I can't start evernote on windows. When I click the icon an image flashes briefly in the middle of my screen and disappears. I have restarted my computer multiple times. I have uninstalled/reinstalled. Restarted again. Nothing is working.

Hi. You have a user name and password to access Evernote, and if someone else might look at your laptop you should lock and protect it with the OS password whenever you step away from the keyboard. Either logging out or locking the PC will protect your data as far as possible, though the database stored on your local hard drive is not encrypted and is stored in a standard format so even without logging into Evernote someone with moderate tech knowledge could browse your note content. It's possible to use third-party software to encrypt part of your hard disk such as Saferoom - - which is Evernote-compatible - to avoid that.

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Or get Windows 10 Pro, install and configure Bitlocker, then shut down your machine when you leave it... Is it a PITA? Yes. Is it secure? If you believe Microsoft yes - truth is, I don't know for sure. I have it installed on my work laptop, so some corporate IT departments must believe it is secure!

if just logging out of windows to protect evernote security is the only solution; then why introduce passcode for mobile app? why not just lock the phone when you stop using your phone, and set it to ask for pin/fingerprint when phone needs to be used?

Why don't they then argue the same with mobiles? what was the purpose of the evernote team to waste valuable resources to make an in-app passlock protection, when mobile devices themselves have their own security. And since when are personal mobile phones shared between users? --> same argument can be used that PC's are shared between multiple users (on the same profile) especially at home environments.

Did they ever resolve this?

I don't want to lock my PC and have to re-enter a password every x minutes I happen to pop away for cuppa or whatever

, just want a pin or passcode so the occasional times I use evernote I can just pop it in. 

There must be a dozen threads with this that come up in Google, it's clearly a user requested feature.

We have it on our phones and they also require a password to get in so that is a redundant response.

Just a simple 4 digit pin would suffice, something so somebody steals the PC or something they can't directly acccess evernote.

I am also using 2 additonal monitors, one through vga driver, the other one with USB (on my current pc asus laptop) I wonder if I could do that on the Macbook Pro - probbaly would have to buy vga adapter and then use also usb adapter.

Mac EN 10.8.4 is running well on my new macbook air. The app is fast and the laptop stays cool. Then, again, it's also working well on a 10-year old imac using OS 10.13.6. (I can't speak for WIndows).

That's a very good idea so far. I also want to buy a new laptop too. But this time, my budget is very tight. I just looking for something that is good and reliable. I want to play casino games with this one. Can you please the signs of trustworthy casino -of-a-trustworthy-online-casino/ What do you suggest?

Please, please restore the manual sync button. I have had enough sad experiences of changes not syncing properly across my laptop, desktop and mobile phone. Like many users, I switch between devices frequently. Having a sync button that gives users confidence that everything is synced upon starting up or closing down an instance of Evernote is a no-brainer. I'm sure your rationale for removing the button is "our new version is so stable and smart now, we don't need it, just trust us, it'll always work." If so, there's no cost to showing users a *confirmation* that it has worked. Please.

I've never had auto sync do the right thing when using 3 separate devices. So many times I've had "duplicated" notes. This is exacerbated by writing a note and then clicking out of the mobile app, or sleeping laptop, before it can sync.

People have been learned to be paranoid about losing unsaved changes, so a manual save or sync -button gives the peace of mind, even if it was all placebo and nothing would actually happen. But in your case there really was need, as there was significant delay on the automatic sync and it's possible that you quickly need to close the laptop - and changes would not be synced.

Yeah, last week, the one time I did not use CTRL-R in the Windows v10 desktop app before leaving my office and checking my phone to see if it sync'd, about 90 minutes later I needed it and could not get it on my phone.

When I left, my laptop was on, Evernote was still open in the background, and the system would have shut down the screen in about 20 minutes but not powered down. By the time I got back to my office and confirmed the laptop was on and the sync had still not occurred was about 2.5 hours later.

But this is not my biggest issue with the new v10 currently because I should have done the CTRL-R and checked before rushing out. I have another post coming on a search function available in the old v6 that is not in v10. What a PITA.

Exactly, sleeping laptop after last edits or maintance on notes often lacks last changes in sync...unfortunately you notice this later on when on mobile, too late. You can even close the app by Menu-Exit and it will not force sync before close. For me it is like gambling... will all be synced later on?

I've been on a Mac the last several years but just got a new Windows laptop. I installed EN and was surprised how polished it looked compared to my old Windows experience. That was early Windows 10 and the desktop EN was a complete mess visually. I am glad they improved it - was that a recent Windows 11 thing or has it been better for a while? I mostly mean visually. The UI, and default style on Windows as I remember it was pretty poor.

I own one and I had to exchange it because the middle top part bends so much tge internal plastic frame cracked with very lifht items, no laptop. The bag is very wide and a significant amount of pressure is placed on this area. Sadly it is poor design and the new one I received is already bending there after 2 days. I will likely have to return it again, very disappointed.

Backupery for Evernote is the easiest way to perform regular exports of your Evernote data to a wide range of backup destinations. The application integrates seamlessly with Evernote on a desktop or a laptop.

On June 11, 2014, Evernote suffered a distributed denial-of-service attack that prevented customers from accessing their information. The attackers demanded a ransom, which Evernote refused to pay.[40] A denial-of-service attack on August 8, 2014, resulted in a brief period of downtime for evernote.com; service was quickly restored.[41]

In the same blog post where it announced price increases, Evernote also mentioned some new features it was adding. That included Real-Time Editing, which allows users to make changes to a note on a smartphone and see those changes made on the Evernote laptop app.

Reason #1: Your heavy laptop is more stable the closer it is to the center of gravity of the bag.

 Reason #2: Since the contents of your bag tend to settle at the bottom, why not cut out the excess space at the top?

Looked at from the side, an ordinary rectangular PC bag with a laptop in it will have most of its contents positioned on the bottom and the PC standing vertically. On the other hand, our Triangle Commuter Bag contains the laptop leaning towards the center. Thus, even if there's nothing else in the bag, your laptop's center of gravity will be close to the center of the bag. You won't have to feel that sudden shock when your computer bag tips over anymore. Also, by boldly going with the isosceles triangle configuration, we've built this bag so that you can open the flap all the way to the center. It's easy to see all the way to the bottom of the bag, so you won't have to rummage around to find something.

There are two ways to get started with Evernote. You can create an account at Evernote.com, or you can download the software and get started by registering that software. Unless you are always going to just use the web service, you may as well begin by downloading and installing the software. For ease of use and getting acclimated, it would be best to start with a laptop or computer and then move to the smartphone and tablet versions as you become more accustomed to using it. 2351a5e196

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