I am trying to cut and paste a picture included in the bottom of an email and insert it into a Word document so I can size it and print it. I can highlight it, cut it with Ctrl C, paste into the Word document with Ctrl V, but the picture doesn't show, though the frame of the picture appears when I click the spot where the picture was pasted. Frame, but blank, no image. Any thoughts?

If you run into this problem, it may be because, unless you know the file format of the inserted image, the programs can't figure it out for you. Position your cursor over the image, right-click, and save the image as a .jpeg rather than simply copying it. Then work with the .jpeg file in whatever picture-management program you normally use -- or even insert it in Word.

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Is it an included picture or a link to a picture? If its a link the adress could be relative. It is one way to stop people from stealing copyrighted pics. If that not the case you should be able to right-click and copy.

Thanks for the response. The picture is included along with several others in the body of the email. It is not a link. But when I try the right-click "copy image", and then Ctrl V paste it into a Word document, all that pastes is the frame, which is invisible unless you click in the paste area. The actual image never shows up. Maybe there's something about Word in regard to this.

The thing is I can't reproduce it. Only time I canget something simulare is when i try to copy a picture that is linked, which means it's not a picture, it is a link to a picture on a server. It shows up as pictures thou, IF you allowed it in settings private security. Try to send yourself a picture, cut and past, then cut and past something else (that way you dont have your first cut up front) Send it, and try to cut and past from that email.

The Photo Browser option helps you browse through existing photo sets on your computer, such as photos in iPhoto or Photo Booth. Picture from File lets you browse through your computer's file structure to look for photos.

You can insert a picture or photo into the body of an email message, instead of attaching the file. Inserting a picture requires that your message uses HTML formatting. To set HTML formatting, select Options > HTML.

Ted Stryk, a philosophy professor at Roane State Community College in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, specializes in reconstructing images from early space missions. Using data from the Russian Academy of Sciences, he has over time reconstructed the best-possible versions of the original Venera panoramas.

Microsoft 365 for Mac subscribers also can use the Continuity Camera feature to transfer a picture from a smartphone directly to a PowerPoint slide. See Add pictures to a file by using your mobile device for the details.

Pictures from your smartphone: If you've taken a picture on your smartphone, you can make it available to insert in PowerPoint 2016 for Mac by saving the image to iCloud Drive and then following the previous procedure on this page.

You can drag a picture from File Explorer (in Windows) or Finder (on macOS) and drop it onto a slide. The picture will be centered on the slide. Then you can move, resize, or style the picture as you like.

Microsoft 365 business subscribers can insert pictures stored on OneDrive for work or school or SharePoint in Microsoft 365. (This feature isn't available for pictures stored on OneDrive for your personal account (Hotmail, Outlook.com, msn.com, or live.com).)

Emailing pictures from a smartphone is quite simple. You will normally use two apps, one for the email and one for browsing your gallery of pictures. If you are using an Android phone, you can use the Outlook or Gmail app and the Photos app (or any other photo gallery app that you use to see photos in your phone). If you are using an iPhone, you will be using the Outlook or Mail app and the Photos App.

This image of clear skies over Nova Scotia and the coast of Maine has been widely presented in recent years as the first TV picture from space, taken a little over fifty years ago by the dedicated meteorological satellite TIROS 1 on the day of its launch, 1 April 1960. But comparison with corresponding weather maps produced from the ERA-40 reanalysis has led to confirmation that whilst this image is one of the early pictures from TIROS 1, it is certainly not the first.

In a response, Mr George Anderson has confirmed that following examination by NASA of its original records, the picture in question was indeed taken on 2 April, at 1608UTC (Weather, 65, 212-213). The first picture was actually taken at 1331 UTC on 1 April, about two hours after launch. Rather disappointingly perhaps, it shows a largely featureless cloud-covered disc, although as the satellite was viewing much the same part of the world at the time, the picture is at least consistent with the corresponding ERA-40 analysis!

