Water Damage

Water Damage – What It Is and How to Fix It

Educating yourself about the dangers of water damage before it happens is the best way to minimize the personal and material damage it causes.

So, what exactly is water damage? Are there different types? And can water damage be fixed?

Water Damage

Water damage is an umbrella term that encompasses losses caused by water. This includes but is not limited to the rotting of wood and corrosion of metal structures in your home or business.

It also damages what lays beneath your floors and behind your walls by seeping in and taking the path of least resistance. Small structural weaknesses such as cracks and nail holes make way for the water to move ahead.

This causes a variety of different problems and leads to losses on the scale of thousands of dollars.

water damage houston

How Bad Is Water Damage to A House?

Water may be the source of life, but it can cause a lot of damage in large quantities.

It can ruin your carpets, cause ceiling chipping, and weaken your furniture beyond repair. But what's worse, water damage can destroy important documents, irreplaceable family possessions, and personal items.

If gone unnoticed for weeks, the water reduces your home's structural integrity and lessens the property's aggregate value.

But property damage is only the start. You've yet to consider:

Health Risks

The health risks that entail damage caused by water can have long-lasting effects. In severe cases, the health risks caused by water damage make homes inhabitable.

  • Mold: After the water has damaged your home, different kinds of dangerous molds like black, pink, and aspergillus mold can propagate in your home. These can cause respiratory problems, mental impairment, and even organ damage. Those with respiratory problems like asthma may find what they previously considered a safe environment inhospitable. In some cases, molds intensify the symptoms of allergies, too.

  • Bacteria: It's very easy for dangerous strains of bacteria to multiply in your home after water contamination. Continued interaction with the bacteria can cause asthma and poses an extensive array of other health risks.

  • Decreased Air Quality: The increased humidity can make it hard to breathe, putting people with lung problems at significant risk. Wheezing, coughing, and asthma attacks are common among those in homes with poor air quality.

  • Pests: Most pests love moisture and thrive in it. Water destruction, when left unaddressed, acts as an invitation for these critters. Cockroaches, ants, pillbugs, and centipedes will be the first to arrive, but the others won't take too long to show up.

Other Risks

Water damage can also cause other issues, including but not limited to:

  • Mental health issues: The stress from living in a home with mold and pests can impact work and personal life. It can be challenging for children to cope with and can affect performance in school and overall well being. Pets also find the change hard to cope with.

  • Financial risks: Water damage repair poses a serious threat to the financial security of the homeowner. The repair costs can add up quickly, and the inconvenience caused by it can impact work and earning potential.

Fortunately, those who discover and work to fix water damage as soon as they find it can potentially minimize the financial burden and circumvent most health concerns.

Learning about water damage is a stepping stone to being prepared – so you're well on your way to living the rest of your life without worrying about the consequences of severe water destruction.

water damage houston

Types of Water Damage

The IICRC defines four classes of water damage based on the estimated rate of evaporation:

  • Class 1: The water only damages a portion of the room, and the materials affected have low porosity.

  • Class 2: When the entire room is affected, and materials have low porosity, the damage is categorized as class 2. The water may have "wicked" up the walls, but not higher than 24 inches.

  • Class 3: The water affects the entire room, including the walls and ceilings. Class 3 water damage is typically caused when water comes from overhead.

  • Class 4: Water damage is categorized into class 4 when drying the materials requires low and specific humidity.

Floods in Houston typically cause class 3 water damage – which shows how severe water damage Houston can be.

water damage houston

Does Water Damage Happen Immediately?

The damage caused may be unnoticeably slow and minor – think small water spots that mar a surface in your home. Water damage may also be instant, caused by a burst pipe or flood.

But regardless of how slow or fast the damage occurs, what's important to remember is that water damage is a major contributor to property loss. Especially in Houston – water damage Houston is very common due to its vulnerability to devastating floods.

How Long Does It Take to Repair Water Damage?

There's no set timeline since the process of water damage repair varies from home to home. The size of your home, the flooring material, and the areas affected are only some of the basic factors that impact the water damage restoration timeline.

It typically takes roughly 72 hours for affected areas to dry up completely. Larger areas need more time to dry up.

After the area has dried off, specialists in Houston can begin the process of restoring the area. This phase can take up to three weeks. The size of the affected area and the amount of water both have a huge say in the amount of time it takes to fix water damage.

The typical home in Houston that suffers water damage takes at least a week to repair.

How Do You Handle Water Damage?

Call Your Insurance Company

The first thing you must do is call your homeowners insurance company. They will send over an expert to assess the damage.

Take Safety Measures

Turn off the power as soon as you can. If turning off power requires you to stand in a wet area, don't risk doing it yourself. Leave the power on and call an electrician.

Do not re-enter a flooded area before making sure the electricity is off.

When re-entering your home, make sure you wear gloves and rubber boots.

Not only will this protect you from injuries, but it will also ensure that any cuts you may get do not get infected from the bacteria in the water.

If the flooding is bad, don't risk going back inside.

Document and Clean Up

Note the value of every item in your home as far as possible, and take photos before, during, and after cleaning up.

Also, try and protect your valuables as best you can. Try lifting furniture off the wet carpet and place tin foil under your feet, so the carpet doesn't stain.

Begin restoring your home after clean up, and make sure you get help if major construction is required.

Does Homeowners Cover Water Damage?

Most homeowner's insurance policies cover water damage. However, if the water damage is caused by floods, water backup from an outside sewer, or inadequate maintenance, the company may not reimburse you for the damage.

If you live in cities like Houston, being proactive and getting water damage insurance and flood insurance is well worth the money. It can save you from a financial crisis if things go wrong.

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118 Eldridge Rd

Sugar Land, Texas 77478