs. Journal reflections of play participants, along with photos from play workshops, illustrate the power of play to change professional and personal lives.

Deborah E. Bush is a professional writer and editor who has been on the board of the Institute for Self Active Education since 2004. She is an advocate for fostering self-active play, especially for children, who have so much to gain from it.

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We propose learning from teleoperated play data as a way to scale up multi-task robotic skill learning. Learning from play (LfP) offers three main advantages: 1) It is cheap. Large amounts of play data can be collected quickly as it does not require scene staging, task segmenting, or resetting to an initial state. 2) It is general. It contains both functional and non-functional behavior, relaxing the need for a predefined task distribution. 3) It is rich. Play involves repeated, varied behavior and naturally leads to high coverage of the possible interaction space. These properties distinguish play from expert demonstrations, which are rich, but expensive, and scripted unattended data collection, which is cheap, but insufficiently rich. Variety in play, however, presents a multimodality challenge to methods seeking to learn control on top. To this end, we introduce Play-LMP, a method designed to handle variability in the LfP setting by organizing it in an embedding space. Play-LMP jointly learns 1) reusable latent plan representations unsupervised from play data and 2) a single goal-conditioned policy capable of decoding inferred plans to achieve user-specified tasks. We show empirically that Play-LMP, despite not being trained on task-specific data, is capable of generalizing to 18 complex user-specified manipulation tasks with average success of 85.5%, outperforming individual models trained on expert demonstrations (success of 70.3%). Furthermore, we find that play-supervised models, unlike their expert-trained counterparts, 1) are more robust to perturbations and 2) exhibit retrying-till-success. Finally, despite never being trained with task labels, we find that our agent learns to organize its latent plan space around functional tasks.

There has been significant recent progress showing that robots can be trained to be competent specialists, learning individual skills like grasping (Kalashnikov et al.), locomotion and dexterous manipulation (Haarnoja et al.). In this work, we focus instead on the concept of a generalist robot: a single robot capable of performing many different complex tasks without having to relearn each from scratch--a long standing goal in both robotics and artificial intelligence.

Learning from play is a fundamental and general method humans use to acquire a repertoire of complex skills and behaviors (Wood and Attfield). It has been hypothesized that play is a crucial adaptive property--that an extended period of immaturity in humans gives children the opportunity to sample their environment, learning and practicing a wide variety of strategies and behaviors in a low-risk fashion that are effective in that niche.

What is play?Developmental psychologists and animal behaviorists have offered multiple definitions . Burghardt, reviewing the different disciplines, distills play down to "a non-serious variant of functional behavior" and gives three main criteria for classifying behavior as play: 1) Self-guided. Play is spontaneous and directed entirely by the intrinsic motivation, curiosity, or boredom of the agent engaging in it. 2) Means over ends. Although play might resemble functional behavior at times, the participant is typically more concerned with the behaviors themselves than the particular outcome. In this way play is "incompletely functional". 3) Repeated, but varied. Play involves repeated behavior, but behavior that cannot be rigidly stereotyped. In this way, play should contain multiple ways of achieving the same outcome. Finally, all forms of play are considered to follow exploration (Belsky and Most). That is, before children can play with an object, they must explore it first (Hutt), inventorying its attributes and affordances. Only after rich object knowledge has been built up to act as the bases for play does play displace exploration.

Play-supervised Robotic Skill Learning:In this work, we propose learning from play data (LfP), or "play-supervision", as a way to scale up multi-task robotic skill learning. We intend to learn goal-conditioned control on top of a large collection of unscripted robot play data.But how do we define and implement robotic play, with all the same crucial properties of play previously identified? Voluntary and varied object interaction could in principle be collected by any agent equipped with 1) curiosity, boredom, or some intrinsic motivation drive and 2) a foundational understanding of object behavior to guide play, such as intuitive physics (Spelke and Kinzler) and prior knowledge object attributes and affordances gained through exploration. However, building such agents is a challenging open problem in robotics.

Instead, we collect a robot play dataset by allowing a user to teleoperate the robot in a playground environment, interacting with all the objects available in as many ways that they can think of. A human operator provides the necessary properties of curiosity, boredom, and affordance priors to guide rich object play. Human exploration and domain knowledge allow us to avoid the question of learning how to play, and rather focus entirely on what can be learned from play.

We show examples of the play data fed into our system in Figure 3. We underline that this data is not task specific, but rather intends to cover as much as possible of the full object interaction space allowed by the environment. Play is typically characterized along object, locomotor, and social dimensions (Burghardt, 2005). While there is nothing in principle that stops us from applying our methods to, say, locomotion play or combined locomotion and object play, in this work we focus on object play.

Benefits of Play Data For RoboticsSupervision of complex robotic skills by humans is possible, but expensive. In the learning from demonstration (LfD) setting, one can collect expert teleoperation demonstrations for each skill (Figure 4.) and train the robot to imitate the behavior. This first requires one to come up with a rigid, constrained and discrete definition of each skill that is important. If a slight variation of the skill is needed, e.g. opening a drawer by grasping the handle from the top down rather than bottom up, an entirely new set of demonstrations might be required. Additionally, if the agent is expected to compose multiple tasks in a row, e.g. opening a drawer, placing an object inside, and closing it, the researcher may need to collect demonstrations of transitions between all pairs of skills. In short, achieving flexible multi-task skill learning in an LfD setting would require a substantial and expensive human effort.

A number of recent works have attempted to sidestep the expensive demonstration effort, learning single or multi-task robotic control from unattended, scripted data collection (). While highly scalable, the complexity of the skills that can be learned depends on the complexity of what can be reasonably scripted. In Ebert et al. for example, the skills that emerged from random robot arm movement in a bin of objects was found to be generally restricted to pushing and dragging objects. This is to be expected, as sampling random actions is very unlikely to traverse through more complex manipulations by chance. To remedy this, the authors made more complex skills such as grasping more likely by adding ``drop and grasp" primitives to the unsupervised collection process. In general, in the scripted collect paradigm, for each new complex skill a robot is required to perform, a corresponding and sizeable effort must go into scripting a new primitive that results in the skill happening by chance frequently during unattended collection.

In summary, if a robot needs to perform multiple complex tasks, expert demonstrations can be sufficiently rich, but are not scalable, and scripted collection is highly scalable, but not sufficiently rich.Instead, we argue that data collected from a user playing through teleoperation (LfP), is both scalable and complex enough to form the basis for large scale multi-task robotic skill learning:

In summary, we argue (and will show empirically) that play data strikes a good balance on the cost-richness tradeoff: it is highly rich, containing repetition of complex, prior-guided behaviors and many different ways of achieving the same outcome. It is also cheap, since it can be collected continuously without upfront task definition, scene staging or resetting. ff782bc1db

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