Recently I wrote here about an issue I encountered where multi level sub domains (eg: don't work over HTTPS with origin certificates because they only support 1 level subdomains. Now I wonder if I get a edge certificate (which is supposed to work with multi level subdomains) can I replace the origin cert with edge cert? Will everything work or do I need to do something else?

Perhaps the most common request we heard was "I love your Universal SSL product, but how can I use it on my website in a way that the certificate shows my domain name instead of And how can I prevent the certificate from being shared with other customers (all without upgrading my plan)?".

How To Download Edge Certificate From Cloudflare

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A customer owning the domain would have shared certificate with a name like under Universal SSL, but their own certificate with Dedicated SSL Certificates.

Unlike custom certificates that you acquire and upload yourself, Dedicated Certificates free you from the complexity and monotony of safely generating and storing private keys; crafting certificate signing requests (CSRs); requesting, downloading, and building certificate chains; and regularly renewing and re-installing certificates on your server. Why risk letting a certificate expire and show errors to users, or not reissuing your key pair fast enough when the next Heartbleed pops up?

Not a problem. Simply delete the certificate from the Edge Certificates card on the Crypto tab in your dashboard and re-order it. You will not be prompted for payment again unless you explicitly cancel the subscription from the Subscriptions page.

Heya, I have recently purchased my VPS and it's currently running portainer and traefik. This is also working through cloudflare. So as shown in the title traefik is currently displaying letsencrypt certificates instead of my cloudflare origin certificate. This is my first time trying this so please forgive me if I'm making some silly mistake.

The expected outcome here for me would to have the cloudflare origin certificate show in the certificate viewer as opposed to the letsencrypt one. Not to sure what it is I'm doing wrong here any help is greatly appreciated!

Hey thanks for your swift reply, I have since been bashing my head against a brick wall and have come to the following conclusion. I removed literally everything about letsencrypt from my server. Yet it was still using it. So with that being said I changed my log level to DEBUG to see what was going on. Turns out traefik is not finding my default certificate therefore uses the traefik default generated one.

I have a very similar setup and it seems to work fine.

Are you using the orange cloud option in the dns settings?

You used a certificate generated from the 'origin server' option on cloudflares SSL/TLS option right? I used and .pem and .key file. I didn't see a .crt file option there.

Do you have a univeral certificate for your domain and wildcards in the 'Edge Certificates' section of the same cloudflare menu? This is the certificate that CF would serve when visiting your site.

Have you tried clearing the site cache and putting your domain into 'development' mode on cloudflare?

I feel like this is a cloudflare issue and not a traefik issue. I think the cloudflare certificate will be served regardless of what traefik is doing. The origin cert is for traefik -> cloudflare traffic (needed for strict ssl mode).

image1038255 12.3 KB

I'm aware of what a cloudflare origin certificate is for, the problem here is that's not displaying in the browser, here's what my edge certs on cloudflare look like atm:

Screenshot 2022-10-30 at 6.13.27 pm21141340 261 KB

That makes no sense at all? Why tf would cloudflare give me half a certificate?? I have followed instructions to the letter to create a cloudflare origin certificate, also what I got is the same as what's shown in tutorials online.

That's something different than "Universal SSL". Universal SSL manages the type of certificates used by Cloudflare, "SSL Strict" is a so called (by Cloudflare) "encryption mode" which handles the traffic between Cloudflare and the origin server. See Encryption modes  Cloudflare SSL/TLS docs for more information. Also, "Strict" might not be available for you, as it's restricted to "Enterprise zones". For most Cloudflare uses, "Full (strict)" is the maximum mode available. And even with the previously mentioned "Strict", Cloudflare doesn't use the origin servers cert for incoming connections on their edge server, only for the connection between Cloudflare and the origin.

I found the directions in the wiki, but they are lacking information on how the /boot/config/ssl/certs/hostname_unraid_bundle.pem file should be structured. 

I get separate Certificate, Key & CA files from Cloudflare and I need to combine them into the _unraid_bundle.pem

Also, cloudflare gives me certificates for "Edge", "Origin" and "Client", I'm using the "Origin" certificate.

