Maps: View a map that displays the temperature, precipitation, air quality, or wind conditions in the area. Tap the map to view it in full screen or to change the map view between temperature, precipitation, air quality, and wind. See View weather maps on iPhone.

Additional weather details: View additional weather information such as the UV index, wind, visibility, moon phases, and more. Tap a weather detail for more features and information specific to that detail.

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The weather APP 's weather report is always wrong for my location. Every morning, I check the weather for taking out my dog and it tells 100% rain within 1 hour but actually sunny ( I was wearing rain jacket and rain pants but not needed actually). My partner has iPhone 12 pro max and living with me. One day, I checked his weather and my weather and it was totally different.

Anyway why this app shows the wrong location's weather as my location? and even though my partner and I check the weather of my location at the same place and same time, why the weather report is different ? How can I fix?

Battery dies on my iPhone 6 in cold weather. Phone is about 15 months old, and dies from good battery 50% to 30% down to nothing and auto switch off. ON normal weather the battery is still very good and doesn't show sign of weakening on any normal day. But if it is cold outside, phone will dye in minutes if used outdoors. I first noticed when we went skiing around -5C (20-25F) and it was really bad there. But now it started doing it when it's around +5C (41F) shutting the phone down from 30% battery. When I plug it in, it immediately turns the phone back on and shows 25 or 35% remaining....

Probably just a wear and tear with a battery. Cold and hot weather does also matter to the battery. Check out this link : -performance/My iPhone 5 dies at 14%. Sometimes it shows that it has like 15% and all the sudden, the battery drains to 1%. You may considering changing out with a new battery very soon.

This is most likely the last iPhone I bought (I was loyal since 2007). I live in Switzerland and winter temperature in winter are around 0C and my iPhone 6s dies after a few minutes. My sons have androids phones and they enjoy a full day in cold weather. So instead of design I need a working phone. Apple has decided to run on the wrong horse and include too many gadgets instead of making a strong and reliable product.

I'm setting up the lockscreen on my new iPhone 12. While editing I saw that location services were off, but I set the widgets anyway intending to turn them on later. So on my lock screen my widgets were blank. I turned on location services under settings>privacy AND under "weather." Still blank. I returned to "wallpaper" to delete and re-add the widgets. NOW while editing I can see the local conditions in the widgets. (I couldn't before). So, good, right? Fixed! Wrong. The widgets on the lockscreen are still blank. I can see conditions for a split second when I first turn my screen on with the right side button but they go blank immediately. I have toggled location services off then back on, I have restarted the phone (waiting 30 seconds!). The iOS is up to date. What am I missing?

I'm having the same problem. I have iphone 4S and there's no "i" in the lower right hand corner, just a list. If I click on that I can then click on the "+" icon and get my city. But the next day if I check my weather it's back to Cupertino and my city is gone again. It's so annoying. I'm beginning to hate Cupertino.

Strange. I've set my own weather locations, not hard at all. And I don't have Cupertino either. I'm really surprised you haven't figured it out yet. Of course, you COULD read the manual ( _US/iphone_user_guide.pdf), but I guess nobody does that anymore. But it's pretty intuitive to most people. Open the app. Tap on the little icon in the lower right corner. Tap "+" to add a location, or swipe right to left on an existing entry to delete it. Then tap the location you want to view. You can scroll left and right through all of your locations.

In the default weahter app, I added several cities (Detroit, Seoul, Shanghai, etc) for the weather conditions but recently, I changed my mind that I need only the weather in my local city wherever I am.

One potential problem I think is.. I found that the default weather app uses yahoo's weather service. When I clicked the trademark on the app, it directed me to Yahoo Korea site (yes, I live in South Korea), but Yahoo Korea's service discontinued 12/31/2012. Maybe, this is the issue, Yahoo Korea's service discontinue is causing this issue?

I've had this problem for over two years now. Timjim.c the new ios7 doesn't make a difference. I have probably deleted my cities 20 times and they initially delete, but then days later when I open the weather app again it shows me the original five cities that I have deleted and it won't keep new ones that I added.

