SCAM! Do not engage and do not click; Mark Message as Spam (so you don't get dinged for Star Seller).

I'm sorry you were targeted; it's happening to a lot of Sellers, new and seasoned ones. A Buyer will never need your email to make a purchase. These are thieves trying to steal from you. They are also impersonating Etsy Support.

At the top of the Forum is an Announcement re: scams. Also, in your Seller Dashboard, there should be reference to an article from the Seller's Handbook, re: Scams. In this article, they show a photo of what TRUE Etsy Staff looks like.

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Like OmasFabricStash, I get them from Customers, from Sellers I have purchased from (Thank You for your Order, for example). I also get Messages from other Sellers; more of a friendly type of Message.

Messages from etsy to your inbox will now appear in their own section of your message inbox. If you receive a message claiming to be from etsy and it isn't in that designated area, then it's 100% a scam. Mark it as spam and don't respond to these people. The option to mark a message as spam is only available from a web browser interface - not the etsy seller app. If you want to keep up with star seller messaging metrics, then it's important to mark it as spam within 24 hours.

If you receive an actual order, you will see it in your "Orders and Shipping" section and you will receive an email from Etsy notifying you that you have a sale, and there will be a notification in your dashboard as well.

With Etsy Payments, our easy-to-use and secure payment system, you may accept payments from a wide variety of payment methods including credit and debit cards, PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and Etsy Gift Cards. Funds from your sales are deposited directly to your bank account in your currency, no matter how or from where the buyer pays. For sellers based in countries where Etsy Payments is available via Payoneer, funds from your sales will be deposited into your Payoneer account.

I have reached out by submitting an email to Etsy's customer service 6 times now in the last week - I have gotten plenty of their "sale" emails and automated response emails about checking the help pages, but I have written additional emails to say nothing on the help pages are helping my problem, and restating the issue. I am a new seller and have closed down my shop due to this because I do not want to get any more sales if I can't fix this problem for my very first customer. I have even tried calling different numbers listed online trying to speak with someone at Etsy with no luck. Is there any other ways to get this issue of mine corrected from Etsy? This is by far the worst customer service i have ever dealt with, and I will not be opening back up my shop on Etsy and utilizing a different platform.

All I can think of is if this was your first sale, there can be delays in payment. Did you check your email for something from Etsy? Did they require additional information from you? Sometimes they require uploading of information from you before proceeding. Check your spam folder just in case there was an email.

Regarding your emails to Etsy: Someone above suggested you Reply to the Admin letter you get in response to your issue. That is the best approach - better than starting a new email. The other thing that seems to get a more thoughtful response from Etsy is to take screen shots if you are getting error messages or if things seem broken. Attach screen shots, each time you contact Etsy, to your original email to Etsy and to all subsequent replies.

The extension does not seem right. I think it's just, nothing else. I wouldn't trust the chat, sometimes you're talking to a bot, sometimes it's someone in another country that may not be understanding the issue. The asking for an email address is a scam, it's been posted in here many times. They tend to target new or no sales shops. If you're on a PC, run a malware/virus check asap and change your password. And definitely make sure your bank details haven't changed. Sorry you had to deal with this!

There's no way that email address came from Etsy unless you were on a "fake" Etsy site.

The last part of the "real" etsy support email is 

There's No payment update, 

The person that messaged you that were trying to buy "your product" was the 1st clue it was a scam. 

These scammers never state what product.

If you gave them your email address that was the 2nd clue it was a scam. So when they emailed you back it was from the scammers and NOT Etsy.

There's NO way the Etsy "system" will ask a buyer for "your email" address at the purchasing point, never ever.

I opened up a clothing store with dropshipping from printful. I havent advertised at all really . I am understanding that the payment will come from my bank account first and that fearful for me thinking say i have mulitple orders, i dont have extra hundreds thousands sitting around for that extra to charge me first? Sorry if my wording sounds all messed up. Im just wondering is there anyhope that this is bypassed and money comes from esty payment or is there always lag and your account is charged first.

Before being made must have been designed first. Designs are created and print full (print on demand company) will produce the item, package it, and send the item to the customer. (Drop shipping) Is called a partner (some company who helps you to make your items from your designs.) hope this help.

If this is your issue too then a way around this is to sync your Square to Etsy about a week after your in person sales are made on a day you aren't performing any new in-person transactions. This will allow your sales counts from Square to show up in your total store sales on Etsy but without having to pay Etsy a cut from work they had nothing to do with.

I have tried to do the unlink square from etsy button but my etsy items are still showing up on square. I do more in person sales than etsy sales and feel it is unfair to pay etsy for items not listed on the etsy site. Please help

I UNDERSTAND YOU SET UP A SEPERATE LOCATION ON SQUARE TO SYNC WITH ETSY. I DID A MARKET ONCE. EVERY SINGLE PURCHASE ETSY TRIED TO GRAB MONEY ON EVERY SINGLE ONE. NOW I have an etsy location and its only purpose is for etsy while I use my home location for every other location. I hope I never have that problem again. We shall see.

Hello @oeurve, I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you've had with Etsy. Although I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from using foul language on the Seller Community in your future posts. It's a violation of the Seller Community Etiquette Guidelines, and they're automatically edited.

What about items I have listed in etsy but sell at an in person event? All of my items are one of a kind. I want the sync function so they would be removed automatically from etsy if I sold them at an art show. How do I prevent etsy from charging for in person sales when Inventory is synced?

I have unsinced from Square in my Etsy account. However, all of my products are still showing up from my Etsy Shop. I think I would like them out to be sure there won't be any trouble with the surcharge from Etsy.

I went ahead and merged your post to an existing thread where other Square Sellers have discussed un-syncing Etsy from their Square account. We merge duplicate conversations together to keep like comments in one place, and to make it easier for others to find the thread in the future.

When you remove a synced integration from your Square account, this will prevent any future syncing from occurring. It will not automatically remove the items that have already been synced. If you haven't done so already, you can go into your Square Item Library on your Dashboard or in the app and remove any unwanted Etsy items.

You can also create a like $1.00 post for a download or something and buy it yourself from a different account or ask someone else to buy it from you (give them the dollar haha) to verify no fee has been subtracted from the sale by square.

What I do as a vendor is - before an event is I un-sync Square from Etsy but I actually use Square to take payments at events. Then I re-sync them like a week or so later (after Square is done processing all the transactions/fees). Then at some point within a day to a week Etsy reads the sales you make with Square and adds them to your total sales count without subtracting any fees. Sort of lame a bit much to think about but...

Originally we pinned most of our Etsy store items direct from within Etsy. When an item sold and wasn't replaced in our Etsy shop, the pin still continued to "live" on Pinterest (with an uneditable link) and when a person clicked on the pin, it took you to a landing page from Etsy stating that item is no longer available and suggested many competing items instead. ff782bc1db

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