So I've noticed when a Spotify song is on and I go to start a YouTube video the music doesn't stop playing and I have the video and song playing at the same time. How do I fix this or is this some kind of bug? It didn't happen after an upgrade as I haven't done one in like a month and this only started about 2 days ago

So I am adding music, and everything I have tried failed to make the music stop when I move to the next scene, so the music keeps playing over and over on top of each other, how can I start it in one scene and stop it in the next?

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It is already set to stop all music, so idk why that is not working, maybe it is a bug in the program that is causing this to break? Maybe this should be a post in the bug reports section?

I have a list containing music on each item. If I close the screen im changing the index of the currently located BottomNavigationPage and calling the stop function for stopping the audio, but exactly this doesnt work sometimes. If the song is in loading process or user is really fast, song will continue beeing played on different pages.

And a short video showing the issue. If we go to the carousel screen, navigate threw songs and closing the screen before they have been loaded, they will be played on a different screen which I dont want. I also dont want to somehow "block" the user sliding threw the carousel until the song is loaded.Video:

It sounds like you're trying to build a carousel slider. I would suggest instead of trying to build it you use something like the carousel_slider package. You should be able to just call play in the callback for onPageChanged.

I went into my iPhone settings, then to Facebook settings and turned off access to my camera. Now I can scroll Facebook and listen to music at the same time. If I watch a video the music pauses but starts again once the video has finished.

Me too. The app continues to pause my music even after doing this. Also, not for nothing but Facebook robot moderators have been non stop banning me from activity for no specified reason. Tired of this app

After reading several replies, I turned off FB access to photos in settings, tested, and music was working again while using the FB app. So I went back into settings and turned access to all photos back on, and the music continued to play! Turning photo access on and off seemed to be a solution, at least for me. Weird.

By doing so, the watch remembers not only what song I was listening to but also how far i got in the song. When i go back to listening to music i find that same song at the very moment i left it. Even if three days went by and i switched off the watch in the meantime.

Before I start the activity, I hold down the bottom left button until I get the music control screen. Then I go down one choice to "Play All Songs". That starts a new song, and since I'm playing random songs it continues on with random songs.

Then I back out of the music menu by clicking the bottom right button until I'm on my watch face. The music continues to play. Then I start the activity by first clicking on the top right bottom, selecting the activity, selecting the course, selecting the workout, and then start.

I have the same or perhaps a similar problem, namely that I can start music playing via Google assistant (on a nest hub max) but if I tell it to stop or pause, it says "Sure, stopping the music on [device]. Sorry, something went wrong. When you're ready give it another try.". While it is doing this, the music continues to play, and does not stop. This is the case regardless of which service is being used (eg Spotify or YouTube music). It works fine if I hit the stop button on the nest hub. I've tried rebooting the device, physically disconnecting and reconnecting it, reauthorizing Sonos on the music services (within Sonos app) and reconnecting Sonos and reauthorizing music connections within Google home device settings. Nothing fixes it.

How would i go about playing different songs during game play? currently i have a theme song playing when the game starts, but when the player reaches their wining score i want it to stop playing and play a new song. Currently, i have this action take place on the gamemode blueprint. So i have it to where i notify if the player eached the winning score. Unfortunately, the main sound doesnt stop.

Recently I have setup a new computer (i7-10700, 64GB ram, 250GB NvMe ssd). OS is AudioLinux with HQP embedded. The music path is NAS -> Roon rock (intel nuc) -> HQP -> NAA (raspberry pi4) -> R2R DAC.Initially HQP embedded version is 4.20.1. Roon always stop playing music after 30 minutes (I have buy license, not license issue). I have to go to HQP config page and click apply. It can force HQP reconnect to NAA and then play music again.

It is very annoying issue. Piero remotely checked my HQP computer but nothing found. How ca I solve this problem?

Piero@AudioLinux told me Roon and HQP on same computer may solve the problem, so my latest music path is NAS -> Switch -> i7-10700 (Roon and HQP) -> NAA -> DAC. No luck, still stop playing music after 30 minutes.

After some 40 years of playing music very poorly, I've come to realize that I'm playing the notes, but not playing music. I have played the trumpet, tenor sax, piano, classical guitar and tenor recorder for several years each, and it all comes out sounding blah, blah, blah. Until after several years my wife tells me that I'm "just not very good." I can read the sheet music and play a song a hundred times, on any of those instruments, but it all sounds the same. And because I am playing the notes, I invariably make many mistakes and I can never get up to proper speed. I have tried to memorize the song, but then I'm just visualizing the notes in my mind so there is no improvement. I recognize that it's something in my brain that's not connecting. Is there a way that I can stop playing notes and start playing music?

There's lots of good advice here. I think the diversity of suggestions bespeaks a lack of clarity about the source of your problem. From what you say about yourself, there is some lack of musical "sense," but it's hard to say where this comes from. Maybe it's in your head, but maybe it's tied to the physiological/neurological process of learning the physical skill. Maybe an inability to play fluently prevented you from learning to think in musical phrases. Maybe an inability to think in musical phrases prevented you from learning to play fluently.

The key thing is usually phrases. I've heard instrumental musicians tell their students, when they're playing a piece that isn't a vocal accompaniment, that they should make up words to help them with the phrasing.

That is, because your problem is playing individual notes and being unable to think of anything other than individual notes, perhaps you should try to learn how to connect individual notes into coherent phrases. Before you can do that, you need to be able to connect two notes into a single coherent gesture. You're old enough to have the patience for this -- most children would not.

You mentioned the Beatles. Take Yesterday. Practice playing the first word -- the first three notes -- so they sound good. Take 5 or 10 minutes and just concentrate on those three notes. Make the second note less important than the first and third. This is hard to do well and requires practice. Even if you understand the concept, it requires physical skill, and you have to teach your body how to do it.

Once you're satisfied with the first three notes, take the next phrase, but start at the end, with "game to play." Spend a couple of minutes on it. Then spend some time on "easy game to play," then "such an easy game to play," and so on. Alternate singing and playing. Mix in some speaking. Speak both with a natural rhythm of speech and with the rhythm of the melody. How close can you get to the notated rhythm and sound like you're speaking naturally? How closely can you match that feeling when you sing or play?

You mentioned not being able to think of chords as chords but just as collections of notes. Here too, detailed practice may be the solution. Take a well known piece with a simple chord progression. In my own youth, these were Heart and Soul and Chopsticks. I used to play the latter as a piano duet where the second piano part just played chords: G7-C-G7-C-G7-C, ad infinitum. At first, you might think of this as GBDF-CEG but after a couple of minutes of playing just those two chords, you should be able to start thinking of them as units. Then try the same exercise with the three chords of the 12-bar blues or the four chords of Heart and Soul.

With all of these exercises, the idea is to focus first on connecting two notes or two chords into a single pair, a poetic "foot," if you will. You're not only interested in making each note sound good, or natural, or whatever, but in making the connections between notes sound good, and making the two notes sound like a single coherent "word" or phrase. Once you can play two of these things together, you can start combining them to create longer phrases.

This should have the effect of training both your mental sense of the music and your physical apparatus -- your hands, mouth, lungs, and so on. One user suggested that one should avoid relying on muscle memory. I doubt many world-class musicians would agree. The trick is to train the muscle memory well. Even when a professional pianist is sight reading a new piece of music, muscle memory is involved. It may be that nobody ever played some specific sequence of chords before, but if that sequence includes A major followed by A major, the pianist will have muscle memory for the particular voicing of D major and the particular voicing of A major and for how to move from one to the other. ff782bc1db

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