Welcome to my site, which is about (as it may come as no great surprise) how to diet effectively in order to maximize health while also enjoying the benefits of weight loss and improved fitness.

Being healthy is (or at least should be) our number one priority in life. When we have our health, we feel great, look great and can do everything we want, within reason, that a properly functioning physical body allows us to do.

A Good Diet

A point that really needs to be hit home is that all good physical and even mental health starts with a good diet. When you put the right fuel into the body machine, it works the way it is supposed to work.

However, far too many people are busy cramming far too much of all the wrong foods into their bodies and then wondering why they gain weight, look fat and flabby and feel awful. Not to mention the gradual onset of weight related conditions like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular issues etc along with the thing that is not so well advertised: a shorter lifespan!

Unless you (that means YOU) take your life and your health by the scruff of the neck and haul it up out of the mire of unhealthy processed junk foods you keep feeding it, your health will not improve. That means your health is your problem and it's your job to make sure it improves.

This site is here to help you learn what is healthy to consume and what is not.

So start eating the right foods and if you don't know what they are, start learning about it. Now!