At this point in time, I am only able to release builds for Windows PC. There are two main reason for this:

1) I don't own any computers using the Mac or Linux operating systems. If I exported a Mac / Linux build, I'd have no way to test it. I'd just be throwing a build onto the Internet and praying that people can run it, with no real way to debug it if it doesn't work.

2) Yandere Simulator is developed using the Unity game engine. Within Unity, the process of switching from one platform (Windows) to another platform (Mac, Linux) requires Unity to re-import every one of the game's assets. Yandere Simulator is a huge game with thousands of assets, so when I click the button to switch from one platform to another button, it hangs there for about 15 minutes. Exporting a new build takes 15 minutes, too. It's simply too time-consuming to export PC+Mac+Linux every time I want to make a new build, especially when I can't even test the Mac or Linux builds.

I can't justify working on multiple platforms right now; so I will be maintaining my focus exclusively on PC for the time being. I won't begin to consider exporting Mac or Linux builds of the game until after the first official rival is implemented.

Regarding the possibility of releasing Yandere Simulator for mobile phones...Yandere Simulator may seem like a simple game on the surface, but it is actually an extremely complex game. It is extremely unlikely that a mobile device such as an iPhone or Android could ever run the full version of Yandere Simulator. In order to run on a mobile device, the game would have to be simplified so much that it wouldn't even be the same game anymore.

If the player steals a rival's phone, this will prevent many events from taking place. To balance the game, the player will not be allowed to leave school with a stolen phone. If the player does not return a stolen phone by the end of the school day, the rival whose phone was stolen will report the theft to the guidance counselor, who will personally check the belongings of every student at school. The counselor will find the stolen phone in the player's inventory, and the player will be expelled from school, causing a game over.

How Long Does Yandere Simulator Take To Download

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If that answer is too broad and vague to be useful, it may be a good idea to change the question being asked. "Now that all the gameplay elements are finished, how long will it take to complete the story elements?" Yandere Simulator has such an abundance of gameplay mechanics that it took 6 years to finish implementing all of the mechanics necessary to make it possible to play through the story. However, implementing a rival takes mere months, so the rest of the game's development should go by much faster. I predict that the game will reach completion in 12 to 24 months.

Fans have voiced concerns over how long development of the game has taken. Mahan initially responded to these concerns with an announcement in March 2017 that he would be partnering with TinyBuild; this partnership ended in December of the same year.[16][18]

Each individual stamp has a certain cooldown that tells you how long it will take to recover that stamp. The higher the stamp, the longer the wait. Please note that it uses the time you're online to recover, and will not recover if you are offline. Also, you need the previous stamp in order for the next stamp to recover. For example, if you are waiting for your 5th stamp to recover, it won't recover until your 4th stamp has recovered.

For higher the rarity, the longer the cloning process takes, for example a common unit may take like 30 minutes, but a divine takes 30 hours, to speed this up time teams and events are almost essential to do this as it will take alot of time to do it. Another thing is passives, passives greatly effect the time of a unit to be cloned, for example, a common passive may not take much time to clone, however units with secret passives can literally take weeks sometimes depending on the rarity of the unit. when units are limit broken, the time for cloning will increase even more! this is where your time greatly helps, as cloning a limit broken divine with 2 secret passives takes about 3 weeks and 3 days, this is way too long, so this is why time helps alot.

If your program was a long chain of if else statements in a loop, then sure,but most of your program's time isn't going to be in evaluating ifstatements. If you wantto make your code run fast, you need to optimize the slowest parts of yourprogram first. As an example, if you have one function that takes up 1second and another function that takes up an hour, a 50% speedup in the firsttask will only save you half a second but a 50% speedup in the second task willsave you half an hour.

BitLife added the Archived Challenges Catalog on iOS on April 5, 2020, and is not available on Android as of yet. This was added to let players complete some of the Challenges they may not have completed when they were live. The Alphabet, Ghostbusters, Shamrock, Gold Digger, and Black Widow challenges are Archived. In October 2022, all of a players uncompleted challenges were put into a challenge vault, which players have to pay for access to. Sometimes if a challenge is completed but the game does not recognize it, a character may have to Age up or exit and re-enter the game for it to take effect.

