
Volunteering Here!

Volunteers are a vital part of making this all happen. Some of these programs are fully reliant upon volunteers like host families.

We thank you in advance for your interest and hope to continue to grow our volunteer community. We would love to make you one of Hours!


The Process:

This process is a 4 step process that could take between 2-8 weeks to complete. If you are volunteering to come inside the facility it takes a little longer because we have to register you with the state. We understand that this process is long and tedious but the work is worth it! 


Follow the links below.

Process & Links

Step 1: Review this presentation to understand the volunteer jobs we have available

volunteer Presentation.pdf

Step 2: Sign up for a volunteer opportunity posted on this website.

Step 3: You will be contacted by Hour Children to fill out this application below and set up an interview. This application must be submitted before the interview takes place. 

Final Steps!

Step 4: If you are chosen to become one of Hour Volunteers you will then be asked to fill out a background check for Hour Children. 

If you are coming into the facility we will also need to go through an additional process of becoming a Registered Volunteer with D.O.C.CS. (Department of Corrections and Community Services)