Ceasefire Announced:Talks will Begin

"We are so happy that the war has ended", said an unknown citizen as people took to the streets to celebrate the end of the bloodshed that had occured during the Civil War in which five soldiers were injured and an unkown number of civilians were injured in the crossfire.

The two sides have agreed for an end to the war with a 48 hour ceasefire with this time being provided to meet at a conference scheduled at the 16th of March this year at the hard hit Playandia I Province.Both the sides had claimed inaccuracy at the way elections were had and suggested reforms in the electoral process.

The terms of the treaty will be discussed at the Playandia Conference.

Technology News!-

Citing security reasons ,the Houselandian Emergency Government has officialy adopted another website as the base of both The Official Website and this website as well.As a result,this article is our last in this website.We will be reporting about Houseland again in another website though!