Not to long ago, someone told me that long are not 64 bits on 64 bit machines and I should always use int. This did not make sense to me. I have seen docs (such as the one on Apple's official site) say that long are indeed 64 bits when compiling for a 64-bit CPU. I looked up what it was on 64-bit Windows and found

In the Unix world, there were a few possible arrangements for the sizes of integers and pointers for 64-bit platforms. The two mostly widely used were ILP64 (actually, only a very few examples of this; Cray was one such) and LP64 (for almost everything else). The acronynms come from 'int, long, pointers are 64-bit' and 'long, pointers are 64-bit'.

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The ILP64 system was abandoned in favour of LP64 (that is, almost all later entrants used LP64, based on the recommendations of the Aspen group; only systems with a long heritage of 64-bit operation use a different scheme). All modern 64-bit Unix systems use LP64. MacOS X and Linux are both modern 64-bit systems.

Microsoft uses a different scheme for transitioning to 64-bit: LLP64 ('long long, pointers are 64-bit'). This has the merit of meaning that 32-bit software can be recompiled without change. It has the demerit of being different from what everyone else does, and also requires code to be revised to exploit 64-bit capacities. There always was revision necessary; it was just a different set of revisions from the ones needed on Unix platforms.

Our ENERGY STAR-certified windows block 99.7 percent of UV light, reduce outside noise and insulate with the strength of a wall. Rest easier knowing that our residential replacement windows come with high quality, recessed steel locks, adding a powerful degree of security to your home.

While some homeowners may consider purchasing and installing windows themselves, proper window installation is crucial for energy efficiency, security, and longevity. Mistakes can lead to drafts, leaks, and compromised structural integrity. We recommend trusting our experienced professionals to ensure a correct and lasting installation.

The Windows API has many functions that also have Unicode versions to permit an extended-length path for a maximum total path length of 32,767 characters. This type of path is composed of components separated by backslashes, each up to the value returned in the lpMaximumComponentLength parameter of the GetVolumeInformation function (this value is commonly 255 characters). To specify an extended-length path, use the "\\?\" prefix. For example, "\\?\D:\very long path".

These are the directory management functions that no longer have MAX_PATH restrictions if you opt-in to long path behavior: CreateDirectoryW, CreateDirectoryExW GetCurrentDirectoryW RemoveDirectoryW SetCurrentDirectoryW.

These are the file management functions that no longer have MAX_PATH restrictions if you opt-in to long path behavior: CopyFileW, CopyFile2, CopyFileExW, CreateFileW, CreateFile2, CreateHardLinkW, CreateSymbolicLinkW, DeleteFileW, FindFirstFileW, FindFirstFileExW, FindNextFileW, GetFileAttributesW, GetFileAttributesExW, SetFileAttributesW, GetFullPathNameW, GetLongPathNameW, MoveFileW, MoveFileExW, MoveFileWithProgressW, ReplaceFileW, SearchPathW, FindFirstFileNameW, FindNextFileNameW, FindFirstStreamW, FindNextStreamW, GetCompressedFileSizeW, GetFinalPathNameByHandleW.

Interestingly, I couldn't find an exception that allows you to use Windows 10 to run your computer long enough to enter your product key and activate it. Any use of an unactivated copy, including installing and activating it, is unauthorized. So pretty much everyone seems to have violated the license terms.

I suggest you try Long path tool is the very good program for easily delete, copy & rename long path files, error, unlock solution.

Try it and solve your problem.

I used long path tool and I solve my error, unlock problem solution.

At Longs Windows, we supply custom-designed windows to fit the needs of our clients across the Arlington, Colleyville, Fort Worth, Grapevine, North Richland Hills, Southlake, Keller, and Mansfield, TX areas. We offer new construction and replacement windows by Sunrise and several other popular windows from American Window Systems. We are proud to be on the Good Contractors List and offer all of our customers the following.

