However, I noticed that the image is actually the same image and not a copy. Now my product database is actually synched from airtable using make so the image is frequently updated. In order not to create multiple images, I delete the old image file when there is a new image in the dataype. This causes the image to disappear from the order item data type as it seems when I copy the image from one data type to another it just saves a reference to the original file.

You could play around with your email by not using the image URL and instead just pass through the image and see if that makes any difference to the continued display of the image in the mail once you delete it from your file manager.

Download Copied Image


The Snapshot functionality is not appropriate here since that can only be used to select a viewable area onscreen and in this case the image is much bigger than the screen (and if I zoom out, the resulting image is low resolution).

Sorry. "Copy/Paste" and extract are two different things. Copy/paste will work yes but "Extract" is an actual feature of Adobe Acrobat that will pull images at their set resolution. "Copy/Paste" won't do that.

I was having the same issue. The only time I was able to copy without seeing the black box was to select: "Edit--> Edit text and images" on both documents. Then Edit--> copy the desired object/image, and then paste on the destinattion file. I'm using Acrobat though.

The black box issue has been aggravating me for months! I tried all of the solutions proposed in other users' posts without success. Every item I copied turned into a black box when I pasted it to the destination.

Im trying to figure out how to correct pixelation after copying a logo over to a new image. Basically im taking the Stellar logo (Crypto currency) using the fuzzy tool to select it. Copying it then pasting on a new image. When i do this i feel you can really see the pixelation. How can i smooth this out?

I'm having an issue while taking a snapshot from PDF and inserting it to CAD, I'm forced to do this since it takes a long time to insert the PDF in the CAD file. I usually paste it as an Image Entity and don't have any problems, as of lately, when I turn off the computer and turn it on again the images are not there, only a path file that it doesn't exist anymore, forcing me to re-insert the images again. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?

You could use the paste special (_pastespec) command and insert the snapshot as a device independent bitmap. The snapshot will be an OLE object in the drawing and not referencing an image from another location.

Copying reduced image & pasting to another drawing; copied image reverts to original size. Image reduced with lower right slide bar. How can I paste it so it stays reduced? Copied image is to be small part of other drawing. Thanks.

Example:Imagine getting images from an online source where you don't control the format. JPEG supports 24-bit color images (8 bits per color). TIFF format can store colors in 48-bit color images (16 bits per color). Depending on what iOS wants, these differences might have to be converted.

I'm trying to combine several Google Document inside one, but images inside the originals documents are inserted twice. One is at the right location, the other one is at the end of the newly created doc.

As you might see in my code below, I've been inspired by similar topics found here. One of them suggested searching for child Element inside the Paragraph Element, but debugging showed that there is none. The concerned part of the doc will always be inserted with appendParagraph method as the script is not able to properly detect the image.

If there's only one image in the file (no spaces nor line feed around) and if the "appendPageBreak" is not used afterward, it will not occur. When some text resides next to the image, then the image is duplicated.

Add your PositionedImages at the end of your script after you add all your other elements. From my experience if other elements get added to the document after the the image positioning paragraph, extra images will be added.

You can accomplish this my storing a reference to the paragraph element that will be used as the image holder, and any information (height, width, etc) along with the blob from the image. And then at the end of your script just iterate over the stored references and add the images.

Hi all, apologies if this is a really dumb question. Prior to version 4.0, I could routinely copy a shape or image created in Excel and paste it into (paste as new image) and, at the default resolution of 96 dpi, the image size indicated (in inches) in Excel would be replicated in So, if I saved that pasted image as a jpg or png file and then inserted that image back into Excel, it'd be an exact match (size-wise and pretty much in every other way) for the original image that was copied from Excel. With version 4.0, when I perform the same copy from Excel and paste into, the image size is larger than the original. I've noticed that if I change the resolution in from the default 96 dpi to 150 dpi, the image size becomes equal to the original. I tried this same action in Microsoft Paint and it behaves as I expect (pasted image size at 96 dpi is the same as the copied image size) An example: if I create a 2" x 2" square shape in Excel and copy and paste it into, it comes in at 3.13" x 3.13" at 96 dpi. The reason that changing the resolution to 150 dpi isn't ideal is, if I have text in the copied shape, it loses sharpness when the resolution is changed. Am I looking at this completely wrong or is this an intended change to I can certainly use Microsoft Paint instead of to convert these types of Excel shapes into standalone image files but it was pretty convenient to use for all graphics work previously. Thanks in advance and, again, apologies if this is a dumb graphics question (I'm a rank amateur at graphics).

I am losing Images (png) when I am trying to copy content from one account to another.

Attaching the images for the file I have copied to another account

Screenshot 2022-05-02 at 11.08.59 AM1492998 37.5 KB

When I copied a selection of photos/images from the Photo's app on my MacBook to a USB, the image file name has been changed (original should be IMG_1435.JPG or some photos had original file names of IMG_7645.HEIC) and now all the photos on the USB have weird file names and are out of date order, it's like they've lost all their original file info. This has never happened before. I've tried on 2 different USBs but the issue has happened twice.

Thanks Leonie - I'll give that a try. However usually the select and 'drag' or standard 'copy & paste' has always copied the original photo from Photos app (or old iPhoto) to a desktop folder or USB... when I check the image file info in the Photos app, the file name and info is correct. I've downloaded the photos directly from my iPhone via cable - I don't use iCloud for photos, so they should be the original, full size images.

Both myself and the Apple Support tech were very surprised it worked but it did... though I swear this is cumbersome (now I can't 'drag & drop' to copy/export images to a USB like I used to. And I'm now running into issues with other programs (Photo Book services) not being able to recognise .HEIC files... but that's a question for another thread.

Unfortunately, if I copy an image with the macro before trying to copy-paste the macro in the status bar, when I paste in the status bas, I only paste the last copied image. It seems that the copy of the text of the macro is not taken in account.

This happens because PowerPoint is adding the text as an image to the clipboard. Anki sees an image in the clipboard, and prioritizes that over text. Perhaps one way you could work around it is to use LibreOffice Impress?

I use Affinity photo to draw my comics line art with the brush tool as well as color my comics. Occasionally I'll need to copy and paste some line art to avoid drawing it multiple times. However when I do this, each time I paste the copied image the pasted result becomes more and more blurry each time. Why is this happening? will this be fixed in the next version update?

If you are using Affinity Photo's Paint Brush Tool, you are creating raster images. Rasterized layers (those identified with the "(Pixel)" suffix in the Layers panel) cannot be resized, stretched or shrunk, skewed, or rotated by other than 90 increments without becoming blurrier than the original.

That is because in raster images everything is mapped onto a grid of pixels, each of which must be completely filled with exactly one color. When any of the above transforms are applied, the pixels of the original image no longer can be perfectly mapped to whole pixels, so to avoid the stair-stepped effect informally known as "jaggies," anti-aliasing is applied to give the appearance of smooth edges at the expense of increased blurriness.

I know what a raster image is, and I know I cannot resize it without losing quality. That's not the problem. The problem is with copy and paste. When I copy a raster image drawn with the brush tool, and then paste it, the pasted image is blurry. This is a problem with the software, because it doesn't happen with any other program (Photoshop, Clip Studio) that I use. 2351a5e196

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