The ERA-40 product closest in time to 1608UTC on 2 April 1960, when the mis-labelled picture is now known to have been taken. The three-hour forecast of surface pressure and cloud cover valid at 1500UTC is shown

When creating LinkedIn articles, there is no easy way to remove pictures after you have inserted them. That makes corrections frustrating. But there is a workaround. Here is how to remove pictures after all.

That is frustrating. As you keep working on a draft article, sometimes you just want to exchange a picture with a better one. It is a mystery to me why LinkedIn does not offer this standard ability to its writers.

The entire picture and the surrounding area and caption will have been removed from your LinkedIn article. You can now close the browser inspection window that had opened by clicking on the cross icon at its top right. Then continue in the draft article as normal.

so, is it possible i enter somekind of URL to HA to get a snapshot from the camera?

i can do it now directly to my foscam camera, but i need to expose then each camera to internet with port forwarding, i now want it directly from HA

File nameSize (MB)RecordsGeographic coverageProgrammatic coverageall_pha_2000.zip0.66,412All PHAsAll applicable programsall_projects_2000.zip4.258,417All public housing, multifamily, and LIHTC projectsPublic housing, multifamily, and LIHTCcerts_vouchers_census_tract_2000.zip2.669,422All census tractsSection 8 Vouchers and Certificatesall_census_tract_2000.zip2.969,424All census tractsAll programsall_cities_2000.zip3.6178,757Cities, towns, villages, incorporated places, and Census Designated PlacesAll programsMapping PICTURE Data With a GISYou can bring PICTURE data into your GIS (Geographic Information System) in several ways:HOW TO CREATE NATIONAL HUD ASSISTED HOUSING LAYERS FROM A PICTURE OF SUBSIDIZED HOUSEHOLDS: Download the PDF file. MAP ALL HUD ASSISTED PROJECTS: Download the projects_data.exe file. Extract the file to your local computer. The file will contain fields for latitude and longitude. Using these fields, you can create a new shapefile/layer/coverage on your map. Refer to your GIS software documentation for help with importing a text file containing LAT/LONG data. You also may need to change the map projection in order for your points to display properly.MAP HUD ASSISTED PROJECTS IN ONE STATE ONLY: Create a query with projects as your geographic level. You may choose one or more programs, but can only query one state at a time. Be sure to include the variables subprogram, latitude, Ā and Ā longitude. The variable program_label will automatically be included in your output. Export your output to comma-delimited text, save on your PC, then import into your GIS software. Refer to your GIS software documentation for help with importing a text file containing LAT/LONG data.CREATE THEMATIC (COLOR-CODED) MAPS BY STATE: Create a query with state as your geographic level. Be sure to include the variable code, as well as any other variable you want to symbolize your map with, in your query. Export to comma-delimited text, then import into your GIS software using "spatial join" or similar command. You must already have state boundary files in your GIS. Refer to your GIS software documentation for help with importing data, joining with your existing county boundary files, and creating thematic maps.CREATE THEMATIC (COLOR-CODED) MAPS BY 2000 CENSUS TRACT: Create a query with census tracts as your geographic level. Be sure to include the variable code, as well as any other variable you want to symbolize your map with, in your query. The code variable will be in the following format:


Ā (2-digit STATE FIPS code, 3-digit COUNTY FIPS code, 6-digit TRACT code)Export to comma-delimited text, then import into your GIS software using "spatial join" or similar command. You must already have the year 2000 Census Tract boundary files. Refer to your GIS software documentation for help with importing data, joining with your existing census tract boundary files, and creating thematic maps. It is best to only select census tracts for one county at a time.DocumentationView the Codebook (data dictionary describing all variables and values; PDF, opens in new window)Picture of Subsidized Housing 2000, full report (PDF file, opens in new window) <b>Available for download soon</b>

DataDocumentation This Web site sketches a picture of nearly five million subsidized households across the United States. It includes: (1) Totals; (2) Indian Housing; (3) Public Housing; (4) Section 8 Certificates and Vouchers; (5) Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation; (6) Section 8 New and Substantial Rehabilitation; (7) Section 236; (8) Other HUD subsidies; and (9) Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Each line of data is identified by these key numbers, 1-9, in the second position of each data record. ff782bc1db

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