I am looking for something similar to the following screenshot from Evernote for Windows (v on my Evernote for Android (v 8.13.3). Is there such feature on the Evernote for Android? Evernote for Android does show number of notes for each notebook so do I need to cumbersomely tally up all the number of notes in each notebook?

I'm still on 8.13.3 and can't find an easy notes total - but why do you need one? Your mobile does not store all the notes, just a search index so you can download the latest version(s) of notes from the server. What's actually on your device is just temporary storage. If you can see a notes total on your desktop, that would be the same for the mobile app.

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I want to upgrade to v10 Evernote for Android. However I am afraid there might be notes just in my local Android, because it has yet to syncrhonized with the server. There are 2 cases that I've noticed:

Let me just jump in to say that if you have notes that are still marked "uploading in progress" since 2017, they are not really uploading and are not going to upload--unless you have not had a reliable Internet connection for more than a few minutes in the last 5 years. You would do best to locate those notes, copy their content to the clipboard, create new notes, and paste the content there. If the new notes upload/sync successfully, you can the delete the ones that failed to upload.

As for the "hidden" notes, again the question of time enters in. If they have been waiting for more than a few hours to finish uploading, they also may never finish uploading, and you should try going to those sites and clipping/sharing them to Evernote again. I don't think Evernote 8 on an unreliable Internet connection is really set up to clip several Web pages in rapid succession. It might be better to clip one, let it sync, then clip the next one, etc.

To check what "uploading in progress" notes you have, check for that phrase on a desktop or (maybe) on the browser version. I just checked on my Desktop Legacy app and didn't find any - but it was quite a long search. If you do find some, you should be able to go to the original source page and re-clip.

Hello. I am not sure if this has been addressed in the Android version, but lately I have been unable to open some notes. I click on them and I get a loading icon that doesn't go away. It doesn't happen to all notes, and it is not related to the size of the note, as far as I am aware. See screenshot.

Also, has the new update broken the app? The earlier versions of the 10.0+ version seemed faster than what I am currently experiencing for some reason. I have a very hard time navigating back and forth between notes due to the immense lag.

The primary problem is that when I click on a notebook, including All Notes, in my Windows 10 Desktop app, the notes don't display and I can't view or edit them. I can see all the notebooks, but not the notes within them. The notes sync, and I am able to use the web and android apps but not the desktop app. I have tried:

I have Evernote on a laptop, desktop, and Android phone. The desktop and Android are fine, but the laptop has started displaying a version of this symptom of blank notes, not blank on other devices or in preview. One of the suggestions I saw elsewhere on the forum was to do a sync, but if you see the images below, there is no sync button on the laptop. I have also noticed that the About, Check for Update, and Release Notes windows are also blank on the laptop. I think everything was normal Friday night, but then like this Saturday morning. The difference in screen layout is puzzling.

F11 DOES NOT WORK to FIX THIS F'NG Problem. So frustrating. I'm telling everyone not to use this app. It only works on your phone. It constantly crashes on the desktop. It will NOT show your notes and this is NOT a new problem.

After reading this thread, it is very disappointing to see that this show-stopper failure has been reported way back in Aug 2020; but is still no resolved in July 2022. The suggestion of hitting the F-11 key is ineffective in bringing back the missing notes.

So the problem you're experiencing may have a more localized solution. Have you tried logging out and back in? What exactly is happening--sidebar and notes list appear, but when a note is selected it doesn't show in the editing window, correct? Does it happen with all notes all the time, or with certain notes consistently, or with random notes on random occasions? What happens if you double-click a note to open it in a separate window?

Web access seems to be fine, but the app is not functioning. I'm running 10.58.3. I have logged off and restarted, uninstalled/reinstalled and attempted other solutions provided in this thread. Still, no joy. I'm running Windows 10. The sidebar is greyed out and when I open a note by double-clicking, it pops up blank. On a random sample, this is happening with all notes accessed through the app. The installed version appears to be current; I don't see an update button on the app. The app has not updated all notes either.

Still, having a go based on your information: When you say the sidebar is grayed out, you mean that none of the items there is functioning (Notes, Shortcuts, Notebooks, etc.)? What view are you in when double-clicking a note pops it up blank---all notes, a search result, a particular notebook or tag...? When you say the app hasn't updated all notes, that means that there are updates made to notes in the Web client that don't appear in the desktop app?

V. 10.58.3 is AFAIK the latest version of the app. It was released in order to deal with a variety of issues that appeared after the change to the sync structure of notes, one of which was long delays in note contents appearing after being clicked. So, just to be sure, if you click on one of the affected notes, it never appears, even if you wait for several minutes (it should never take that long, just trying to cover all bases)?

I cannot make new notes. Now I have 47 notes, but I got an error trying to make a new note that my limit is 50 notes. I have free plan. According system limits information free plan has 100,000 free notes. Why I have limit for only 50 (even less)?

Hi - We're mainly other users here, so no influence or information over increasing limits or ways around them. Evernote haven't publilshed any information that we know of. If you find the service useful, then obviously subscribing would be the way to go. Whatever you plan on doing, entrusting notes to a limited free service does not seem a good idea. As it is a free service I don't think they are bound by the online details - they can alter the terms as they wish.

But I don't see in their rules that free account have only 50 notes. They said free account have 100,000 notes. My wife has free account registered the same day as mine and there is no 50 notes limit.

The Free users affected don't loose anything - they still can sign in to their existing notes, they just experience new limits to an already limited plan. That's something anybody who decides to use a service without paying needs to put into the decision - Free means no security about a Free plans conditions.

IMHO Evernote analysed the situation and saw that this is a potential disaster waiting to happen. They have to do something responsible about folks who have thousands of notes already on the system, and delete dormant accounts (which every IT specialist does regularly) which must number in the tens of thousands. It's not a technical debt, it's a technical crisis. OK - one thing they can do without ruffling too many feathers is to limit who comes on board from now on. At least they can build a firebreak and contain the worst of the damage.

Cutting off free users abruptly from their notes is bound to lead to push-back and mistrust by most of those directly affected and by at least some that aren't directly affected. It's a calculated tradeoff that I think Bending Spoons was willing to make.

I have about 10 notebooks, and about 21 notes, and now I can't create either because my notebooks are over their limit. It's nice that I haven't lost anything, but being suddenly unable to make additional notes is frustrating.

In your case, I wonder if you can use tags instead of notebooks. Select all the notes in each notebook and then add a tag with the same name as the notebook. Then move all the notes to one notebook and delete the remaining 10 notebooks. That will buy you a little bit of time to better figure out where you go from here.

Agreed. The published pricing policy is absolutely misleading. Out of the whole bunch of free note-taking apps available. incl. Joplin, OneNote etc., only Evernote chose to block users from creating new notes and simultaneously notify them of the policy change, which is usually regarded as non-sense akin betrayal.

That's what I'm working on right now, actually. Just tagging notes and beginning to reorganize things as I don't really have much of a choice. I looked at a few different note options. Obsidian seems to be a good choice, but local only. I tried a few others, but thus far nothing I've found has the Notebook>Notes functionality. 2351a5e196

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