5 Simple But Powerful Ways To Make Him Feel Loved

Whether you’ve met someone new, or you’ve been in a relationship for some time now, it’s important to keep your connection strong.

#1: Be the Yin to His Yang

If you're a woman looking for a man, you'll need your femininity to appeal to his masculinity.

In a relationship, there needs to be a balance of both energies. So what you bring to the table matters to both of you.

#2: Take Care of Him

Showing your softer, more vulnerable side to your guy isn't weakness. It's about giving him the gift of your nurturing care - and choosing to do so

A lot of women underestimate the power of acts of kindness in their relationship. But when a guy knows that he's getting personal attention from the special person in his life, he'll feel loved.

#3: Get His Motor Running

Passion and physical intimacy are the glue of a romantic relationship. Without it, you may as well be platonic friends.

So you need to find small ways you can turn him on in your day-to-day lives. When you make a move on him, it doesn’t have to be overtly sexual – not all the time, at least.

#4: Take Care of Yourself

If might sound counterintuitive to focus on yourself to make your man feel loved. However, this actually makes sense in the bigger scheme of things.

You see, men don’t like to be smothered. Yes, your guy wants your love and appreciation, but not to the point where you’re forgetting your own needs in the equation.

#5: Let Him Do His Thing

Not it’s time to talk about his independence. As happy as a guy is in his relationship, he still needs to feel a sense of freedom.

Even if he’s married, has kids, a job and a bunch of other responsibilities…

…a guy wants to know that he can pursue things related to his personal development.