Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 27: Intimidation and magic strike, as well as magical power conversion

For the next three days, I spent my time practicing [intimidation].

At first, I tired very quickly, but once I figured out how to limit the amount of magical power released and focus it in one direction instead of all around me, it got a lot easier.

What was difficult was the combination of [body strengthening] and [intimidation]. I have to direct the flow of magical power in opposite ways, so that it is both “kept inside the body” and “expelled out” at the same time.

Deliberately lowering my control of [body strengthening] and releasing the leftover magical power as [intimidation] makes it doable, but it’ll be a while before I can use it outside practice.

…And, having come this far, I realized.

Haven’t I gotten off track from Master's task?

<<You finally noticed?>>

H, Hey!

Omake-sama! If you knew it, you should have told me sooner!

<<This is a useful technique in itself, so I thought I’d let you do what you want. Your ability to concentrate is as amazing as ever, Emmy.>>

Jeez, come on!

If you think I’ll forgive anything just because you praise me, you’re gravely mistaken! Hmpf!

But I’ll let it slide! Ehehe.

Now, since I noticed our little derailment, we have to get back to work on Master’s assignment.

Fortunately, thanks to all that [intimidation] practice, I managed to get the knack for releasing magical power.

Let's apply it right away.

To start, I climb a nearby tree with [silverfish] and jump down when I get to around the height of the roof.

I administer just enough [body strengthening] to not get injured, and, at the moment I land, While using [physical strengthening] to some extent so as not to get injured, at the moment of landing, towards the ground, magical power… release!!


Immediately, a huge roar assaults my ears as the earth is blasted away below me.

A small crater is left behind.


Omake-sama, that didn’t lessen the impact at all, you know?

Rather, it increased it, you know?

<<U~n, so just the image of "releasing magical power" isn’t good enough. Since magical power is, in essence, energy, does that mean thoughtlessly releasing it will result in destruction? So troublesome…>>

I mean, isn’t that what this is.

I’m hitting the ground with the energy from falling plus the energy from my magical power, right?

Looking at it calmly, I was doing the exact opposite of what I wanted to…

But, I think this is also a convenient skill.

As a test, I try hitting one of the rocks scattered about.

When my fist makes contact, at that moment, I slam my magical power into the rock with all my might.


The rock bursts with a loud noise.

Eh… Eeeh…!?

<<Aw, Awesome, Emmy! That was [magic strike]! I saw that one in the Combat God’s isekai reincarnation broadcast! It does consume magical power, but it’s a very powerful attack skill!>>

W, Wow!

Un, it's definitely amazing, Omake-sama!

Unexpectedly, I got my hands on a killer technique!

<<Not making any progress on the task, though!>>


◇ ◇ ◇

For about two weeks after that, I was stuck completely in a slump, and countlessly repeated this cycle of climbing a tree, jumping off it, climbing it, and jumping off again.

I mean, seriously, no matter how much I think about it I just don’t get what I’m supposed to do.

Climb and jump, climb and jump, climb and jump…

Ah, it’s Master.

Eh? It’s dark already? Dinner time?

Uwa, for real, the sun’s already setting.

Let's stop here for today.

<<You two still can’t communicate with anything but your eyes…>>

Isn't it fine to be efficient?

I follow Master into the house.

◇ ◇ ◇

Since the meal, I’ve been gazing blankly into the hearth.

Master continues his manual work.

He’s got a few projects he’s been working on, but it looks like today he’s polishing that antler from the deer.

What is he making with that?

But still, working with only candlelight to see, Master must be pretty dexterous.

If we had electricity in here, an actual lamp would make it a lot easier though…

In the middle of my imagining, Master stops.

He gently lifts the now-glossy antler.

Then, the antler… as if it was a lamp itself, it lit up!

Eeh!? How’d that happen!?

<<Ooh! This is a way to make a primitive magic light. I see, so you could use elekdeer antlers like this, huh.>>

Magic light?

What’s that!?

<<A magic tool that consumes magical power in order to give off light. They’re quite common in urban areas.>>

E~hh! Magic tool!

So that kind of thing exists!

I’ve only lived in a rural village or the woods so far, so I wouldn’t know!

Master returns a look as if his prank was successful (expressionless, though) to my surprised face (expressionless, though).

And, he hands me the handmade magic light.

Once it touches me, I feel as though my magical power is being slightly absorbed…

The antler continues shining.

<<Elekdeer antlers are designed to convert magical power into light and electricity. This one was processed to reduce the generation of electricity and only allow luminescence.>>

E~h… So magical power can be used like electricity.

What a versatile form of energy…


Magical power… conversion…?

<<What is it? Emmy?>>

I study the antler in my hand.

It’s still shining brightly as it saps my magical power.

…I try purposefully reversing the flow of magical power.

In other words, I take control of the magical power so that it drains from the antler back to me.

I feel a slight resistance from the antler, like it’s getting caught somewhere, but since this is just the reverse of releasing magical power which I’m well-practiced in by now, I don’t have too much trouble in doing it.

Absorb the magical power, absorb, absorb…

Then, the antler’s light diminishes, and I feel that my magical power has slightly returned.

At the same time, I hear a snap, and a crack appears down the antler.

I may have broken it.

Next to me, Master has a downhearted atmosphere, but I’m sorry, Master, now’s not the time for that!

Magical power can be converted into light, and light can be converted into magical power.

<<Um, what would that mean, Emmy?>>

What it means, Omake-sama, is that magical power energy can be converted into light energy, and light energy can be converted into magical energy!!

<<Eh? Seriously, what are you talking about?>>

I got it, this was definitely the answer to the problem!

<<O~i, wait a minute~?>>

I set the antler onto the floor and clap my hands.

Pan, a small sound is heard.

A small impact is generated.

I clap my hands in repetition.

Pan, pan, pan, pan, pan…

I try to figure out whether or not each impact I generate can be converted into magical power.

How can I do it?

No idea!

But I'm sure it’s possible.

I just have to find the right method!

In other words, it’s the same as the "soundless landing" that Master showed me.

Converting the impact from your landing into magical power and releasing that magical power at your feet are what allow for it.

That’s my hypothesis.

At first, I saw the magical power spreading like ripples and thought that Master was nullifying the shock by releasing that magical power… that’s probably not it though.

To put it correctly, rather than Master releasing magical power, I think that the ripples are the energy from the impact turned into magical power and scattered.

If I’m right, this will be immeasurably useful!

Because, it's not just "getting rid of the sound."

I could get rid of the impact itself.

Theoretically, couldn’t I nullify any physical attack as long as I convert it to magical power!?

Eh, isn't that invincible?

After an epiphany like that, I can’t help it, I’m getting super excited.

Losing myself in my thoughts, I single-mindedly keep clapping my hands.

But, you know, it’s late at night right now.

Master’s getting real sleepy.

My constant clapping has got to be really annoying him.

His patience won’t last much longer.

And he grabs me by the back of my neck and tosses me into my futon.

He got mad again.

I'm sorry, Master. Gusun.