I am trying to see if there is a way to easily print each sheet in my excel workpaper to PDF (would be helpful if I could select which sheets too). To give more background, it's a workpaper that has several sheets for invoicing purposes, and I'd like to easily drop the file in and run a workflow that will print each invoice to PDF. However, I'm not too advanced in the reporting tools. Also, I'm not sure if it's possible to use one input tool for something like this, or if I would have to manually add in a input tool for each sheet/invoice. It'd also be extremely helpful if I could also use some sort of dynamic naming for each output based on an invoice # listed in each sheet if possible.

Can you test bringing in the excel file as a standard input, but selecting to read in a list of sheet names and then to also show full path as shown below. Then build the connection string to feed into the Dynamic Input

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Excel sheets with SAP BW Queries (BEx Analyzer) have a lot of VBA macros in them. Uploading those to Alteryx will cause issues. Please save the sheet as normal Excel (thereby deactivating any macros), check whether the content from your refresh remains unaffected, and then upload it to Alteryx.

Hi @PDempsey, by saving it as a normal Excel (XSLX or even CSV), the macros get disabled which will allow Alteryx to read the file correctly. A macro-enabled file may not be read correctly with the Input data tool as it reads the contents of the files, and not the macro or VBA code within them.

I am getting the same error message "The Excel archive is corrupted: shared strings root=x:sst". I have no VBA macros and the excel extension is a normal .xlsx. Opening the Excel and re-saving does resolve the error, however I would like to better understand why it's happening to prevent it in the first place.

I had my coworker create the attached Excel file (Excel.xlsx) which opens and looks fine in MS Excel. However when I drag this file onto the designer canvas, I click OK and the Input tool gives me the error "The Excel archive is corrupted: shared strings root=x:sst". This file was created by an RPA "bot" however that should not matter. Please test and let me know what you think. Thanks!

I keep my excel worksheets in "Page Layout" mode when I work, I find it best when I plan to print the document in the end. In the last 2 weeks, none of the documents I've printed are coming out the way they appear on the workbook.

@Sergei Baklan You legend! I have been having issues with printing to PDFs on two of nine PCs for months if not years. I was having to get other people in the office to print certain (not all) spreadsheets to PDF for me. This solved the issue for me. Thanks!

One of the places I learn the most is a group chat I have with my friends Dror Poleg and Ben Rollert. Dror, who writes about the history and future of work, cities, and finance, and Ben, who is the founder and CEO of Composer, are two of the smartest people I know.

Second, Gates and Raikes decided that they needed to take advantage of the graphical interface, so they switched mid-project from building for the PC, which was operated via command line interface, to building exclusively for Mac.

Excel is declarative in that you define what you want by typing a formula, without having to worry about how to perform the step-by-step computations. I can calculate the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on an investment without needing to know the formula, let alone how to program it. I just type =IRR(C4:G4) and voila!

By operating at a very high level of abstraction, an Excel user is spared the headache of dealing with a lot of minutiae and incidental detail that is intimidating and frankly uninteresting to most people. Instead, Microsoft assigns an army of well-compensated developers to worry about the details, and the user just has to pick the right function to use.

Excel leverages a mental model that has been deeply ingrained in our culture for decades: a two dimensional grid using A1 notation. By assigning rows with numbers and columns with letters, a user can identify a single cell in a large 2D grid without confusion or ambiguity. By sticking to the same conceptual model that has been in use since at least 1979, people can understand how Excel arranges data without learning anything new.

One of the most magical aspects of Excel is that it is reactive. When you change an input to a formula in Excel, any output that depends on that input is automatically updated. Because Excel has been with us for so long, we take this property for granted. But most conventional programming languages are not like this: when an input is changed, each step that depends on that input needs to be deliberately re-run for the output to reflect the change.

By being reactive, Excel allows for a kind of playful interactivity. You can play with inputs and toggles to a workbook, simulating different hypothetical scenarios. For the insatiability curious, it can be downright addictive. But more than anything, reactivity makes it easy to get very fast feedback, and the faster a system provides feedback, the easier it is to understand how that system works. Excel is designed to optimize the speed at which its users develop skill at operating it.

Another piece of Excel magic is the ability to inspect and manually update the entries of a database contained in a sheet. This is just not the norm with most databases, which typically require developer skills and permissions of a database administrator to update.

That creates an emergent product roadmap for the B2B software industry. Instead of needing to sit in a room and think up the future, a couple generations of observant entrepreneurs simply watched what people were cooking up in spreadsheets, sized the market, and built dedicated, less flexible tools for each specific use case.

Inspired by Excel software products let users flexibly build on top of them the way that Excel users do. Instead of picking off specific use cases like Excel Unbundlers, they take inspiration from how Excel is built. They, like Excel, aim to create powerful general purpose, highly flexible software targeted at a broad audience, including non-technical users.

Likewise, a design principle for developers is to make any one piece of software really good at one specific thing, deliberately constraining its capabilities to a specific domain. Excel is a truly remarkable exception to this rule - it is something of a choose-a-phone, and clearly hundreds of millions of people do want to compose for it.

Bubble is a no-code website builder that lets non-programmers build production ready web apps, including robust back-ends and databases. It was literally inspired by Excel -- a builder can create a Bubble app by making a spreadsheet and linking it to Bubble.

Composer allows the end-user to build custom, automated investment strategies, all without writing a line of code. Composer is flexible enough that it is intended to allow the user to create strategies that the founding team never anticipated. Before Composer, a strategy creator would need to be fluent in Python or a similar language to harness this degree of flexibility, severely limiting the number of people who could implement their ideas. At the same time, the team is constantly refining the usability of the product based on countless hours of customer research, leaning on the strengths of their product designer, Mikael, and cognitive scientist, Anja.

Zapier is a combinatorial multiplier that connects thousands of tools, like a series of codeless APIs, allowing for meta workflows across apps. With Zapier, any of the infinite things that an Excel user can create in a spreadsheet might trigger some action in Figma, Composer, or Weblow, or vice versa.

When the original Project Odyssey team set out to build Excel in 1985, they wanted to make it easy for users to perform calculations and create graphs. They could never have predicted the myriad ways over 750 million people would bend and expand the product. They just knew that the more flexible and usable they made it, the more possibilities they would create.

Similarly, this new batch of Inspired by Excel products will likely have unintended and magnificent consequences on the way that people create, build, calculate, and communicate for decades to come. Based simply on the exponential nature of these products, the impact of Inspired by Excel will dwarf the already massive impact of Unbundling Excel by orders of magnitude.

Excel has survived and thrived through the Spreadsheet Wars, the mobile revolution, and Unbundling of Excel. Excel is the bonsai tree of software: the more non-core use cases pruned off by unitasker products, the healthier it gets.

Backward Compatibility with Existing Models. By translating ways that humans are used to thinking and behaving into software, product designers can make learning curves for complex products more gradual and natural.

Product Architecture that gets better with more features. As more functionality and extensions are added to Excel, the better the product gets, because each new piece of functionality harmonizes with all the existing bits. This is as opposed to the many products that get worse with more features.

Great post! I'm an engineer and statistician who's forced to use products like Minitab and SPSS (Uggh!) but prefer the visibility of Excel. The one major limitation you failed to mention: < 1 million rows. Excel can't handle larger data. This is the only limitation that really matters.

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