I do not normally play in betas or PTR servers. It is simply not my jam. But I make an exception when it comes to Diablo betas and that history goes back to the Diablo 2 Beta. I randomly got a key in my inbox and was super stocked.

So this was a beta, so I expected to play a beta version of the game, and not some polished finished product. Other than a queue time at launch (if you did not see that coming, you are new to Blizzard games), I had no bugs, glitches or anything. 

My game ran above 100 frames per second with everything maxed. Granted, it is a new machine but it looks like the game will play great on even older gear. This a breath of fresh air coming from a slew of poorly PC optimized AAA titles.

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So in D4 you will see other players. They will be in towns, they will be in outside zones where big bosses are and they will be at small events outside. I can happily say that I saw much fewer people than I had feared, but they were still there. And for me, Diablo is a single-player game that I want to play with myself or with friends that I decide to play with. If I wanted randos running around emoting, I would play an MMO.

And D4 very much felt like an MMO lite when I tackled that world boss in the beta. A bunch of people running around, not knowing what the hell was up. While great fun a few times, I dread that it will become a core part of the D4 end game. I just want a toggle for wether or not I want to see other people in my game!

This is still one of my biggest fears. Blizzard has said that you will not see a lot of people, but no one has seen this game on launch. 

Will I see other people every 5 minutes? Every 10? Getting that balance right is crucial for me and could potentially wreck this game for me. It experiences have been different from region to region in the beta.

I had the opportunity to participate in the Diablo 4 beta, and I have to say, I was left incredibly disappointed. As a long-time fan of the series, I was eagerly anticipating this new installment, but my experience with the beta has left me feeling let down.

I am told that the "paragon system" is a massive skilltree with multiple trees to choose from to each class, and that it starts at lvl 50. If its really true that this skill tree has a lot of impact and improve the gameplay, I feel it was a massive mistake to not at least show it in the beta, or at least partially. This skill tree should be available right from the early levels I think if its whats supposed to push variety and builds. I was lvl 25 and I already felt I had every tools I could have.

After many, many years of waiting, the public had its first chance to play Diablo 4 during the open beta in March, and there was much rejoicing. If you weren't lucky enough to have playtime to spare that weekend, don't worry: Blizzard's running another playtest to stress-test their server setup. The Diablo 4 "Server Slam" playtest begins on Friday, May 12.

Like the open beta, the Server Slam will be limited to the Fractured Peaks, one of five regions that make up Diablo 4's open world. All five classes will be playable. The prologue and first act of the game takes place in the snowy, mountainous zone and eventually leads you to Kyovashad, the capital city. The level cap will be set at 20 this time instead of the 25 from past beta weekends, with some earnable cosmetic Diablo 4 beta rewards on offer for reaching level 20 and for killing the Ashava world boss.

After playing the first beta period, we've got a lot of feelings. Some of us feel Blizzard is back in their old form, others are convinced that skill trees are great, actually, and one was prepared not to like this new Diablo but was brought around by an ass-kicking from The Butcher.

Diablo 4's first beta playtests ran in March 2023. Players who had pre-purchased Diablo 4 had early access to the beta playtest from March 17-19. The open beta was playable for everyone during the following weekend, from March 24-26.

Throughout both the open beta and early access weekends, you can experience the first moments of Diablo IV, playing through the Prologue and entirety of Act 1. To get you fully immersed in all the gruesome and glorious elements of Sanctuary, the entire first zone, Fractured Peaks, will be yours to explore. From traversing the rugged landscape to slaying demons with furious might, this will be your chance to adventure through the Mortal Realm and behold what horrors await.

This is your opportunity to combat the might of the Burning Hells before the game releases on June 6 on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Pre-order your copy of Diablo IV today on the Xbox Store to get in on all the excitement of the open beta next month!

Note: The availability and launch dates of the beta are subject to change and the minimum duration of the open beta will be two days for a limited time. A Battle.net account will also be required to play.

