In this section you will learn about the APIs that Flink provides for workingwith event time timestamps and watermarks. For an introduction to eventtime, processing time, and ingestion time, please refer to theintroduction to event time.

The first option is preferable, because it allows sources to exploit knowledgeabout shards/partitions/splits in the watermarking logic. Sources can usuallythen track watermarks at a finer level and the overall watermark produced by asource will be more accurate. Specifying a WatermarkStrategy directly on thesource usually means you have to use a source specific interface/ Refer toWatermark Strategies and the KafkaConnector for how this works ona Kafka Connector and for more details about how per-partition watermarkingworks there.

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Using a WatermarkStrategy this way takes a stream and produce a new streamwith timestamped elements and watermarks. If the original stream had timestampsand/or watermarks already, the timestamp assigner overwrites them.

If one of the input splits/partitions/shards does not carry events for a whilethis means that the WatermarkGenerator also does not get any new informationon which to base a watermark. We call this an idle input or an idle source.This is a problem because it can happen that some of your partitions do stillcarry events. In that case, the watermark will be held back, because it iscomputed as the minimum over all the different parallel watermarks.

In the previous paragraph we discussed a situation when splits/partitions/shards or sources are idleand can stall increasing watermarks. On the other side of the spectrum, a split/partition/shard orsource may process records very fast and in turn increase its watermark relatively faster than theothers. This on its own is not a problem per se. However, for downstream operators that are usingwatermarks to emit some data it can actually become a problem.

In order to address the issue, you can enable watermark alignment, which will make sure nosources/splits/shards/partitions increase their watermarks too far ahead of the rest. You can enablealignment for every source separately:

When enabling the alignment, you need to tell Flink, which group should the source belong. You dothat by providing a label (e.g. alignment-group-1) which bind together all sources that share it.Moreover, you have to tell the maximal drift from the current minimal watermarks across all sourcesbelonging to that group. The third parameter describes how often the current maximal watermarkshould be updated. The downside of frequent updates is that there will be more RPC messagestravelling between TMs and the JM.

In a case where there are e.g. two Kafka partitions that produce watermarks at different pace, thatget assigned to the same task watermark might not behave as expected. Fortunately, worst case itshould not perform worse than without alignment.

Batch watermark photos right in your browser. Add custom watermarks with your logo and text. Make multi-part watermarks. Add transparent and opaque watermarks. Resize photos before publishing online. Import photos from your computer, Google Drive or Dropbox. Instant uploads and downloads. Watermark pictures without waiting in line. Use it for free with optional paid options.

Watermarkly app adjusts the sizes of watermarks by default. When saving images, you can select the "Same watermark size in pixels on all images" option. In this case, automatic scaling of your watermark will be disabled. The watermark size will be the same on each picture.

First, you need to find a convenient application where you can do this in a few minutes. Our Watermarkly app does not need to be downloaded to your device to add a watermark to a photo. You just need to open the app and upload your photos. We offer two options for watermarks: text or logo. We also have a symbol gallery where you can choose an icon. For example, a graphic image of a house is suitable for a real estate agency. You can find our step-by-step instructions on how to watermark photos above.

As I said earlier, I stopped adding a watermark to my photos almost as quickly as I started. Yet somehow plenty of people get in touch wanting to license my un-watermarked images. Evidently clients are quite capable of tracking a photographer down without the need for watermarks.

Like I said earlier though, for certain genres of photography, watermarks perhaps have their place. If you really think that adding a watermark is essential in order for your business to function, then fine. But just be aware that watermarks bring with them some negative connotations.

Machine learning involves expensive data collection and training procedures. Model owners may be concerned that valuable intellectual property can be leaked if adversaries mount model extraction attacks. As it is difficult to defend against model extraction without sacrificing significant prediction accuracy, watermarking instead leverages unused model capacity to have the model overfit to outlier input-output pairs. Such pairs are watermarks, which are not sampled from the task distribution and are only known to the defender. The defender then demonstrates knowledge of the input-output pairs to claim ownership of the model at inference. The effectiveness of watermarks remains limited because they are distinct from the task distribution and can thus be easily removed through compression or other forms of knowledge transfer.

We introduce Entangled Watermarking Embeddings (EWE). Our approach encourages the model to learn features for classifying data that is sampled from the task distribution and data that encodes watermarks. An adversary attempting to remove watermarks that are entangled with legitimate data is also forced to sacrifice performance on legitimate data. Experiments on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR-10, and Speech Commands validate that the defender can claim model ownership with 95% confidence with less than 100 queries to the stolen copy, at a modest cost below 0.81 percentage points on average in the defended model's performance.

This article introduces the basic concepts of watermarking and provides recommendations for using watermarks in common stateful streaming operations. You must apply watermarks to stateful streaming operations to avoid infinitely expanding the amount of data kept in state, which could introduce memory issues and increase processing latencies during long-running streaming operations.

Watermarks interact with output modes to control when data is written to the sink. Because watermarks reduce the total amount of state information to be processed, effective use of watermarks is essential for efficient stateful streaming throughput.

Joins between multiple streams only support append mode, and matched records are written in each batch they are discovered. For inner joins, Databricks recommends setting a watermark threshold on each streaming data source. This allows state information to be discarded for old records. Without watermarks, Structured Streaming attempts to join every key from both sides of the join with each trigger.

When working with multiple Structured Streaming inputs, you can set multiple watermarks to control tolerance thresholds for late-arriving data. Configuring watermarks allows you to control state information and impacts latency.

While running the query, Structured Streaming individually tracks the maximum event time seen in each input stream, calculates watermarks based on the corresponding delay, and chooses a single global watermark with them to be used for stateful operations. By default, the minimum is chosen as the global watermark because it ensures that no data is accidentally dropped as too late if one of the streams falls behind the others (for example, one of the streams stop receiving data due to upstream failures). In other words, the global watermark safely moves at the pace of the slowest stream and the query output is delayed accordingly.

AI-generated content is becoming increasingly prevalent and realistic, leading to concerns about its potential misuse. China has been a fast mover in regulating AI and recently implemented requirements to label and watermark AI-generated content. But watermarks for text-based generative AI have many nuances so US and EU policymakers should proceed cautiously as they consider implementing similar regulations.

This is one of the first laws requiring watermarks for generative content. Other countries are considering similar mechanisms for regulating AI-generated content. In fact, in recent US Senate committee hearings, Senator Sinema emphasized the need for transparency in generative AI, including by using watermarks. A key question is whether the watermarking component of the CAC regulation is a good model for tackling the same issues. Watermarking text-based AI-generated content is certainly desirable, potentially helping to identify the prevalence and origin of AI-generated disinformation and more. But when it comes to text-based generative content, like content created by ChatGPT, the picture is not so clear. Text-based watermarks in their current form are easily manipulated, and there are risks that those watermarks and the regulations around them can be misused. As such, policymakers and legislators should proceed cautiously and understand the nuances of text-based AI watermarks.

In image-based systems, watermarks function by adding imperceptible noise to an image (for example, changing every seventh pixel slightly) to create a cryptographic marker. However, text-based watermarks are more difficult to create since there are limited ways to perturb text without changing the underlying meaning.

Penalizing users for removing or tampering with watermarks (Art. 17 of the CAC regulations) can also be problematic in the text-based setting. How does one reliably prove that a text-based watermark was removed? This carries with it all the potential harms of false positives but with even more uncertainty in many cases. In the United States, the First Amendment would also likely make such regulations on individual speech difficult to enforce, if not untenable. ff782bc1db

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