In the first intro she is his tsundere childhood friend who would berate him. Senpai just stood there and took what she gave and will still accept her confession, so long as Yandere-chan doesn't mess it up. In the second intro she is still the same old tsundere friend.[21]

Senpai isn't close with Yandere-chan and he doesn't know much about her. He usually never notices Yandere-chan as she can stalk him after school, depending on how the day went. However, if she stands near him for too long during the day then he might notice and get freaked out.

The next morning, Clementine and Lee meet Kenny and his wife, Katjaa, along with their son, Duck. Clementine was befriended by Katjaa almost immediately, with her acting like a motherly figure for Clementine. Clementine also witnesses the walker attack that kills Shawn, which causes Hershel Greene to kick the group off his farm as he blames Kenny and possibly Lee for not saving his son. Kenny's family offers to take Lee and Clementine to Macon, Lee's hometown, to which Lee accepts.

In the middle of the night Clementine wakes up and sees Pete laying on the floor making pained noises. Clementine goes to check on him to see how he's doing. Pete then sits up and tells Clementine that he doesn't feel good, and that he wanted to live. He also says that he wishes he could say goodbye to Nick and asks Clementine if she can promise him that she'll take care of Nick.

Heading over to Kenny, Clementine notices he is holding the baby, and together they decide to name him 'Alvin Jr.', or 'AJ' for short, before Clementine starts to tend to his wound. She successfully manages to take off the old bandage, sterilize the wound and attach a clean cloth which would last a lot longer, during which they talk further about how Alvin Jr. will be tough when he grows older. Kenny shows that he feels partially responsible for Alvin's death, before the rest of the group are finished and they continue towards the house.

The two of them then stare as Kenny approaches back into the rest area, fists clenched. Clementine can choose to stand in Kenny's way, but he will push her out of the way towards Jane and begin violently fighting with her. For the duration of the fight, Clementine has the option to intervene or stay put and watch the fight entail. Eventually, the fight takes all three of them outside, and after Kenny stabs Jane in the leg, the latter will flinch backwards and knock Clementine over. Upon regaining her sight, Clementine will see a gun next to her with Kenny and Jane continuing a vicious fight. Clementine will have an option to pick up the gun, and if she does so, she can either choose to shoot Kenny or look away, resulting in Kenny stabbing Jane in the chest. If she does not choose to pick up the gun, she will simply watch as the fight ends with Kenny defeating Jane. There are then multiple outcomes:

Before the raid, James talks to Clem, discussing his time in the Whisperers (along with backstory about his boyfriend Charlie if Clem shared his belief about walkers) and expressing worry that something could break inside of AJ if he kills again. Clem, Louis/Violet and AJ sneak towards the boat using walkers as shields and swim underneath the pier to reach it. They reach the boiler room and place Willy's bomb inside of it before reaching the area where their friends are being captured. Minnie forms a temporary alliance with the group but while Clem checks on whoever was captured out of Louis and Violet, Minnie knocks her out. Lilly arrives to the cell, telling Clem that like it or not, they are part of The Delta now. To further show the consequences of disobedience, she has Dorian threaten to cut Louis/Violet's finger off which Clem can choose for AJ to either risk by attacking Dorian or standing down. Lilly notices AJ's drive as a possible soldier and takes him to the top deck. Minnie and Louis/Violet begin arguing as Clem uses AJ's shiv to break the door open. Clem quickly opens the other cells before Minnie begins fighting her. Minnie will quickly gain the upper hand, coming close to stabbing her with the knife. (Determinant) If Violet was saved, she will shoot Minnie in the shoulder with a crossbow bolt to save Clem.

(Determinant) If James was saved as a result of shooting Lilly, he will attempt to abduct AJ inside of the cave to raise him in a world of peace with no violence and death. The two are horrified to hear AJ admits that he liked shooting Lilly and he shouldn't feel bad about killing someone who wants to hurt them since it kept them safe. James will force Clem to reason with AJ but no matter what she says to AJ, he is unsatisfied and tries once again to take AJ. If Clem tells him he can't force his philosophies of peace on people, he will stay behind and fend off walkers. If not, he will abandon the group in anger. Before being forced to leave the cave, the player is given the choice of whether or not to trust AJ to make the right calls with his gun to keep people safe as long as he doesn't enjoy the act of killing someone. 17dc91bb1f

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