I'm wondering how to handle the scenario where you do not want employees to be able to connect their personal computers running Outlook to Exchange and downloading their work email to personal machines.

In View / "Change View" I can choose a good view for Inbox, with the correct width for Subject etc. But, since all computers have different desktop resolutions, I need to have many Views saved (saving views has its own bugs, by the way).

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I save and use a View called MainDesktop for one computer (high resolution screen). Laptop1 for another (low resolution screen). Now I open Outlook on the main computer, looks fine. Then I open Outlook on laptop. Now the MainDesktop View is forced on the laptop, looks awful. Then, changing to Laptop1 and now the main computer is forced to use the Laptop1 view.

And thus you can use any number of computers with Outlook, using the same exact profile, still having different custom Inbox views for each computer (this code changes the view quickly according to the computer name). So you have to understand a bit of the code to edit it to match your systems. And you have to create and save views for each computer. Name them according to the computer name. All your Outlooks will then show all computers' views in the Change View selector. Views are then selected there with {Down}{Right}{Enter} or similar.

I have a user with a very peculiar problem: if he puts his computer in sleep or hibernate mode while his Outlook 2013 client is open, he will not see any of the mail while the machine is off when he resumes it.

For instance, he put his machine in hibernation yesterday evening and, this morning, all emails received between yesterday 18:30 and this morning 09:30 where completely missing from the outlook interface.

Problem: When I schedule the task with the setting as Run whether user is logged on or not, the Excel file opens and gets refreshed, but it does not send the mail, nor does it appear in my outbox. The refresh does happen successfully though. This is when the user is not logged on. What I meant was that the computer is locked.

Is it possible to run two Outlook profiles on one computer? research says that if you run "outlook.exe /profile name_of_profile" that it would start Outlook using name_of_profile. I've tried do this and then running "outlook.exe /profile name_of_profile2" and all it did was open a second instance of Outllook using name_of_profile instead of name_of_profile2. this is on a Windows 10 system with Outlook 2010 and email accounts for both profiles from Office 365.

It sounds to me you want both profiles to run at the same time. If that is the case I believe the answer to be no. I'm not 109% sure, I would have to try it, but could you not add two email addresses to the same profile just by setting it up as another account in the same profile?

I have seen this on one system at work but have not tried it. 

I know we could when we used the old Eudora program. "Don't ask, but my wife still uses it and has 4 email addresses setup in it. "

I can't get her to make the move to outlook, but I had set it up with multiple accounts in the same profile and each had their own mailbox file. The problem was importing her Eudora into Outlook lost some of the dates for older emails and some other information and at the age of 75 teaching her a new program can be difficult. 

But I digress. If they are just separate email accounts a single profile should suffice. Unless there is a different reason for needing a separate profile. 


Outlook will use whichever email account is being used to send from when opening each profile. Other applications though will only see the main outlook profile. Applications are not meant to use Outlook open more than one profile at a time. The user will need to know how to switch between profiles in the system (Added complexity). 

Computer systems have evolved significantly over the past several decades. This is thanks to computer engineers who design, test, and improve these systems. This skilled career can lead to high-paying jobs with some of the best-known companies in the world, including Apple, Amazon, and Google.

Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a slower-than-average growth rate of 5% for computer engineers, these professionals earned a healthy median annual salary of $128,170 as of 2021. Moreover, with computers used in so many types of technology, demand for computer engineers will likely continue into the future.

A computer engineer might combine electrical engineering with computer science to create technology. This technologies may become part of vehicles, security systems, or other electronic devices. These professionals must understand programming languages and have exceptional problem-solving skills.

Computer engineers work closely with software developers, computer programmers, and other related professionals. Although computer engineers often work in technology, they may also find jobs in manufacturing, research, and government positions.

Location also influences industry salaries. For example, the BLS lists Washington, California, and Massachusetts as the states with the highest wages for computer hardware engineers. Meanwhile, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Nevada offer some of the lowest average salaries.

Recent computer engineering graduates pursue entry-level careers, gaining on-the-job experience as their career advances. An associate degree in computer science or a coding bootcamp can lead to apprenticeship or junior-level opportunities. However, most skilled positions require at least a bachelor's degree. These jobs tend to offer higher wages.

A master of science in computer engineering can also significantly boost a graduate's ability to advance their career and earn a higher salary. Gaining several years of experience with a company can also lead to advancement.

Additionally, computer engineering certificates build crucial computer networking and architecture skills to make prospective employees more competitive. These certificates are often more affordable than a graduate degree.

The table below lists the average hourly and annual wages for degree-holders at different education levels. Note that these figures represent all degree-holders across computer science, not solely computer engineers.

Other states with more rural communities need computer engineers, and pay well for them. For example, data from the BLS shows the average salary for computer engineers in Alabama, Wisconsin, and Utah tops $100,000. All three states also have lower-than-average costs of living.

It is crucial to consider computer engineer salary versus demand and cost of living when choosing the best area to start your career. The BLS data in the tables below shows the top-paying states and metropolitan regions for computer engineers in 2021.

The demand for computer engineers continues to grow, albeit more slowly than other computer-related occupations. The BLS projects 5% growth for this career from 2021-2031, as fast as the average growth BLS projects for all occupations. Companies need computer engineers to create and improve computer hardware, a trend that shows no sign of ceasing.

The BLS projects faster growth for jobs related to computer engineering, including software engineers and web developers: 25% growth and 23% growth, respectively, in these careers from 2021-2031. Thus, degree-seekers prioritizing future job security can specialize in one of these similar, faster-growing disciplines instead.

Location also has a significant impact on available jobs. For example, densely populated regions like the San Francisco Bay Area or the Washington, D.C. metro area offer high computer engineer employment rates. In contrast, states with more rural regions, like Alaska and Louisiana, provide fewer opportunities for these professionals.

Because most computer engineering jobs are in the tech industry, these positions often cluster in urban areas near companies' headquarters. California employs 19,910 computer engineers, the highest-employing state for these professionals. Several Californian metropolitan areas lead the pack in employment and wages.

Computer engineer salaries and job opportunities vary significantly across the country. Generally, states with large metropolitan areas, like California and Texas, employ the most computer engineers and offer some of the highest salaries. These states also tend to have higher projected employment increases for computer engineers.

Though states like Florida and Texas offer wages lower than the national median salary, for computer engineers, their costs of living are also lower relative to the national index. Florida employs a little over 3,000 computer engineers who earn an average wage of $114,720. The cost of living index is 100.3, compared to the national average of 100.

The tables below analyze top-employing states and states with high projected growth for computer engineer employment. This data may help computer science degree-seekers find states with high-paying opportunities.

Cities and metropolitan areas lead the nation's technology industry. Well-known tech companies like PayPal and Google call these areas home. California employs the largest number of computer engineers nationally, thanks to its many metropolitan areas and its business incentives that attract companies to the state.

According to the BLS, regions outside California also offer attractive salaries for computer engineers, including the DMV area outside Washington, D.C. ($140,970), and Portland, Oregon ($136,800). Furthermore, these states have much lower cost of living indexes than California's 141.2: 101-124 for the DMV and 130.1 in Oregon. ff782bc1db

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