Household Behavior
over the Life Cycle
over the Life Cycle
Course responsible:
Thomas H. Jørgensen, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality
Course description:
This course brings together especially labor and public economics with gender and family economics to analyze different aspects of household behavior over the life cycle. The household, consisting potentially of several adult members, is the central decision unit throughout the course. The topics and models in this course play a key role in current discussions on labor market inequality and welfare reforms in general. The tools you learn in this course are generally applicable in analyzing many aspects of the economy and can help inform policy makers on a broad range of topics.
The course combines theory, dynamic programming and empirical analysis: Along with different models describing household behavior over the life cycle, you will be introduced to numerical methods used to solve, simulate and estimate such models using empirical data. Concretely, you will learn to solve and simulate simple versions of these models and to interpret results from richer models used in research papers.
All slides and code are on the course GitHub-page