I did get it working, but I'm not using the cloudflare cert. I'm using a letsencrypt certificate. I use ACME on pfsense to automatically generate it, then I use RSYNC once a month to copy that to my unraid server. (Could also have it generated on your server using various methods)

From there I have the certs installed on unraid using this script I made:


In case anyone stumbles upon it later on:

The Cloudflare certificates only work for Cloudflare services. Theyre not "real" certificates. They only work between your service and the servers of cloudflare.

ZeroSSL or LetsEncrypt are the way to go.

These kind of certificates are not intended on systems facing end users (i.e. browsers). They are only intended to secure the communication between your origin server and Cloudflare. Typical end users will not have the "Cloudflare Origin CA" as a trusted CA in their browser and thus they will get a TLS error when connecting to your origin server - and this is thus what you get. But typical end users should not connect to the origin server in the first place - they should connect to the Cloudflare instance instead. Only Cloudflare itself should connect to the origin server and they will acknowledge their own CA as trusted.

The second problem here is that CloudFlare Origin CA Certificate is not meant to be used for client-server connection. It's purpose is to encrypt connection between Cloudflare edge and your origin only. You can think of it as a self-signed certificate. This is the reason for the error you're seeing.

does any one have any idea on how to download a bundle certificate or separate certificate(device,intermediate,root) and key from cloudflare? these are needed to generate a chain for our guest captive portal on ISE but the only ones i see from cloudflare are edge certificate, client certificate, origin server which, i think, are not the correct certs.

Click Next and you will see a dialog with the Origin Certificate and Private key. You need to transfer both the origin certificate and private key from CloudFlare to your server.

In the next section, you will set up Authenticated Origin Pulls to verify that your origin server is indeed talking to Cloudflare and not some other server. By doing so, Nginx will be configured to only accept requests which use a valid client certificate from Cloudflare and requests which have not passed through CloudFlare will be dropped.

I have set up step 3 exactly as directed in instructions and am still recieving the 400 Bad request page. I have even downloaded the certificate directly from Cloudflare and used it. Has anyone else had any troubles with this step, and maybe has a solution? I would appreciate any help, thanks!

Let's Encrypt (LE) is a Certificate Authority (CA) that signs and ensures that your certificates are genuine to encrypt the connection between the clients and your server. The best part is that by using LE, you are taking advantage of the ACME protocol that provides you with autorenewals of your certificates. You could use a self-signed certificate, but there are disadvantages to that. You can use Let's Encrypt from Traefik to minimize set up effort.

As a note, the default method used for ACME authentication by the Let's Encrypt client utilizes the DVSNI method. This will fail for a domain which has Cloudflare enabled as we terminate SSL (TLS) at our edge and the ACME server will never see the certificate the client presents at the origin. Using alternate ACME validation methods, such as DNS or HTTP will complete successfully when Cloudflare is enabled.

Browser throws ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when accessing a service: If you deployed using CloudFlare's DNS servers and set CF to 'Flexible mode' then you will incurr in this error. This is because you have https from the client to the CF proxy, and forced http between the CF proxy and the server (forced by CF). As Traefik was configured with an http-to-https redirection itself, this will cause an infinite loop of redirects. In order to solve this issue, you need to set CF to Full encryption mode, and even without LE (using Traefik's self signed certificate) your website/application is now accessible.

Browser throws ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH when accessing a service: I ran into this error because the "edge certificates" (the certificates sitting at CloudFlare's proxy) did not have the same coverage for the routes I was setting up with Traefik.

This integration means end-users will see the SSL certificate installed through WP Engine when visiting your website, rather than a shared or dedicated Cloudflare SSL certificate. The SSL integration between the Global Edge Security product and WP Engine is automatic, and ensures your website is encrypted from end-to-end.

This will pop a dialog up that will give you some options, Private key type, a list of hostnames that you want the certificate to cover and the certificate Validity for this guide you can leave all the defaults and click Next. The reason it's ok to use the 15 year certificate is because this is effectively a self-signed certificate that only the Cloudflare servers are going to trust and is used for the sole purpose of end to end security, traffic should not be hitting this from anywhere else then Cloudflare, if you feel more comfortable selecting a shorter period you can go ahead, just know you will need to cycle the certificate more frequently. The edge certificate shown to your user will still rotate with a shorter validity period e24fc04721

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