(I have long-term ambitions to do a version of "Castaways" in BoS - slavishly copying the briefings and mission designs from the original campaign... With a little imagination, it might be possible... The player and the legendary Randy stuck behind enemy lines somewhere near V. Luki, perhaps...)

Thank you, Samson! I am not sure, if this expansion pack was available in Germany, as I have no memory of this cover art. Anyway. Meanwhile, between the last two posts, I have played the first two missons of your campaign and I have to say - great! Very immersive! Good storytelling, Not too easy, not too difficult. And the music after landing... very cool and authentic!!! I hope you continue with creating such scripted campaigns! (One last word: I really liked you skins in the old IL2 days ;-)

How To Download Cold War Campaign

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://shurll.com/2yGbjc 🔥

Samson, thank you so much for all your hard work, I'm really looking forward to having a go at this . What a great community of enthusiasts, To you, and all the "Skinners", my thanks for adding to a great "Sim".

Edit: I just downloaded the campaign and opened the files to have a look. One of the things that made the original campaign so enjoyable was the well written briefings. I noticed the ones that come with this campaign seem to have been created with some sort of translation program and are quite strange in English. Would you find it useful to have the original eng briefing files or be interested in allowing a native English speaker to alter them for you?

In my second mission "At Mojaisk" , after flying a few minutes, my framerate suddenly drops, from 90 to 35. The game begins to stutter, and enventually it chrashes to desktop. What might be the problem?

I had this problem too....took me a while to figure out how to get around it...not sure what is causing this but what I did was after taking off and the last wing man is in the air I immediately turn back towards the airfield and fly the return route to the action point...avoiding all way points. and staying far away form the area where the game crashed....for me it was always the same area...about half way between the first and second way point....But by doing it this way I was able to complete the mission.......after several tries of course..... .....not a solution but a workaround....how it helps.

Yes for me it goes form mid 50;s to mid 20;s then to the teens and crashes..granted I do not have the best rig but outside of that area on the second mission I have had no problems with the other missions....other than dying a lot....

Sorry for that. Though, if one day a thought flies into your head to give this campaign another chance, it's good to know that due to report at russian forum (yeah, the same) I've localized more or less the problem and "cut off" possible bugmaker. Further tests to be done.

Link at first post refreshed.

I am trying to create a google sheets spreadsheet to track my companies cold email campaigns. We are sending out two different variations of the email based on deal research details. We send out the emails as a one to one sales email activity either through hubspot or through our client.

I know you can view this in a contact record timeline but the timeline is cluttered with other activities which are great to have but we are trying to view our cold email campaigns in a standardized/ simplistic way.

You might not get the exact visualization for outreach reporting that you were looking for but the information would be all there. It would allow you to track, analyze and optimize your cold email efforts.

@ASilverstein4 could the emails be set up as Automated Emails and sent via a Workflow? This would also help keep the sending source the same so all your analytics stay togther. You should then be able to export the data you want for each of these emails.

A cold email is a message you send to a contact with whom you have no prior relationship. Cold emails have a legitimate business purpose and make relevant offers to targeted prospects (which differentiates cold email from spam).

The purpose is the same between a cold email and cold call, but email is much easier to scale for the sender and far less intrusive for recipients. Because of this, prospects are more receptive to a series of cold emails than to repeated cold calls.

Like advertising, the aim of cold marketing email is to introduce your company or product to a targeted recipient (or ad viewer) and persuade them to respond or buy. However, compared to advertising, email outreach is far more cost effective and often more precisely targeted.

There are many types of cold email campaigns. While B2B sales emails comprise the majority of outreach emails, businesses also use mass emails for public relations, community awareness, brand engagement among consumers, networking and influencing within their sector, persuading other businesses to collaborate with their company, hunting for jobs, recruiting candidates for jobs, or building links to boost SEO for specific content.

No. When done right, cold email is not spam. Though a cold message and spam message are both types of an unsolicited email, cold emails are targeted, personal, and relevant. They have a legitimate business purpose and come from a verifiable source.

Woodpecker offers a cold email tool, a sales automation suite, and an agency management platform. They operate on a model where you pay-per-contact and your emails go to a standalone inbox. Some of the features that are standard on most cold email platforms (like A/B testing or an API integration) are paid add-ons.

At its most powerful, this connection is something you have in common, like a referral from a friend. You may never have met before, but your old colleague Mark vouches for you and says the two of you should meet.

For more on crafting high-quality cold email subject lines that generate clicks, including over 40 examples for half a dozen scenarios, read 43 Cold Email Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened Instantly (and When to Use Them).

The message should look and feel as much like a personal email from a friend or colleague as it possibly can. And that starts with making sure to use your personal email (which can be your professional [email protected] email address) and your name.

When you want to introduce your product or service to a potential customer for the first time, rather than paragraphs explaining your features and benefits, open with a short sales email that tells them something useful.

If you remember this one thing, it will make writing your emails easier because when you focus on what matters to the recipient, it will affect both your perspective as a cold emailer and the success of your content.

For more tips on writing high-quality cold emails that convert, read 6 Ways to Write Highly Effective Cold Emails That Get Responses. (Also look back at the Adam Grant email from earlier in this guide for even more ideas.)

Some campaigns (and/or their follow-ups) may go out over the course of multiple days. In those cases, you might want to skip sending on Saturdays and Sundays. With GMass and some other platforms, you can choose to skip weekends on your campaigns.

One alternative: Create a custom tracking domain. It can be good for deliverability. And that way, when people mouse over your links, at least the link preview on the bottom of the screen will show them your domain.

Following up is a critical step to effective cold emails that many people overlook. It has less to do with the crafting of your cold emails and more to do with how to approach the task of cold email outreach.

Most marketers start with lower return rates and maintaining marketing consistency and persistently fine-tune and test the elements of their mass emails, they can continually raise their response rates.

On a side note that missions in the campaign are broken and win for the most part is unachievable (as most triggers are illogical and broken), the SU-25 is used as a "kamikaze dive bomber" (like it was misused in Angolan war, except the kamikaze part), the resources in the mission are not used to their full extent (map is filled with useless flights and assets that amount to nothing) and the fact that it takes a painfully long amount of time to fly to the mission frontline just to be destroyed by ridiculous amounts of AA, the cold war "warrior" campaign is the only one currently available for SU-25A.

Seeing as the aircraft has a long history of military service, it would be nice to have an actually flyable campaign for it. ED made several for A-10s and KA-50s, whilst most other flyable aircraft that were around for ages are just "sitting in the hangars", even the FC3 ones. The campaigns are 2004-ish, with little to no changes. I remember some of them from Lock-On, way back.

I've finished about half of the campaign (before DCS broke my save file...) and I've had no trouble with the triggers or missions not completing. The triggers are in fact pretty liberal - no need to completely wreck the target group. As long as I bloodied them a bit, it was mission accomplished.

Besides adding to the immersion and realism of - again - a total war scenario, those unit serve an important purpose. They force you to actually do some thinking and planning before you take off. Otherwise you're going to shoot at something you're not supposed to shoot at, or blunder over a Gepard. 152ee80cbc

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