Same here. I cannot understand how one can implement a long operation and not giving the user a way to know when its over or how much as been already done.Progress bar have been here for decades. Who forgot them in this case and why has it not been fixed already?

We do care about user complaints and feedback. Also, I checked in our internal issue tracker, and this feature has been discussed as recently as this month. I can't comment on the status of this feature, but the Files team is aware of this request.

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This is symptomatic of Apple's complete disregard for its users. They seem compelled to change things just for the sake of changing things, not because it makes things better. IMO, the Apple Music app is an abject failure as a piece of software. The user experience is truly awful in so many ways. What ***** made the decision to REMOVE a progress indicator of some form when copying files? This is a FUNDAMENTAL part of user interface design. Apple Music came with MacOS Catalina, which was launched in October 2019. Apple has had over TWO YEARS to add a progress indicator and they still haven't done it.

I don't know what the actual solution would be, but I imagine adding an optional notification name parameter to FileManager would be an easy solution i.e. FileManager.default.copyItem(_ at: URL, _ to: URL, _ notification: Notification.Name?). This way if someone wanted to observe that notification they can query the object or userInfo to get bytes written and time remaining and create any kind of progress status they wanted. I've been digging into this myself and would like to find some kind of solution whether it be notifications, or the ability to perform KVO of FileManager while it working.

Four months later in 7/23/2022 and I'm a first time ipad air gen5 owner and found this OS a bit of a UX fail. All these terms are confusing as they don't do what the words suggest, e.g. Share, Export, Import, (lack of "download"), Save to image, Save to video, copy, a box logo with an up arrow (is it export? Share? Upload? FTW). So I connected to a SD card reader via USB, Save video, and nothing happens on the screen except my card reader has an LED read blinker to indicate it's reading, so I won't disconnect until I see the blinker stop. Is that the solution Apple? Sometimes while it's "Copying" it's freezes the whole OS. When I chose "Save Image/Save Video", it doesn't specify target folder. I went into file app to locate it, no where to be found. Until later I realized, you need to open Photo app to see that it's saved under this app in a obfuscated folder location only accessible by Photo App, or third party app that expects video uploads under this mysterious Photo app location, for one, youtube app on ipad is doing that. So, without even understanding how it works, first time trying to upload a video from youtube app, there's no video to be found, no way to access "On My Ipad" folder. As you know by now, I'm not an iphone user, and I later found out that was how iphone folder/OS structure is like, you snapped a video, it's under photo app, only photo app can access it. Here's more confusion, some other third party apps aren't smart enough to care about the photo app secret folder location, e.g. VLC app on ipad can't even play the video I "saved video" because it can't find it, and it can only open "On your Ipad" location. Over all, it just seems that this whole product line is half baked, hardware wise is impressive, the OS and UX is dumb as ******. Sorry, I vented, but I'm trying to add to the users voice here so apple deverlopers/managers can prioritize their tasks. Otherwise, if the competitor hardware is more superior, I'm gone. And eff your icloud default settings and backup out of space annoying notification. Also I forgot to mention, "Delete" option under File app has no confirmation modal. The moment you tap delete, it's gone. What if I accidentally tap delete? Even Recently deleted can't recover a USB device "delete".

I turned iCloud on for Photos and see no status, so I have no idea if it is working or not. The only clue I get is if I try turn it off, I get a message saying synchronisation is in progress. However, it says that for days, I don't see any new Photos arriving on either side.

Try: On your Mac, open the Photos app. Select Photos in the sidebar, then click Moments in the list of tabs in the toolbar. Scroll to the bottom of your photos. You should see a progress bar and below it the number of photos being uploaded. Above it is the total number of photos in your Mac library, and there is also a pause button that you can tap on to pause the upload if you wish.

For some reason my Photos app did not what you described during the initial download (at least not when I looked). After many, many checks and a initial "nothingness" of activity photos would start appearing in chunks, still no progress.

How would I know the progress of file upload in the dropbox folder? Cause I can see the progress in browser but how to see progress of the uploading file in the dropbox folder? I also dont wanna syn , I just want to upload the file and later delete those files from the folder when the process is done.

Moreover I wanna ask if the same process (hashing, zipping etc) is not initiated on browser then why I am still getting slow speed like 4.7 to 5 MBps approx? Almost all the files are aound 1.2GB to 2.5GB (no smaller files) and as you have suggested three factors

Generally speaking, your uploading speed to our servers when using a browser depends mainly on your ISP and local network settings unless there are other traffic restrictions. Having said that, it would be worth noting that uploading from your browser is slightly different than syncing content from your desktop.

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I clicked "Upload Files" in my dropbox in Google Chrome on a Macbook Pro Retina, and so I am uploading a Logic Pro X file that's 47 GB that I need to share to my producer in a different state. My computer sounds like it is working on overdrive and my external hardrive (location of the file i chose to upload) is blinking like it's working, and the harddrive can't be ejected because "Google Chrome is using it". But I can't see anywhere what the status of the upload is, or how long it is estimated to take before it is done. Nor does the name of the file that's uploading appear anywhere. I've already tried finding the "menu bar" and nowhere in chrome do I have the option to make it viewable, nor is there a dropbox logo anywhere for me to click on.

So then I went through the whole process of downloading dropbox onto the computer, so now it does appear in my menu bar up top, but when i click on that, nowhere within does it show me the progress of this upload which is currently still making my computer work along with the hardrive that the file is coming from, nor is the name of the file i chose to upload visible anywhere. at the bottom of the dropdown is a little green checkmark that says "up to date" but when the mouse hovers on that it says "Pause synching" which to me makes no sense. If it's up to date, then what is it synching?

I've spent almost a half hour getting this stuff set-up to view the progress of the upload with no avail, and my computer is still loudly working in overdrive. It's a well-functioning Macbook Pro Retina for audio and video production with a solid-state external harddrive. 

I deleted and canceled my previous dropbox membership because uploads were taking days and that made no sense to me (I have great internet and don't have upload problems with anything else). The person i am working with prefers Dropbox, so i got it again. Why in the heck wouldn't the upload progress be directly in front of my face when an upload begins. The dropbox app doesnt even show that the file i chose to upload is uploading, not online, not when I look in the Finder window of the Macbook pro, clicking on the dropbox icon. This is extremely frustrating and my computer has been working on overdrive now for more than 30 minutes. I have no way to tell how long its going to be cranking unless I can find this information. I am confused why it's not automatically visible where I choose to upload it.

So now finally, the computer quit going crazy, the external harddrive quit blinking and is able to be ejected, but there's no file in my files, not in dropbox in Finder window, not in dropbox online. Where was it uploaded to? Literally nowhere is it found in my Dropbox

The desktop app syncs the data in your account with a local Dropbox folder on your computer that was created when you installed the app. To upload the file via the app, you can move this file into the Dropbox folder on your computer. 152ee80cbc

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