GenBank  is the NIH genetic sequence database, anannotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences(Nucleic Acids Research, 2013 Jan;41(D1):D36-42). GenBank is part of theInternational Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration,which comprises the DNA DataBank of Japan (DDBJ), the EuropeanNucleotide Archive (ENA), and GenBank at NCBI. These threeorganizations exchange data on a daily basis.

A GenBank release occurs every two months and is available from theftp site. The release notesfor the current version of GenBank providedetailed information about the release and notifications of upcomingchanges to GenBank. Release notes for previous GenBank releasesare also available. GenBank growthstatistics for both the traditional GenBank divisionsand the WGS division are available from each release.

How To Download Dna Sequence From Ncbi


The GenBank database is designed to provide and encourage accesswithin the scientific community to the most up-to-date andcomprehensive DNA sequence information. Therefore, NCBI places norestrictions on the use or distribution of the GenBank data. However,some submitters may claim patent, copyright, or other intellectualproperty rights in all or a portion of the data they havesubmitted. NCBI is not in a position to assess the validity of suchclaims, and therefore cannot provide comment or unrestrictedpermission concerning the use, copying, or distribution of theinformation contained in GenBank.

The most important source of new data for GenBank is direct submissions from a variety of individuals, including researchers, using one of our submission tools. Following submission, data are subject to automated and manual processing to ensure data integrity and quality and are subsequently made available to the public. On rare occasions, data may be removed from public view. More details about this process can be found on the NLM GenBank and SRA Data Processing.

Some authors are concerned that the appearance of their data in GenBank prior to publication will compromise their work. GenBank will, upon request, withhold release of new submissions for a specified period of time. However, if the accession number or sequence data appears in print or online prior to the specified date, your sequence will be released. In order to prevent the delay in the appearance of published sequence data, we urge authors to inform us of the appearance of the published data. As soon as it is available, please send the full publication data--all authors, title, journal, volume, pages and date--to the following address:

If you are submitting human sequences to GenBank, do not include anydata that could reveal the personal identity of the source. GenBankassumes that the submitter has received any necessary informed consentauthorizations required prior to submitting sequences.

An accession number in bioinformatics is a unique identifier given to a DNA or protein sequence record to allow for tracking of different versions of that sequence record and the associated sequence over time in a single data repository. Because of its relative stability, accession numbers can be utilized as foreign keys for referring to a sequence object, but not necessarily to a unique sequence. All sequence information repositories implement the concept of "accession number" but might do so with subtle variation.

Please read the NLM GenBank and SRA Data Processing document which describes how sequence data are processed and made available to the public, responsibilities of the data submitter, responsibilities of NCBI, and defines data status. You may write to if you have questions about your submitted data or if you have questions about the document.

NCBI's reference sequence (RefSeq) database ( ) is a curated non-redundant collection of sequences representing genomes, transcripts and proteins. The database includes 3774 organisms spanning prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses, and has records for 2,879,860 proteins (RefSeq release 19). RefSeq records integrate information from multiple sources, when additional data are available from those sources and therefore represent a current description of the sequence and its features. Annotations include coding regions, conserved domains, tRNAs, sequence tagged sites (STS), variation, references, gene and protein product names, and database cross-references. Sequence is reviewed and features are added using a combined approach of collaboration and other input from the scientific community, prediction, propagation from GenBank and curation by NCBI staff. The format of all RefSeq records is validated, and an increasing number of tests are being applied to evaluate the quality of sequence and annotation, especially in the context of complete genomic sequence.

The first complete genome sequence of the current monkeypox virus (MPXV) outbreak (isolate name MPXV_USA_2022_MA001) is now available with accession ON563414 in GenBank, a public database of DNA sequences hosted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

Several cases of monkeypox have been identified in geographically widespread countries. Monkeypox is classified as a zoonotic disease where transmission of the virus is usually due to animal-human contact. Genetically, monkeypox viruses cluster into two groups: the Congo basin and the west African clade. This particular outbreak has been identified as due to a virus from the west African clade which is often associated with milder disease and, in this case, human-to-human spread is suspected.

