Our Instructors

(Johana) Cindy Czako

Coach Cindy began shooting in 2010. She started as a competitive Olympic recurve archer before switching to shooting as a compound archer following neck surgery. As a compound shooter, Coach Cindy mainly focused on FITA and ASA. Recently, she switched to barebow and is now a member of the women's senior barebow USAT team. She will compete this spring on behalf of Team USA at the Pan American Championships. Coach Cindy is also a highly experienced instructor, with students of all ages who shoot compound, Olympic recurve, and barebow.  She is also a Level 3 USAA certified instructor. 

Anna Hanson

Coach Anna is a Level 3 Certified USAA Instructor. She has been teaching beginner through intermediate students for several years with a focus on Olympic recurve archers, but she shoots competitively as an Olympic recurve archer and a barebow archer. She is an experienced outdoor target and field archer and currently serves on the Buffalo Field Archery Board. She also raised an archer, who shot competitively for Texas A&M and on the national level.