It appears that Safari desktop for Mac (3 steps) and Safari for iOS (4 steps) win the simplicity contest for fewest steps required. Most other browsers require at least five steps. Several browsers provide no method to disable JavaScript at all (I would not even consider installing those). Most informative article. Thank you.

Thanks for the help. My Browser was loading too slow. I could not find any help. Found a Tiktok video in which the person recommended to disable some javascript in chrome browser. Got to this page and now boom. Pages can load faster than ever!

How To Disable Pdf Download In Browser Using Javascript

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In fact this is somehow possible (how-does-facebook-disable-developer-tools), but this is terribly bad idea for protecting your data. Attacker may always use some other (open, self written) engines that you don't have any control on. Even javascript obfuscation may only slow down a bit cracking of your app, but it also gives practically no security.

You may want to consider linking to this site, to educate any script-disabled users on how to enable JavaScript in five most commonly used browsers. You are free to use the code below and modify it according to your needs.

Case in point: One of our state customers recently found out that the browser provides the handy feature to save your password. We all know that it has been there for a while and is completely optional and is up to the end user to decide whether or not it is a smart decision to use or not. However, there is a bit of an uproar at the moment and we are being demanded to find a way to disable that functionality for our site.

@Joseph: If it's a strict requirement to pass XHTML validation with the actual markup (don't know why it would be though) you could theoretically add this attribute with javascript afterwards but then users with js disabled (probably a neglectable amount of your userbase or zero if your site requires js) will still have their passwords saved.

With this requirement, the standard autocomplete="off" method doesn't work across all browsers, because the password may have been saved from the first login. A colleague found a solution to replace the password field when it was focused with a new password field, and then focus on the new password field (then hook up the same event handler). This worked (except it caused an infinite loop in IE6). Maybe there was a way around that, but it was causing me a migraine.

The only downside to using this attribute is that it is not standard (it works in IE and Mozilla browsers), and would cause XHTML validation to fail. I think this is a case where it's reasonable to break validation however. (source)

Disclaimer: While this approach works for sighted individuals, there might be issues with screen reader software. For example, a screen reader might read the user's password out loud because it sees a plain text field. There might also be other unforeseen consequences of using the above plugin. Altering built-in web browser functionality should be done sparingly with testing a wide variety of conditions and edge cases.

If you do not want to trust the autocomplete flag, you can make sure that the user types in the box using the onchange event. The code below is a simple HTML form. The hidden form element password_edited starts out set to 0. When the value of password is changed, the JavaScript at the top (pw_edited function) changes the value to 1. When the button is pressed, it checks the valueenter code here before submitting the form. That way, even if the browser ignores you and autocompletes the field, the user cannot pass the login page without typing in the password field. Also, make sure to blank the password field when focus is set. Otherwise, you can add a character at the end, then go back and remove it to trick the system. I recommend adding the autocomplete="off" to password in addition, but this example shows how the backup code works.

I was given a similar task to disable the auto-filling up of login name and passwords by browser, after lot of trial and errors i found the below solution to be optimal. Just add the below controls before your original controls.

`I'm trying to disable browser's back button. If i execute this code on chrome it doesn't disable the back button but if i run history.state command in console of Home.html page and then i click the back button, then it remains on same page(works as expected). Why so?

I am developing an online testing app and it is required that during the test, users cannot be allowed to refresh page neither go back until the test is ended. I have successfully been able to disable refresh action in jquery through all means possible (to the best of my knowledge) using the following code:

I never realized that doing things this way breaks a lot of ethical rules, anyway, I've thought about it and figured out something else to do when if the page is refreshed or back button pressed (either using keyboard or the browser controls). I want to redirect to a url which will end the current exam session. I believe that's possible, hence I think the solution I seek is to get the best way to achieve this. Redirecting to another url if back button or refresh button is pressed (both using the browser controls and the keyboard).

In online examination once candidate has clicks on start button i dont want to allow him to go back (to previous pages) and he should be in same page if he do any activities by using browser properties.Once he click on the submit button he is coming out of that page.

Here if i clear the cache and press the browser back button the page says as "Document Expired The requested document is not available in Firefox's cache." Therefore i dont want to clear cach insted i need to competly disable back button ie nothing should happen on clicking the back button.

however you can code in some sense that make your back appear disable. Check one of my responses I gave some time back. how to stop browser back button using javascript. It is still working fine for me (Bad luck for IE-7). But what if some one has disable javascript in browser. This will fail this logic completely which could be a rare case.

It appears your browser's JavaScript is currently ENABLED. Below are instructions for enabling Javascript in case you need it.');//-->Your browser's JavaScript is disabled. Many features on this site (and most other sites on the Internet) won't work. Follow the steps below to enable.

I am developing a project where user gets a conformation page. I want user not to click back or close tab or reload.Now either I need to disable the browser features or get back button,tab close event, or reload event to java script so that I could take the needed steps to prevent my data to get lost.I have used this:

This will go beyond "Hard Reload" to empty the cache entirely, ensuring that anything downloaded via javascript or etc. will also avoid using the cache. You don't have to mess with settings or anything, it's a quick 1-shot solution.

There's no shortage of Chrome extensions that disable cache. However, what sets Cache Disabler apart is its ability to persist and sync your settings after a browser restart. As far as I know, no other extension offers that, which is always appreciated when developing websites.

In actuality I want an option to completely disable the cache, to use the memory for IO instead of my disk (which would make load time 10x faster too!) but I don't think chrome or any browser for that matter has that option yet.

If you used the copy/paste deployment method and want to stop collecting data for a browser app, simply remove the browser JavaScript snippet from the pages you do not want to monitor. If you used the APM agent to install the browser agent, you can turn off some of the browser monitoring features individually, or you can disable browser entirely.

These features are usually enabled by default, but they can be a privacy concern for users, so browsers can let users disable them. However, some data submitted in forms either are not useful in the future (for example, a one-time pin) or contain sensitive information (for example, a unique government identifier or credit card security code). As website author, you might prefer that the browser not remember the values for such fields, even if the browser's autocomplete feature is enabled.

Does anyone know what the statistics are for browsers with javascript disabled. I notice this forum did not previously fail graciously if javascript was disabled although it does now fall back on to non javascript style.

The reason why this would be nice, is that in order to reach our private bitwarden server I have to connect to a VPN which is a bit of a hassle. This needs to be done essentially every time I want to retrieve a password from the browser app, since the browser app will automatically lock the vault after a while (one could disable this, but at the cost of diminished security).

I need that when a new session of the browser is started, the cache is disabled. Manually, I achieve that by going to the Network tab of the developer tools and checking the box to disable cache:

disable cache23581257 74 KB

For example, a little over a year ago anyone using the browser-based screen sharing software/service GoToMeeting needed to have Java enabled in their browser and as well as on their system. But as explained in this support forum thread on their site they have now officially dropped the Java requirement in favor of their own non-Java-based software tool: 2351a5e196

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