Lahore's Chughtai Lab on Saturday night posted a statement, clarifying its position on what it called was an attempt to target former premier Nawaz Sharif through "mockery by using insulting remarks in an amendment to his medical reports".

Social media, particularly Twitter, remained abuzz on Saturday about an apparently altered medical report of PML-N's supreme leader. An image of a lab test report bearing patient identity number 13001-19-104183295 and name M Nawaz was circulating on social media. In the image, someone had replaced the residential address on the report with a phrase saying, "Please return Pakistan's looted money and freely live anywhere. Regards @endlessquest92."

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A large number of people, particularly PML-N workers and supporters, used hashtag #BoycottChughtaiLab to record their protest against the incident. Many started raising questions upon the credibility of medical reports from Chughtai Lab, saying that if one part of the report could be altered, so could the rest.

The lab further clarified that patient results can be accessed on their servers by using patient identity information that is printed on lab reports. "That is why photos of lab reports should not be shared on social media," it added.

In its press release, the lab administration made it clear that they are not associated with any political party. The lab also vowed to take steps to further strengthen the security of online reports to avoid record tampering in the future.

Objective:  To report the results of a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial with a temporarily implanted nitinol device (iTind; Medi-Tate Ltd, Hadera, Israel) compared to sham for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia.

In March 2019, he traveled to Laos for about 1 month to visit a friend there. No special activities or suspicious contact was reported except that he had some barbecue with local friends during that time. After his return to China, he presented with a 4-month history of weakness and poor appetite, unintentional weight loss of 5 kg (body weight at baseline was 52 kg), and a 1-month history of occasional nonproductive cough with hemoptysis (about 100 mL). He received antituberculosis treatment at a local clinic in July 2019, but stopped treatment a week later because of nausea. He was afebrile, and had a persistent cough and increasing weakness.

Talaromyces marneffei is a disease which is mostly prevalent in Southeast Asia and southern China.12 Some sporadic cases have been reported among Europeans, Americans, Africans, Singaporeans, and Koreans residing or traveling in the endemic areas.13 Although we still could not out the possibility of T. marneffei in live donor renal, we believed that the inhalation of conidiophores of T. marneffei was the primary mode of transmission in our case, as he developed symptoms after a trip to Laos. The most common reported symptoms of T. marneffei infection were fever, cough, and weight loss. Hemoptysis, although not a common symptom, had been reported in a previous study.13

This page has general information about campaign finance reports. It is not legal advice or a comprehensive list of campaign finance laws. We recommend candidates seek legal counsel to ensure compliance.

If you are a potential candidate and you raise or spend more than $750 in a calendar year, submit your Initial Report. You will continue reporting until you qualify to submit your Final Report for that campaign. You do not need to report until you raise or spend more than $750.

Chughtai Lab Report Online- Chughtai Lab is a well establish laboratory. It is one of the most reliable sources that patient and doctors choose. It also provides a facility to download and check Dow Lab report online. It has created costumer value by providing high-end services. It is serving from 1983 and have given the 35 years of excellence to the country. They have expanded their network throughout Pakistan.

When talk about the Chughtai laboratories and collection centers in Pakistan; you will find them in almost all major cities. From these labs you can easily collect the physical copy of your test report.

Dr. Abrar has excellent skills in field research, statistical analysis and report writing. His research interests include infectious diseases epidemiology and control, personal protective equipment, vaccine preventable diseases and surveillance. He is an emerging leader in research on personal protective equipment (PPE), particularly on facemasks. His most important research contributions have been to examine the role of facemask in resource limited settings. His research is focused on policy and practice around masks and respirators, and he has published extensively in this area. Since 2012, he has co-authored more than 40 publications that were instrumental in the development and or modification of national and international infection control policies. His research particularly contributed to the development of recommendations regarding facemask use in low resource countries.

White KM; Kwedza RK; Seale H; Harrison R, 2021, 'Investigating the system effect of reporting multidisciplinary care measures for cancer services in New South Wales, Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 21, -021-07050-7

Abdi I; Murphy B; Seale H, 2020, 'Evaluating the health literacy demand and cultural appropriateness of online immunisation information available to refugee and migrant communities in Australia', Vaccine, 38, pp. 6410 - 6417,

In recent years, new intravaginal support devices for stress urinary incontinence have been introduced to the market. Although studies have demonstrated their safety and efficacy, few studies have examined adverse events attributed to their use. The objective of this study was to characterize reported adverse events for an over-the-counter intravaginal support device and determine whether further medical treatment was necessary to manage the adverse event.

A total of 257 reports were included for analysis. The most common reported adverse event was related to the string of the device, which broke with either removal or insertion of the device (230 of 257 [89.5%]). The majority of patients who required medical attention (133 of 257 [51.8%]) were evaluated and managed in the office setting (85 of 133 [63.9%]), whereas 37% (95 of 257) of patients were able to self-treat.

Most complications attributed to device use were self-managed or managed in the outpatient setting. No emergent hospitalizations or deaths were attributed to their use, supporting their generally low-risk profile and high tolerability. Limitations of this review include the inability to decipher a denominator for these reported adverse events and the potential bias attributed to voluntary consumer reporting.

This material was put online April 2020 and revised May 2020.

This webpage is one portion of the greater exploration entitled "Cloth Face Masks: Merging Science & Home Remedies" that can be access at

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) belongs to the family Coronaviridae, comprising single-stranded RNA viruses that cause respiratory infections in humans. The outbreak of COVID-19, which started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, has spread to Southeast Asia, Europe, the United States, and across the world; the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global pandemic. Since January 19, 2020, when a Chinese woman infected with COVID-19 entered Korea from Wuhan, a total of 10,564 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been reported in Korea as of April 14, 2020. Some cases are asymptomatic, but many patients present with high fever, respiratory symptoms, and general fatigue. COVID-19 infections in high-risk groups, such as immunocompromised older adults with underlying conditions, can trigger acute respiratory distress syndrome, requiring ventilation therapy in the intensive care unit, and even death [1]. Head and neck surgeons may have to perform emergent or urgent tracheotomy before the results of the COVID-19 PCR test are available, such as in patients with acute epiglottitis, laryngeal cancer, trauma, or tracheal tumor. In this situation, it is essential to protect medical staff from nosocomial infection. As tracheotomy is a surgical opening in the trachea that exposes the airway, the surgeon faces the airway lumen during the procedure and is thus directly exposed to the droplets and aerosol particles generated when the cough reflex is triggered by tracheal stimulation during the procedure or due to the pressure applied by the mechanical ventilator. To protect medical staff from infection, appropriate training and facilities and protective equipment are required. Based on a review of our case report and previously published reports, in the following we provide a detailed protocol for protecting medical staff performing tracheotomy during the COVID-19 pandemic. 006ab0faaa

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