@LexSchellings I appreciate your advice on how to delete a city. However if you read the thread that is not the problem. We all know how to delete cities. In fact most days I go into the weather app and delete cities I don't want. The next day I come back and they have re-appeared. This happens on my iphone (my Apple ID) but if I borrow my wife's iphone and her Apple ID (both phones are on IOS7) I can remove cities from her weather app

Whenever I launch the native iPhone weather app, it fails to load weather information for my current location or any location I have saved. Nothing jumps out when viewing the query log, but when I disable pihole, suddenly the weather pops up.

after the recent IOS Update 13.1.3, my weather widget (Garmin pre-installed) does not get updated on my Fenix 5x PLus and also on my older Fenix 5. The connect app does react a bit strange in general regarding the location check as it uses a lot of background action as I can see in the battery info.

On the iphone X, I simply do not get weather updates. I tried unpairing, pairing again etc., nothing helps. As it happens on two watches, it is not watch related, but strange enough, it does also not happen on the iphone 7, there everything works normal, so it seems to an issue with the Connect App and the latest IOS version on the iPhone X.

I just got a FR 645M and the weather refuses to work on iOS with my iPhone X as well. Everything else works EXCEPT adding my Discover card to Garmin Pay (but another card, a Visa, works). That may be another IOS casualty...

Take the weather with you on your mobile phone! Wherever you are, you can get the local weather forecast from the National Weather Service with one click on your home screen. Bookmark to make sure that you have the latest weather news and information on the go.

WeatherKit is powered by the all-new Apple Weather service, a state-of-the-art global weather forecast that provides all of the data you need to power your app with timely, hyperlocal weather information. This enables your app to offer current weather conditions and 10-day hourly forecasts for temperature, precipitation, wind, UV Index, and more. Minute-by-minute precipitation for the next hour and severe weather alerts are available for select regions.

A weather app is just a weather app, right? Wrong. If you love your weather then the new iPhone app from The Weather Channel is for you. It doesn't just give the usual basic forecast for a location vaguely near you. This app tells you exactly what's happening right where you are, and includes the weather details that other apps leave out.

The major redesign means the app is really simple to use, with even the home screen displaying a background picture relevant to your location and weather. Tap on the circle to display the current conditions and then simply scroll down to reveal the hourly and 10 day forecasts.

Not only that, but if you've ever checked the forecast and then gone outside to find something completely different you can now do something about it. All you need to do is touch the relevant weather symbol to send the information back to The Weather Channel. You can even send weather pictures. The great thing about crowd-sourced weather is that the extra information will actually improve future weather forecasts, especially in those locations with their own micro-climates.

You can also share weather updates from the app on your favorite social media channels and through emails and texts. Click the arrow button on the lower left hand side of the app screen to get started!

Mine crapped out this morning. I got my town and dash dash degree sign. I deleted the locations I had and tried to re enter them. When I put in the town name, I get a blank screen, Nothing, nada, zilch. And before anyone tells me to restart anything, I did, phone, bluetooth, watch, fitbit app. In addition, I paired and unpaired, deleted the ionic from the app and re added it. Customer service suggested i uninstall and re-install the Weather app, But it doesn't give me the option. It just says install, there is no Uninstall button. So, no weather for me I guess.

I went outside and allowed the GPS to connect for a walk. When I was done I tried to get the weather app working on the watch it tells me no location information and to go to the app to set it up. On the app it has no location so I go in to try to get a location and no matter what I enter no cities seem to be available to choose? Am I doing something wrong?

For a couple of days after I got my Ionic, the weather app on the Ionic would update to match the town I was in, and I did not have to do anything special for that to happen, it was automatic (I did indicate that I wanted the current location weather when I initially set up the app on my phone in the Fitbit app). However today I noticed that it did not update, it kept it on my hometown even though I traveled to a different city a couple of hours away, and stayed in that city for about 5 hours. I checked it regularly to see if it would change. My phone showed the correct town, but this did not transfer over to the Ionic. Not sure if the latest firmware update changed something? 2351a5e196

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