The Flutter landing page on displaystop packages that are compatible with Flutter(those that declare dependencies generally compatible with Flutter),and supports searching among all published packages.

The Flutter Favorites page on liststhe plugins and packages that have been identified aspackages you should first consider using when writingyour app. For more information on what it means tobe a Flutter Favorite, see theFlutter Favorites program.

How To Download Flutter Packages


When running flutter pub getfor the first time after adding a package,Flutter saves the concrete package version found in the pubspec.locklockfile. This ensures that you get the same version againif you, or another developer on your team, run flutter pub get.

To upgrade to a new version of the package,for example to use new features in that package,run flutter pub upgradeto retrieve the highest available version of the packagethat is allowed by the version constraint specified inpubspec.yaml.Note that this is a different command fromflutter upgrade or flutter update-packages,which both update Flutter itself.

Run the app (or stop and restart it, if it was already runningbefore adding the plugin). Click Show Flutter homepage.You should see the default browser open on the device,displaying the homepage for

Federated plugins are a way of splitting support fordifferent platforms into separate packages.So, a federated plugin can use one package for iOS,another for Android, another for web,and yet another for a car (as an example of an IoT device).Among other benefits, this approach allows a domain expertto extend an existing plugin to work for the platform they know best.

Plugins can specify the platforms they support byadding keys to the platforms map in thepubspec.yaml file. For example,the following pubspec file shows theflutter: map for the hello plugin,which supports only iOS and Android:

A platform package uses the same format,but includes an implements entry indicatingwhich app-facing package it implements. For example,a hello_windows plugin containing the Windowsimplementation for hellowould have the following flutter: map:

Before editing the iOS platform code in Xcode,first make sure that the code has been built at least once(in other words, run the example app from your IDE/editor,or in a terminal executecd hello/example; flutter build ios --no-codesign).

Before editing the Linux platform code in an IDE,first make sure that the code has been built at least once(in other words, run the example app from your FlutterIDE/editor, or in a terminal executecd hello/example; flutter build linux).

Before editing the macOS platform code in Xcode,first make sure that the code has been built at least once(in other words, run the example app from your IDE/editor,or in a terminal executecd hello/example; flutter build macos).

Before editing the Windows platform code in Visual Studio,first make sure that the code has been built at least once(in other words, run the example app from your IDE/editor,or in a terminal executecd hello/example; flutter build windows).

To add support for specific platforms to anexisting plugin project, run flutter create withthe --template=plugin flag again in the project directory.For example, to add web support in an existing plugin, run:

Both FFI plugin packages and (non-FFI) plugin packages supportbundling native code, but FFI plugin packages do not supportmethod channels and do include method channel registration code.If you want to implement a plugin that uses both method channelsand FFI, use a (non-FFI) plugin. You can chose per platform touse an FFI or (non-FFI) plugin.

If a LICENSE file contains more than onecomponent license, then each componentlicense must start with the names of thepackages to which the component license applies,with each package name on its own line,and the list of package names separated fromthe actual license text by a blank line.(The packages need not match the names ofthe pub package. For example, a package might itself containcode from multiple third-party sources,and might need to include a license for each one.)

tips_and_updates Tip: Have you noticed that some of the packages and plugins on are designated as Flutter Favorites? These are the packages published by verified developers and are identified as the packages and plugins you should first consider using when writing your app. To learn more, see the Flutter Favorites program.

hi I have a similar problem I deleted a package from the dart packages folder and when I run flutter pub run it won't download and work so I tried all the way people said but something worked for me is I tried to repairing pub cache and it workedjust run

To install package you have to press double enter after the dependencies: flutter: sdk: fluttercarousel_pro: ^1.0.0Then Package name e.g: carousel_pro: ^1.0.0. Enter,spaces, and back spaces matter in pubspec.yaml File. I hope this resolve the issue.

If you delete a package from External Libraries > Dart Packages, you need to run -->flutter pub cache repairThis will reinstall all the external libraries and update the missing ones. Get dependencies or Pub get and you are good to go!

After the update (23 September 2020) of Android Studio 4.1 the builtin terminal is not working for getting new packages.Solution: Run the command prompt in Administrator mode. Go to your project directory and run command flutter clean after that run flutter pub get.

To extend from the other answer, the complete procedure is to download the packages from github and on Mac, to place them in the folder users/*username*/Developer/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ For windows I'm unaware of the location of these packages.

You could, in theory, download the packages from GitHub and then use them locally. However, this is not recommended, as you won't get any updates. Did you check if there might be another reason for this? I never had issues like this.

You can conclude that inclding packages does not mainly hurt performance, but importing alot of resources from these packages into your file and not using them effeciently can hurt it (look at @jamesdlin 's comment:to understand why is that (its about tree shaking process)

And as a final note, from my usage of flutter and often usage of alot of packages in my apps (to save alot of boilerplate), I can't say that I notice any performance issues due to many packages being present in my app

The question would be vague, so I would like to focus on a specific package dio. I have contacted few flutter developers, and have been told that the package is not yet a industry standard, also I was introduced to some packages that were published just hours back, for example jaguar_retrofit. I also see dart https package used frequently in flutter documentation.

This is a valid question, but not one that you'll probably find a final answer to on stackoverflow (and it may be closed as off-topic although I won't cast that vote). You might find better luck at although there may not be too many dart/flutter specific people there; I don't know for sure.

But realistically, no-one knows what might happen to the packages in the future other than the people maintaining them. That would probably be a good first step - make contact with the developers as they will be able to give you a better indication of how committed to maintaining their code they are.

Open source packages play a huge role in software development, especially when it comes to building Flutter apps. has a growing ecosystem of over 33,000 packages to help you add functionality to your Flutter application.

With thousands of packages to choose from in the Flutter ecosystem, how do you choose which package to use in your project? Here at VGV, we take a few characteristics into account when selecting a package to include in our projects.

Packages that have example code, are well-documented, and have a clear README will be much easier to implement in your own code than packages without. On the more technical side, we recommend looking for the package's test coverage, a well documented changelog, lint rules, and if the package is up to date with the latest version of Flutter. The Flutter Ecosystem Committee also takes much of this into account when they give a package the Flutter Favorite badge. Here is a list of questions we use to assess packages:

We prefer to use the flutter_bloc package for state management. A Flutter Favorite, flutter_bloc is a simple, predictable, and easily testable solution to state management, which fits in perfectly with the development practices here at VGV. We even wrote an article that takes an in depth look at why we use flutter_bloc.

If you are looking to store sensitive data on a device, flutter_secure_storage may come in handy. This library provides a convenient way to access the platform specific encrypted storage: Keychain for iOS and AES encryption or EncryptedSharedPreferences for Android.

Purchases_flutter is a helpful package by RevenueCat for implementing in-app purchases with StoreKit and Google Play Billing in your Flutter apps. Get purchase tracking, in-app subscriptions, and analytics all in one place.

Sometimes you find yourself working on multiple related packages at the sametime. Maybe you are creating a framework while building an app that uses it.In those cases, during development you really want to depend on the liveversion of that package on your local file system. That way changes in onepackage are instantly picked up by the one that depends on it.

In Flutter, we use the Dart programming language to build cross-platform applications. Dart packages are like the libraries you might be used to installing for, say, Node.js projects using either npm or yarn. These packages are built by Flutter devs for Flutter devs.

The main file, or the entry file, of this package is lib/flutter_pkg.dart. Flutter sets the main file to be the same as the package name with the .dart extension. Our package name is flutter_pkg, so the main file will be flutter_pkg.dart. If the package name is modalpicker, the main file will be modalpicker.dart. ff782bc1db

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