If you're trying to add your Outlook.com account to Outlook or another mail app, you might need the POP, IMAP, or SMTP settings. You can find them below or by viewing them in your Outlook.com settings.

If you use Outlook.com to access an account that uses a domain other than @live.com, @hotmail.com, or @outlook.com, you might not be able to sync your accounts using IMAP. To resolve this, remove the connected IMAP account in Outlook.com and reconfigure it as a POP connection. For instructions about how to reconfigure your account to use POP, contact your email account provider.

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A mail server -- also known as a mail transfer agent, or MTA; mail transport agent; mail router; or internet mailer -- is an application that receives incoming email from local users and remote senders and forwards outgoing messages for delivery. A computer dedicated to running these applications is also called a mail server. Microsoft Exchange, Exim and Sendmail are common examples of mail server programs.

A mail server works with other programs to create a messaging system. A messaging system includes all the applications necessary to keep email moving smoothly. When an email is sent, a program, such as Microsoft Outlook, forwards the message to a mail server. The mail server then forwards the message to either another mail server or to a holding area on the same server to be forwarded later.

POP3, for example, downloads email from a server and stores incoming email messages on a single device until the user opens the email client. Once the user downloads the email, it is automatically deleted from the server, unless the "keep mail on server" setting is enabled. Many internet service providers offer their users POP3 email accounts, as they are more space efficient.

IMAP servers enable users to preview, delete and organize emails before transferring them to multiple devices from the email server. Copies of emails are left on the server until the user deletes them.

An outgoing mail server operates by having a user's machine communicate with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), which handles the email delivery process. SMTP servers work with other types of mail servers, namely POP3 or IMAP, to send emails from email clients.

Email servers can be located on premises or be cloud-based. On-premises servers are physical servers that are at an organization's location. The organization must manage and maintain all servers and infrastructure. Cloud-based servers are virtual and are hosted using cloud computing. There is no one right option for every organization, as it depends on the business.

On-premises mail servers use the organization's servers, receiving all emails and sending them to an indexed database. On-premises servers typically require a larger upfront investment for hardware, installation and management. The potential for scalability is also less immediate compared to email servers hosted in the cloud. The organization is responsible for providing security.

Cloud-based email servers, such as Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), operate the same way as on-premises servers, but the data is stored in a cloud environment that a separate vendor provides. There is typically a monthly fee included, set up as a pay-as-you-go pricing method. Scaling is usually easier and more immediate compared to on-premises servers since an organization is just using more of the vendor's resources instead of having to add more physical server space. The cloud vendor provides security.

I have been assisting with the migration of a Lucee 5.x based site from one hosting provider to another and mostly this has been trouble-free. I am not a Lucee expert, so please forgive my perhaps simple question.

When the site attempts to send an email, an exception is thrown indicating that no smtp servers have been configured. With the site having been migrated, I had expected the configuration to have been moved over.

So, can someone point me in the right direction with regard to accessing the Administration page? Also, is there a way of configuring the mail server settings without accessing this page? Where are the configuration settings actually stored and is it possible to change them manually on a global basis?

Thanks for taking the time to reply, Terry. The OS certificate store already has this information present. I am able to use an application like mailx to send emails. The error message shown says nothing about certificate validation, it specifically says that no mail servers have been configured.

Thanks Julian. Your feedback does confirm that what I have done should have worked. The installation appears to be slightly non-standard and I am wondering if this is related to the issue, since I have also tried as you suggested and the mail server info is not returned.

I have tried to set up the access log to be mailed to me when i have wifi breaches by a mac address not on my access list but, It does not appear to work. Does anyone know exactly how to set this up using gmail as the outgoing mail server?

Unfortunately, some Netgear routers are better at this than others. In particular, "down market" boxes don't let you play around with SMTP ports, forcing you to work with ports that some mail servers reject.

No idea what you are saying? Could you please tell me how to set up the log to be email using a GMAIL email address? Or can I not use a gmail address to send the log. The only other email type address that I have is a hotmail address

My experience is that some of these "workhorse" (does that make you feel more comfortable?) routers do not have the same configuration options as some devices with go-fast stripes on the side. For example, they do not allow users to chance the SMTP port from 25. Google no longer allows that port, if it ever did.

@JGL991 all recent routers can use say Gmail or Microsoft/Outlook/Live - and all support secured connections being on port 465 of 587 as well as the insecure 25 thanks to some brilliant simple sendmail implementation in place.

Some things in common for _all_ email providers nowadays is that you have to use authentication. You typically use the email address (of course the one fitting to the SMTP server, when consider to use the live.com SMTP you need to use some Microsoft platform Email, not Gmail of course. Unclear what does trigger the idea using a different email provider SMTP server than you intend to use as the email receiver. Of course this would work, but requires correct config for the authentication for that other email provider.

Outgoing Mail Server, Outgoing Mail Server Port Number, and the authentication User Name and Password belong to the same group of the outgoing or sending mail server. The Primary E-Mail Address is the receiver address and can be different..

1. What is the problem? Be very detailed.

I have an ODK Central already running on-perm Linux. Now I want to configure ODK Central to use a new mail server so that ODK Central (on-prem host) could work with the new mail server. How to configure and then restart ?

2. What app or server are you using and on what device and operating system? Include version numbers.

ODK Central v1.1.2, on-prem CentOS7.

3. What you have you tried to fix the problem?

Configure ODK Central to use a new mail server.

But I met another question after I reset the mail server in files/service/config.json.template . After i restarted, and set to reset password, and then rebuild/run (docker-compose build service, docker-compose stop service, docker-compose up -d service). I noticed that there server couldn't be completely up when I "docker-compose ps" (nginx is always in Restarting status):

According to this document it basically makes it sound like Azure VM's are not allowed outbound SMTP traffic on port 25 unless you have an Enterprise Agreement - is this really true? There is no way to host a mail server in Azure without an EA? Any workarounds for this?

I have setup the mail server using the remote UI from my pc and tested the mail server connection to be successful on my web browser. I am using gmail as my mail server. However, when I try to scan document to email it from device directly, it throws an error 3418 which states that the machine failed to connect to mail server.

If the credentialsd are being entered correctly on the printer, the issue would be related to your mail service. Contact your service provider to ensure that there are no possible settings that are active that would prevent access.

Step5: Scan and Filter Inbound Emails -> By the SMTP Policy I used my personal domain (private.com) located by my provider. I have also a business domain (business.com).


 By the General settings of the email is only 1 SMTP Hostname possible. I have at least 2. Is it possible to add the second and more to the protected domain list, if I route with MX RECORD?

 The Spam and Malware protection not relevant at the moment.

Step 6 This setting is for outbound email, usually, you would add here your internal Email Server (Exchange) so the XG knows that this host is authorized to relay email outbound (Don't set ANY as this would cause your XG to be an Open Relay to anybody)

My SMTP policy looks as described on my first post. I just added on "Protected domain *" an Address group with the domains privat.com and business.com and activated "Spam protection" and "Malware protection". I think the protection work, because one mail was already marked with the prefix "[SPAM]".

We have a Moodle 3.7.1 housed on Microsoft web server 2016 and SQL server 2016 that is having issues connecting to mail server. But here's the rub: that same web server houses another Moodle site, version 3.3.5, that is communicating no problem with the web server (not best practice, I know, but one site is a test and the other is for internal use, if that makes it better).

One tip I got was to move over an older email folder to the auth folder but the new site didn't like going backwards.

We'll continue to search in the firewall and email server but could this be a setting buried somewhere on the new site? e24fc04721

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