Having viral genome data freely and widely available in GenBank enables researchers to explore how this virus differs from viruses isolated and sequenced in the past. This new genome sequence, produced from a Massachusetts isolate, was submitted to GenBank by the Division of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is most similar to monkeypox virus genomes collected from a small international outbreak in 2017-18 (see Figure 1), and only differs from one of these sequences, MT903343.1, by fewer than 100 out of over 197,000 nucleotide bases.

Figure 1: Phylogenomic tree of monkeypox virus genomes. Representative monkeypox virus genomes were selected from both the Congo basin and the west African clades. Nucleotide sequences were aligned with MAFFT (FFT-NS-2, v. 7.450), the phylogeny was built with the IQ-TREE v. 1.6.12 web server, and the consensus tree was visualized with the iTOL v. 6.5.6 web server. The tree scale is shown as expected number of substitutions per site.

If you have monkeypox virus sequences to submit, please include at least the collection date and location, and the sequencing methodology in as much detail as possible. Learn more about submitting viral sequences.

The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) finds regions of similarity between sequences. The program compares nucleotide or protein sequences and calculates the statistical significance of matches. BLAST can be used to infer functional and evolutionary relationships between sequences as well as help identify members of gene families.

View the Descriptions tab to see a list of significant alignments. Note that the first match is a synthetic construct (that is, the sequence was computationally derived and is not associated with any organism):

This will search for nucleic acid sequences from humans with the word "mitochondrion" in the title. Mitochondrial DNA is often used in evolutionary comparisons because it is inherited only through the maternal lineage and changes very slowly.

Limit the results to NCBI Reference Sequences by selecting the RefSeq limit under Source databases in the left-hand Filter menu. These are high-quality sequences that have been curated and annotated by NCBI staff.

To compare sequences, check the box next to Align two or more sequences under the Query Sequence box. To BLAST the modern human mitochondrial genome sequence (NC_012920.1) against the subject sequences of Neanderthal (NC_011137.1) and Denisovan (NC_013993.1), move the latter two accession numbers from the Query Sequence box into the Subject Sequence box using copy and paste.

You should see two results, in which the query sequence (modern human) is compared to one of the subject sequences, Neanderthal or Denisovan. Note that the query sequence is 99% similar to the Neanderthal sequence, and 98% similar to the Denisovan sequence.

Click on the name of the first result (Homo sapiens neanderthalis). You should see a base-by-base comparison of the two sequences in two lines. The top line is the query sequence (modern human). In the second line, representing the subject sequence (ancient human), bases where the subject sequence is identical to the query sequence are replaced by dots, and bases where the subject sequence differs from the query sequence appear in red.

Scroll down to the first coding sequence (CDS). The CDS regions are displayed in four lines: the first line shows the amino acid translation for the query sequence (modern human) on the second line. The third line is the subject sequence (ancient human), and the one below shows the amino acid translation for the subject sequence.

Note that there are two additional amino acids, M (methionine) and P (proline), at the beginning of the protein sequence in modern humans compared to Neanderthal. This is due to the substitution of T (thymine) at position 3308 in the modern human sequence for C (cytosine) in the analogous position in the Neanderthal sequence.

Note as well that the substitution of A (adenine) at position 3334 in the modern human sequence for G (guanine) in the Neanderthal sequence results in an amino acid difference in the protein sequences. In the modern human protein sequence an I (isoleucine) replaces a V (valine) present in the Neanderthal protein sequence.

To investigate the biological significance of this change, go to the Amino Acid Explorer. In the left-hand menu, use the Compare tool to see what effects a change from V to I might have. Look at both the text and graphics comparisons. Does this seem to be a conservative mutation (that is, one that results in little or no change in protein structure or function) or a non-conservative mutation (that is, one that results in a significant change in protein structure or function)? 006ab0faaa

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