Thank you very much for your advice. In fact, before I read your post, I had come up with an idea, namely, to utilize the export and import functions of Anki. This is what I did. First, I exported data files as .apkg (Anki deck package) Profile by Profile from Anki installed on Drive C. Then I imported these .apkg files Profile by Profile into Anki installed on Drive D. Because, immediately after launching Anki on Drive D via anki.bat, decks are empty, Anki shows the imported decks and cards exactly as before, i.e. when Anki was running on Drive C. All I had to do was to create or add Profiles in advance with the same names as before . The procedure sounds not at all smart, but it surely worked!

When you check the database, your tag list is also rebuilt. When youdelete individual decks or cards, Anki does not update the list of usedtags, as it's inefficient to do so. If you want to clear old tags outfrom the list that are no longer in use, checking your database is theway to do it.

How To Download Anki Deck From Google Drive

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A workflow you would typically use is to export your collectionfrom your mobile device and import it into the computer version, makemodifications (such as importing a shared deck you downloaded to yourcomputer), and then export your collection and import it back into yourmobile device.

Hello, I just made an Anki deck that has the FastBook end-of-chapter review questions (from computer vision chapters)! Right now, the backs of all the cards just have the chapter and questions numbers that the question comes from. I plan to slowly update the backs of the cards with answers as I review them. Here is a link to it on my Google Drive

In this article I will show you not just how to create an Anki deck from a spreadsheet but also offer some useful information and tips about Anki and show you a way to setup a useful spreadsheet format.

Note: Please buy a subscription from if you plan to use this deck. This will help you learn the content faster and you will be supporting quality videos at a reasonable price. This will also give you access to their own deck.

Allows you to choose from some convenient presets for studying outside of your normal schedule, for example increasing the study limit for the day. See the section on "filtered decks" for more detailed information.

This action enables or disables the whiteboard feature for the current deck. The whiteboard feature allows you to draw on the screen,which is particularly useful for practicing drawing characters from languages such as Japanese. When the whiteboard has been enabled for the current deck,two new actions will become available for clearing and hiding the whiteboard. Disabling the whiteboard will hide these actions as well as the whiteboard itself.

The browser screen starts by displaying all the cards in the currently selected deck. You can search for cards in the selected deckby tapping the magnifying glass icon in the top. You can change the selected deck (or change to all decks) by choosing the deck from thedropdown list on the top left.

If you have new cards on both sides which you want to keep,before syncing you can export a deck package for each deck containing new cards from AnkiDroid, then when you do the syncchoose "download" to download from AnkiWeb. After the synchronization has completed, you can import the decks you previously exported from AnkiDroid,as per the importing section.

The default of "Use current deck" means that Anki saves the last-used note type for each deckand selects it again then next time you choose the deck (and, in addition, will start with the current deck selected when choosingAdd from anywhere). The other option, "Decide by note type," saves the last-used deck for each note type(and opens the add window to the last-used note type when you choose Add). This may be more convenient if you always use a single notetype for each deck.

The card templates section of the Anki Desktop manual has detailed instructions on how to edit note types, and most of the actions discussed there are also available from AnkiDroid by tapping "cards" at the bottom of the note editor, or choosing the "manage note types" option in the deck picker. Since detailed information on customizing card layouts is available in the Anki desktop manual, it will not be repeated here.

All Decks - as of Nov 18, 2016 - this will import all decks into anki (21 decks), with each separate movie/TV show/TED talk having it's own deck

Master Deck - as of Nov 18, 2016 - this will import all movies/TV shows/TED talks, but will do so into one master deck (users select which material to study using the filters listed above)

Yes, AnkiApp can import decks from spreadsheet files, in CSV (comma-separated value) or TSV (tab-separated value) format, which can be exported from a wide variety of software. AnkiApp additionally supports including sounds and images in these...

Besides that, beware that decks are not stored as individual files: the whole Anki collection is a single database, so you can't copy decks around. However, you can still export decks from within Anki.

I looked in the description and looks like this was modified from this original deck: JLPT Tango N5 1000 Most Common Japanese Words in Sentences - AnkiWeb

I messed with it and it does upload and you can try converting to a number of templates, the Hine templates could be good since they accept furigana features (see below). But there are no pitch accent features. I know it has been talked about on Kitsun, you may check the Discord channel. I know there are a few pitch accent extensions that can show as well. 17dc91bb1f

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