I levelled my way up to about level 13 before calling it a day (the beta allows you to max your character out to Level 25 and experience most of the first Act of the game). Despite not playing any of the Diablo expansions in any of the main iterations, I was still able to follow the plot and the game satisfies my basic understading of Diablo lore. I ended up focusing on rapid fire and a caltrop skill which allowed me to setup a trap to slow down enemies while simultaneously leaping back from it. It was rather useful and in most situations, I didn't have any issues. I was playing on the easiest difficulty though so that also may have had something to do with it.

Performance wise, the game was running pretty poorly. I'm hoping the reason for that is simply because it's an open beta and they haven't ironed out all the bugs yet but it's only a couple of months before release so there's not much time left. I was experiencing a lot of stuttering and freezing (which eventually resulted in disconnects) so I thought maybe the reason it was doing that was because the game was on the SSD. After switching the game files from my HDD to my SSD, the stuttering did seem to reduce in frequency but the freezing still occurred, so I'm not really sure what is causing that. Again, I hope it's just a lack of optimisation and not a permanent issue.

One more thing to note in this Diablo 4 Beta Guide is that you should maximize your time in the upcoming Diablo 4 Server Slam beta period. Blizzard is already implementing some of the greatly-requested fixes and improvements,

This is what awaits everyone this weekend (March 24-26) as the Diablo IV open beta invites players to once again join the battle between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells. Choose your hero (Barbarian, Sorceress, Druid, Rogue, or Necromancer) and prepare to face Hell\u2019s worst.

Diablo IV may have gone gold, but Blizzard wants to ensure the servers are durable one more time before launch. Thus, it's opening the gates of Sanctuary to players one more time in a third open beta next month.

This next test weekend, dubbed Server Slam weekend, begins May 12 at 12 p.m. Pacific and ends May 14 at the same time. As the name suggests, Blizzard is running this beta to stress test the servers to make sure they're as sturdy as possible come June. This slice of the game is similar to the March betas in terms of content, but it will include updates and bug fixes garnered from feedback to the previous betas.

Server Slam weekend will be a clean slate as progression from the previous betas does not carry over. Additionally, the beta supports couch co-op, cross-play, and cross-progression. Players can explore Fractured Peaks in its entirety through the Prologue and Act 1, complete World Events, and face Ashava, the toughest available World Boss. Completing challenges can earn the following new rewards:

Players can also opt to play with friends in a party, which grants 10% extra bonus experience during the beta. Notably, this can be done either online or couch co-op with other players. Diablo IV beta players can also optimize their character builds to make them more effective at eliminating the hordes of demons swarming across Sanctuary.

Regardless, Diablo 4 is certainly a good time. The game improves upon Diablo 3 and Diablo Immortal in some pretty notable ways, though questions remain about the future of its MMO elements. Even still, you should absolutely try the beta if you get the chance to do so.

The Barbarian, on the other hand, felt a little weak in the beta, and I hope Blizzard takes the note from the beta that melee combat in general could use a buff. The second or so it takes to get close to an enemy is often not worth the trouble when a Rogue could have easily killed them from a distance by the time you get there. Still, being able to withstand a ton of damage and run around as a shirtless, hulking berserker is still a lot of fun, especially since the character creator mandates that all Berserkers have the body type of Dave Bautista.

After the calamitous debut of Diablo 3 way back in 2012, it\u2019s understandable if you\u2019re a little nervous about the upcoming launch of Diablo 4 this June. But after more than a decade of gradual improvement that has transformed Diablo 3 into the fantastic game it is today, the first beta weekend of Diablo 4 has reassured me that Blizzard has been making good use of those hard-learned lessons for its sequel. Even though this beta weekend only included a level-capped Act 1 and three of the classes, so far it has exceeded my expectations in almost every way. There\u2019s still a huge amount to see before we get anywhere close to a final review, but I\u2019m already impressed by stellar dark storytelling, the best combat in a Diablo game to date, and a live-service foundation that aims to chart out a strong future for the beloved ARPG. Running around as a squad of four and slaying enemies as my ultra deadly and sneaky rogue has been an absolute blast, and I can\u2019t wait to dive back in this weekend. e24fc04721

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