Note: if you set these variables you are granting these repositories the same level of trust you currently grant to Homebrew itself. You should be extremely confident that these repositories will not be compromised.

You can instruct Homebrew to return to pre-4.0.0 behaviour by cloning the Homebrew/homebrew-core tap during installation by setting the HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API environment variable with the following:

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To uninstall the install, click on your Macintosh HD icon on your desktop, go into Library folder, and then into your PostgreSQL folder which resides inside the Library folder. Inside, you will see something called the PostgreSQL uninstaller. Click on that to uninstall PostgreSQL from your machine. At the end, it will tell you that the uninstall is complete, but that your data was not removed. You have to move the PostgreSQL folder and the remaining contents into the trash. When doing so, you will be prompted to input your administrator password. When you do that, the folder will be moved to the trash.

This just makes sure that Homebrew is up to date. it is just best practice to run this command before installing a program with Homebrew. Next, run the following command to install PostgreSQL:

to log into PostgreSQL. The beautiful thing about a Homebrew install is that you can simply use your native Terminal window you use for controlling your machine instead of the Sql shell that comes with the install. That is just an extra painful step that takes up more time to execute.

After the download has been completed, click on the dmg (disk image file) in your downloads folder to open up the application and install it. A window will pop up with the PostgreSQL icon. Drag the icon into your applications folder. This will install it in your applications folder.

Once you are logged in to postgres with user postgres, go into your Applications folder and click on the pgAdmin icon. It will open up in a new tab in your favorite browser.

When it has completed loading, click on the Servers tab to the left in the browser window under Browser. a new tab called PostgreSQL 10 (or whatever version you have on your machine) will appear. Click on that.

I have not tested these commands, but I just want to give an example how easy it is. I apply the same technique for mysql, mongoDB and postgres, around 10 bash commands to install/update all of them, and their admins, and it works on any OS (I use more of them).

I use docker for my dev setup for a few years and it is a great experience, I can switch between technology stacks without polluting my system, or care about what OS I'm on now, unlike homebrew, apt-get or chocolatey, docker commands run are the same.

I don't need to handle different versions of languages, libs, compilation errors, dependencies, and so on.

Referring to: You have to create a second user called postgres in order to be able to connect with and log in to pgAdmin. To create the postgres user, type the following command in Terminal while still logged in to postgres: -> May be helpful to point out it's a new Terminal instance (as createdb is not a valid Postgres command)

Hi, I have mistake - connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5433 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5433 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections? What's wrong?

I only created an account here to thank you, I tried the normal way of installing postgres on my mac through the .dmg package where both postgresql and pgadmin are bundled togther and hit this issue:

None of the solutions given on stackoverflow fixed my issue, after trying a few other things from other forums, found your article on how to install them separately and finally got it working. Thanks a lot.

I followed @spickermann's instructions here, but I was still running into trouble with the Mac System Ruby install being primary (ruby -v did not show my newly installed global ruby). I solved it by executing three more steps:

They seem to install into /usr/local/Cellar/ which is Brew's install directory (also, the gems in /Library/Ruby/ don't work either). Is there anything else I need to do to make the gems executable? I'm using Zsh on Mac OS X 10.6 with Ruby v1.8 for the one in Brew.

That will print out a nice list of all the relevant paths. Look for the one labeled EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY. That's the one you want to add to your path. In my case that's /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/1.9.3-p362/bin/ruby but I would imagine it would change with newer version of Ruby.

This only uninstalled 9.3.2 (the latest version), but I knew I had three other versions by looking in /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/. I wanted to remove them all to start with a clean slate, and Homebrew was helpful enough to let me know how to do it after I tried to run the previous command a second time:

I installed both kicad 4 and kicad 5 nighly via homebrew cask and the 4 installation is still on disk, but should be inactive. Somehow however, OSX has tracked the move of the 4 binaries inside the Kicad folder and kept file associations to the old 4 binary.

? Note: If you ever worry about a particular repository being deleted, fork it into your local repository and then set it up so you can tap it later. The gist of that is another article, though.

Just Getting Started with WordPress? I write a lot about WordPress development but if you're just getting started, I recommend checking out WPBeginner. They have free training videos, glossary, and more.

I began the day with the intention of setting up a development environment for this amazing RoR application I'll tell you about some other day. You know what it is like to set up a RoR environment: just a few gem installs here, a couple rakes there and voila! Two minutes after you started, you're all set to begin coding.

Well, no. One of the required gems was RMagick, a wrapper of the arch-famous ImageMagick graphics processing library. In order to be able to install the RMagick gem, you need first to install ImageMagick.

So far so good, but this library has a whole lot of dependencies, and if you're not a Unix and C Jedi (I'm not), it may be painful to get to a happy ending. I spent the day googling around looking for a good tutorial, and most of them recommended one of two alternatives:

I guess the reason why I failed with both alternatives is that at some point of the installation, I made a wrong a choice of version for any of the dependencies. By the end of the day, I still hadn't been able to start debugging the application.

Then I spoke to my colleague Adrian Romero (who unfortunately doesnt have a blog to point you to), and he suggested me to try with Homebrew. This is how the story ends, I used Homebrew, and was able to get back on track quite quickly.

Ok, step 3 may not be that easy. One of the dependencies, Little CMS, may fail to install because they removed the file from the URL where Homebrew looks for it. This causes the ImageMagick installation process to abort.

Have you made sure that Homebrew is working correctly using brew doctor? It's been forever since I've used a Mac or Homebrew, but there should be an option to check that first. Then, if it comes up with no issues, have you made sure that your permissions are set correctly for that directory?

If these are not the issue, I would definitely check in with the maintainer of that cask to see if others are having the same problem. Joplin doesn't directly support any way of installation outside of the official release builds from its github. There are some unofficial releases that do have the maintainers be pretty active on the forums here, but those seem few and far between.

The fact is, go get was never meant to be a software distribution tool. Homebrew is. Homebrew also comes with hashes for everything, so when a tool is available from Homebrew I now prefer installing it from there. But sometimes it isn't.

One of my favorite features of Homebrew is that it's easy to install something manually into its "Cellar", and then let brew take care of linking it into /usr/local, making tracking, switching versions and uninstalling a breeze.

Hi all, long time Linux user here, with a Macbook Pro I'm not as familiar with but would like to do some programming/learning Rust on. It seems that rustup has replaced multirust as the recommended way of installing and maintaining multiple versions of Rust. Is it also recommended over using and managing Rust via Brew? Any pitfalls of either to be aware of?

I treat brew like the system package manager on Linux; that is, if it's a technology I'm actively developing in, I don't use it, and use custom toolchain build stuff. But if I'm not actively developing in it, I use the system manager.

Although, i am big fan of my nix-shell environment on top of nixos/nixpkgs on my mac, i had to admit that rustup is the most convenient solution for now. The support of having multiple toolchains incl. rust-doc and rust-src is unbeatable. However, i suppose it is a matter of time for package managers to catch up with the rust ecosystem. AFAIK on NixOS we have already adaptors for cargo/ like mkRustCrate on the backlog.

I'm on macOS Sonoma 14.4.1 and I've installed Ansible via Homebrew (version details at the end). From what I can tell, this includes many of the Community modules without having to install them via Ansible Galaxy: 152ee80cbc

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