I am beginning to move my maven based project to a gradle based java application that runs on Windows 7. I ran in to an error CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long because of a really long classpath dependencies. I worked around it by shortening the path to my code and java executable location, While this was Ok for sometime, I hit that limit again today when I added few command line argument.

Already clean installed W10, but it still takes long time to do this, this also apply to shutdown when I have fast startup enabled. If I turn off fast startup or enter sleep(not hybrid) no issue. I think it should be the issue of hibernate but turn off and turn on hibernate again will not fix this issue.

When the PC get's the hibernate/hybrid sleep command, it has to make a snapshot of what's in RAM first, then give all running processes the command "OK we're going to take a break now", then it has to wait until all processes report back, before it can write to the disk. This of course takes longer than sleep, which doesn't have the "write to disk" part, and slower than a WinX shut down, that just closes the processes, and turns the PC off. Added to that if, you're using a Microsoft account, there are a lot more things to stop, and write because of the Universal apps running and live tiles updating.

And as a side note, I have found my laptop takes longer to hybrid sleep/ hibernate than my desktop, and both have Samsung Pro SSD's. I just don't wait for the shutdown or hibernate to complete, before I leave the PC.

Before long, you'll find yourself planning the ball's curves a few scoring orbs ahead, integrating complex wall bounces and tricky downward-pulling loops into your repertoire as you seek to stretch that score-enhancing combo multiplier as high as it will go. After each snap of the elastic line, it's very easy to feel like a small adjustment could have led to a truly great run and that just "one more game" will result in an incredible high score.

I was excited to read that Server 2016 and Windows 10 support long path names with the 'LongPathsEnabled' option. However, I'm having issues getting that to work. I've enabled that on some test 2016 servers and rebooted, but the limitation persists:

Yes, I cringe at the long paths from experience (due to compatibility and migration), but the business got some best-practices records-management process going, which they say mandates these detailed folder structures. 

The NTFS, the service SMB (file share), supports long file paths but your application, Windows File Explorer does not. Excel, Word, or anything else with an open or save dialog box actually supports long file names better that Windows File Explorer!

what you are seeing with the logon longer the second logon is strange. Make sure your VDAs reboot on logout and that you have disabled delete profiles on logoff. Also make sure you have enabled streaming in Citrix Profile Management

The plan is to use full user layers and be able to have windows search enabled and work for every user, for file systems and Outlook(cached profile) as well. We have non-persistent Windows 10 1803 base image with 8-10 applications (through application layering). What is the walkthrough to achieve this?

We're also experiencing long logon times and haven't been able to pinpoint the reason. We don't believe it is Antivirus related as if we removed the layer containing AV there isn't a noticeable improvement.

I am having users complain that after installing Global Protect, their machine is taking a lot logger to login. We have Global Protect set up as an "always on" solution. So if your machine has access to the internet it will automatically connect. We are using certificate authentication at the machine and the user level. When a user's is not logged in, they press CTRL + ALT + DEL , enter in username and password and then wait for a long time for Windows to load their session. If they turn wireless off and Global Protect can't connect, login time is a lot faster.

I have been having difficulty opening my dropbox folders on my windows when I double left-click on folders. It usually takes about 10 to 15 seconds to open each folder. However, the weird thing is when I right-click on the same folders and select open in a tab or when I left click on the folders in quick access, they open quickly. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app and I have deleted dropbox cache but neither of them worked. I have been using dropbox for more than 10 years and this is the first time such a weird thing is happening to me. Could someone help me identify the problem please?

I have a problem with long windows in Cadence Virtuoso. For example when i popup Automatic routing window I cant see entire window I see only part of window. There is no scrollbar or something like that so i dont have any access to option located on the bottom of window. Please how can I solve this problem?

I've just installed Windows 2016 on a new machine and have followed the steps to enable long paths (as detailed here), and am still getting messages telling me files cannot be copied or folders created because they would create a long path name.

Enabling NTFS long paths will allow manifested win32 applications and Windows Store applications to access paths beyond the normal 260 char limit per node. Enabling this setting will cause the long paths to be accessible within the process. 17dc91bb1f

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