* If you're prompted to open the app in Finder and you're sure that you want to open it despite the warning, you can control-click the app, choose Open from the menu, then click Open in the dialog that appears. Enter your admin name and password to open the app.

You cannot download files or view files from a website when you connect to the site over HTTPS (secure sites) by using Internet Explorer 9 or a later version. For example, you visit a secure website such as a bank or other financial institution and try to download or view a PDF file. The file does not appear in Internet Explorer and you may see an error message similar to the following:

How To Download A Video That Cannot Be Downloaded

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://tiurll.com/2y4Q27 🔥

Lastly if still the same downloading attachment problem with Windows 11, check for any Windows updates and do any if available. You should also be running at least build 21H2 with all the patches up to date. Failing that you might have some sort of Windows registry problem and may need a new user profile setup or a complete reinstall of Windows 11 from scratch. Good luck .

I am using Puppeteer along a proxy service, and after getting unexplainable high bandwidth usage I used a local proxy server to monitor the requests that were generating this bandwidth. I discovered that almost 90% of the traffic was used to request some crx files/updates.

My project requires me to open a a few thousand browsers every hour, in order to keep each task with it's own cookies and proxy. Every Chromium browser I open will eventually download ~10-15MB of files, using the proxy that is passed as arg to puppeteer.launch.

I started a local proxy server and gave it to puppeteer via launch args to use, in order to monitor the requests made through it by Chrome. This is how I found out about this downloads. I blocked the first domain that Chromium was using to download these crx files, but Chromium started to download them from another domain, and so on. Some of this domains and URLs are:

After a lot of time trying to find what is this extension that chrome always has to download, I found out about Chromium Components, that can be inspected using chrome://components. Looks like these are also shipped as crx files.

In my particular case Chrome was downloading "pnacl". The only way I was able to find this is by recognising the version number from the first link that I posted in my question ( Using chrome://components in a browser instance launched by puppeteer with the headless option to false, I found that pnacl had the exact same version.

I was able to prevent Chrome from downloading this component using the flag --disable-component-update. This flag is used by default by some webdrivers but not by the one that puppeteer (v5.5.0 or v8.0.0) downloads.

With any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) but also with 3rd party file downloading software, whenever that module is on (I have tried changing any of its internal settings with no changes) this is what happens:

One thing I am fairly sure about, is that the issue comes from downloads on port 80/443, because it is NOT related to the browser: even if I use the free software wget (to make a copy of a website) the issue is exactly the same.

is this problem still present ? my kaspersky is still at the version (c) , thinking about download and install the on top , but if this problem is still not fixed better i avoid it until a new version be realeased that fix it , thanks if someone can clarify to me the situation

Having had issues with iBooks in the past, I thought this was just another glitch. But, in order to rule out any uncertainty, I checked my storage capacity anyways. On my first download, I am positive I had enough space on my iPad (although I can't remember how much). I had recently freed up my iPad by deleting videos and other apps. After doing all of that, I tapped the cover of the ibook again to initiate the downloading process. With more room, I was certain it would work, but then I received the same error message.

I have deleted numerous apps and media on my iPad to make more room. I have read on other Apple Support threads that iDevices need space in order to move files around and such. I think 4.8 GB should be enough for this! Especially for an ibook that's only 2.46 GB large!!! This is really frustrating and I really need this ibook!!!! If someone could give me some other tips and tricks, that would be great. I really don't want to have to restore my iPad though... If it comes down to that, I guess I have no choice.

Generally, you need at least twice as much space on your device as the size of whatever it is you're trying to download. Looks like you have less than that. Try deleting a few things and trying again.

Interestingly, once I delete apps, the storage space indicator in the "Usage" section does not update. I deleted iBooks just now (which, as you remember, took up 5.7 GB of storage) and my storage indicator stated that I only had 5.4 GB available... Even after restarting my iPad, the same numbers remain. It's like I gained ZERO space!!!!!!

You seem to be having a problem with a specific file. If I were you, I'd start my own thread with a subject line that describes your issue. You're going to get better answers that way than by piggybacking on an old thread.

I tried to update my owncloud 8.2.7 to 9.0.5. But while the db was upgrading my sql server ran out of disk space and the db crashed. I tried than to restore the db with an backup. But i had to realize that i didn't have a full dump.

So i decided to install a new owncloud instance. After installing, i activated encryption and created my users with the same passwords as before. After that i copied the old data path to the new one and started an occ files:scan.

After that i was able to access most of the files. But some files cannot be opened, downloaded or synced. I found out that the download stops at the moment when the original file size (without encryption) has been downloaded.

I already search in oc:filecache for that files. The encryption ist set to 1. And the file is really encrypted. I downloaded it via ftp.

I really need it as file now but just can't download. I can only create a link and point to it. Other files for example the one below the selected onenote file can be downloaded. But the Onenote file below this again cannot be downloaded so the issue seems somehow related to the onenote file.

I don't seem to have any privacy settings on that would prevent anything from downloading. What am I missing? Do I have to do something else once driver installation is complete? I just want to have my printer on my computer again so I can print!

Edit: After 2 hours, I tried again and have successfully downloaded without being stuck. However, the download speed is still unusually slow (70-90 KBps). It seems like the traffic was too busy. Hope this issue will get noticed and fixed in the future.

Hi. Our team is having the same problem on Mac (MM version 5.3.1). Every single time Mattermost is closed and restarted, he needs to go again into preference and set again the download folder to prevent this error to happen.

It looks like Mattermost application get the permission to write in this folder when selected through the UI, but that this permission is not retained between sessions.

The Bug Reporting category is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce without duplicating an existing bug topic. Using the template is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.

Hi there, for some reason, I cannot download my (deployed) project form in xls format (not the data, I want the questionnaire ). When I click download xls nothing happens. No error message, no download, no reaction, nothing. I tried 3 different browsers, no change.

Thanks for advice,


Welcome to the community, @Darya! Maybe you could clone your project and then download the XLSForm. If that too does not work, you could clone the previous version of the project and then download your XLSForm. That should solve your issue.

As I recall, Eufy App is very basic feature.

You cannot download the continuous since I owned it day one.

Eufy 2k is basically a 1080p camera.The Sd card are all 1080p video.

you only get 2k from clips where video uploaded to Eufy and reprocessed to by their software to get 2k file like the DVD players. Raw data is still 1080p.

I've tried installing ros into a virtual machine on several ubuntu packages for several ros permutations that ought to be compatible. I have also downloaded the ros virtual machines from nootrix ( ) - I have tried ros Indigo, Jade and Hydro from this site.

I'm sure there is something really basic that I am doing wrong but don't seem to be able to figure out what it is. Thus any debugging advice for the resolution of this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry, yeah I should have mentioned that I made sure all of the Ubuntu updates (for precise pangolin) are up to date. I've tried with the nootrix VM and a second VM that I have set up myself from scratch.

I'm thinking it may be because the first three meetings were organised through Calendly as Teams meetings and this one was set up just as a Outlook teams meeting email invite and that's the only difference in set-up.

Our recordings no longer automatically upload to Stream so I have to do this manually now. But my question is IF it only works when hooked up to Stream WHY OH WHY let me start the transcription in the meeting and say its working and show me there is a transcript that I can click on?!

Today I downloaded a new version of R (4.0.0) because I thought it would help the packages that I am using run better. However, with me being a super noob apparently, I did not make sure that all my packages would be transferred to this new version of R. Now, when I am trying to download packages (like tidyverse), I get all sorts of errors and the package is not downloaded. Does anyone know what to do? I get a whole list of these errors you can see below:

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