The core functionality of most Slack apps will involve the publication or consumption of messages. In this overview we're going to give you a quick trip through the basics of doing these things, and an introduction to all the terminology that surrounds messaging.

Apps also have access to a range of composition and interactivity options for controlling the look and feel of messages. You can read the overview guides for those topics to get a better sense of what is possible, but for now let's learn about the environment that messages exist in.

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In Slack, messages inhabit conversations. A conversation is a catch all term that covers public channels, private channels, direct message conversations, and group (or multi-party) direct message conversations.

Different conversations will have varying levels of visibility and publishing permission, which is important when you're trying to create messages programmatically, we'll cover this more in our sending messages guide.

These are called ephemeral messages, and in most other respects they're like any other message - composed in the same way, published in much the same way, and viewed within the same types of conversations in Slack.

The only differences are that only one user within that conversation will see them, and that they do not persist across reloads, between desktop and mobile apps, or across sessions. Once the session is closed (for example, the user reloads the app or logs out and back in), ephemeral messages will disappear and cannot be recovered.

Use ephemeral messages when you want to send someone a context-sensitive message that isn't suitable for the wider conversation. For example, if a user invokes one of your app's slash commands that performs some action on a third-party service, an ephemeral message might be the most suitable way to inform that user of the success of the action.

Ephemeral messages should only ever be sent in response to some user action, they must never be unexpected or unsolicited. If you want to send a message to a specific user in any other situation, send them a DM.

To learn how your app can spot and retrieve threaded messages, read our retrieving messages guide. Or if you want to find out how to publish messages as threaded replies, read our sending messages guide.

Incoming Webhooks are a way to post messages from apps into Slack. Creating an Incoming Webhook gives you a unique URL to which you send a JSON payload with the message text and some options. You can use all the usual formatting and layout blocks with Incoming Webhooks to make the messages stand out.

We're going to walk through a really quick 4-step process (if you've already done some of these things it'll be even easier) that will have you posting messages using Incoming Webhooks in a few minutes:

Pick a name, choose a workspace to associate your app with (bearing in mind that you'll probably be posting lots of test messages, so you might want to create a channel for sandbox use), and then click Create App. If you've already created one, you can use it too, also have a cookie ?.

Great work, you've set up Incoming Webhooks for your Slack app and made a successful test call, and you're ready to start making those messages more interesting and useful. Also, we baked some extra cookies to celebrate ????.

Incoming Webhooks conform to the same rules and functionality as any of our other messaging APIs. You can make your posted messages just a single line of text, or make them really useful with interactive components.

You cannot override the default channel (chosen by the user who installed your app), username, or icon when you're using Incoming Webhooks to post messages. Instead, these values will always inherit from the associated Slack app configuration.

Incoming webhooks may throw errors when receiving malformed requests, when utilized webhook URLs are no longer valid, or when something truly exceptional prevents your messages from making it through to channels and users.

Apps that only 'listen' can be useful, but there's so much more utility to explore by transforming a monologue into a conversation. Give your app the gift of dialogue by setting it up to send Slack messages.

One thing you'll need before starting is a Slack app. If you don't have one yet, here's a very quick guide to help you create one. Make sure you create the app in a workspace that won't mind you posting lots of test messages!

The first is channels:read. That scope lets your app retrieve a list of all the public channels in a workspace so that you can pick one to publish a message to. If you already know the ID of the channel you wish to send messages to, you can skip out on requesting channels:read.

When publishing threaded reply messages, you can also supply a reply_broadcast boolean parameter, as listed in the relevant API docs. This parameter, if set to true, will 'broadcast' a reference to the threaded reply to the parent conversation. Read more about the Slack user-facing equivalent of this feature here.

Scheduling a message is just a bit of fancy footwork on top of sending a message directly. First, take a gander at our guide to sending messages. After you've done that, come back here and keep reading.

If you don't already know the ID of the channel you wish to send messages to, you may also want to give your app another scope: channels:read. This scope lets your app retrieve a list of all the public channels in a workspace so you can pick one to publish a message to.

You can use the Slack pack to send messages directly from your Coda doc with the click of a button. This makes managing tasks and your team even easier. Before you begin, install the Slack pack to your Coda doc. Visit our Using the Slack pack article for instructions on how to install.

It seems like messages are split when there are more than around 4000 characters. With split I mean it seems like the message is delivered as multiple messages and not a single one. Is there a good reason to why that is? According to the slack doc they changed the limit in August this year so you can post much longer messages, -04-truncating-really-long-messages. At the same time it seems like there is some kind of limit in the slack UI.

According to the link you sent out (but, absent from the API documentation) Slack seems to reserve the right to split messages over 4000 characters into multiple messages, which I presume is what is causing the behavior you are seeing.

Aside from chat messages, there is another special kind of message called an event. An event is any update a client receives in real time that changes the state of the client. There are hundreds of different types of events that flow across our servers. Some examples include when a user sends a reaction to a message, a bookmark is added, or a member joins a channel. These events follow a similar journey to the simple chat message shown above.

Look at the message delivery graph below. The count spikes at regular intervals. What could cause these spikes? Turns out, events sent for reminders, scheduled messages, and calendar events tend to happen at the top of the hour, explaining the regular traffic spikes.

Our servers serve tens of millions of channels per host, tens of millions of connected clients, and our system delivers messages across the world in 500ms. With the linear scalability of our current architecture, our projections show that we can serve many more customers. However, there is always room for improvement and we are looking to extend our architecture to serve the scale of our next biggest customers. If this work sounds interesting to you, come join us: we have an open role !

Send this command in any channel and a list of your messages will be returned including the time they will be scheduled, the content, the channel and the message ID which can be used to delete specific messages.

Something that's important to consider that is people don't always like threads. They're not as feature-rich as channels. For one thing, you can't "Thread" a thread; there's no forking so when sub-threads become necessary you're forced to start quoting messages, which has its own limitations.

It is not possible to move a slack message to a thread, but you can always reply to thread or you can attach your reply with the message you want by clicking on share message and then typing your content. You can refer to the pic; there is a tilt arrow which is share message icon.

In short

I am attempting to duplicate Slack messages, including their blocks, from one channel to another. Unfortunately, I am encountering an error with the message Function 'getBlocksData' finished with error! JSON for blocks is invalid. I am currently investigating the cause of this issue.

Complete use-case

Our organization has established a Slack channel for the centralization of monitoring messages from various sources, including NodeJS and Python backend applications, SaaS monitoring tools, and automation tools. The messages are reviewed and analyzed by designated human observers.

In order to enhance client focus, we aim to duplicate relevant messages into individual client-specific channels. This will enable our Account Managers to effectively track and follow up on client-related issues on a per-client basis. Despite recognizing the limitations of Slack for this purpose, I have been assigned to implement this solution after considering and evaluating alternative tools such as DataDog and Kibana.

However, the Slack messages consist of Slack Blocks, and I am encountering difficulties in duplicating these blocks, with the said error message. I have conducted research to locate a function similar to JSON.Stringify() to resolve this issue, but have been unsuccessful thus far. 2351a5e196

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