Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 26: When she was supposed to be studying magical power manipulation, Emmy is suddenly covered in bloodthirst

It's the middle of winter now, two months since I started training.

Fluttering white snow mercilessly beats my cheeks in the strong winds.

I look down, off the edge of the cliff in front of me.

Master at the bottom appears smaller than a single sesame seed.

<<Are, are you really doing this? Emmy…>>

Of course!

Come on, Omake-sama, what are you getting scared for!

It's okay, I won't get hurt no matter how high I fall from anymore!

In theory.

<<No, the theory could be perfect, but what’s scary is scary, is it not?>>

Well, anyway, this is an assignment from Master.

Scary or not, we’ve gotta do it!

On that note, I’ll jump now, Omake-sama.

Alright, three… two… one… Pyo~~n!

<<Wait, my heart isn’t… Higyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!>>

I throw myself over the edge, ignoring Omake-sama’s fearful screams.

That said, I don't feel the least bit like dying.

Fighting the tremendous wind pressure, I manage to control my posture and observe the ground getting closer and closer.

Please watch, Master!

This is how far I’ve come!!!!!!

◇ ◇ ◇

The day that Master gave my [silverfish] a passing score.

Omake-sama and I were wondering how to reproduce Master's "soundless landing".

<<At the moment he landed, although the physical impact was almost nonexistent, magical power spread like ripples from his feet.>>

That's what Omake-sama said it looked like.

And from my continuing observation of Master with [magic vision], I agree.

In other words, Master was intentionally dispersing? his magical power that way in order to negate the shock.

Magical power really is versatile.

That’s obvious once you’ve seen it though…

<<Magical power control that spreads ripples of magical power. It’s not something you’ve done before, Emmy.>>

U~n, you’re right.

How can I do that?


It was the same back in the forest when I was learning [body strengthening], since there wasn’t any magical power in my previous life, without having that concept to start from it makes learning new ways of magical power manipulation difficult!

<<Aah, a starting point… Something like that..>>

Omake-sama realizes something.

<<Dispersing magical power… That kind of flow, Emmy, you should have been on the receiving end of it before.>>


<<To be exact, not "dispersing magical power" but "releasing magical power." Although the magical power flow is slightly different between the two, they are almost the same technique at their roots.>>

"Releasing magical power?"

As in Torch-kun's magic?

No, if I were the target of that, I’d evaporate in an instant…

Other than that, what was directed at me?


Ah, Master's [intimidation], maybe?

<<Yes, exactly, Emmy. [Intimidation] is, after all, a technique that intentionally releases strong magical power that atrophies the opponent, in other words, "magical power emission.">>

Basically, if I practice [intimidation], there’s a chance that I’ll get a step closer to reproducing Master's technique?

<<It’s only at the level of a possibility, however. Why don't you try it for the time being? Even if it doesn’t work, it won’t be a waste of time if you can get the hang of [intimidation].>>


Then let’s start training right away!

Fortunately, with [intimidation], Master is always using it (again, what kind of master does this), so coming up with the image is easy.

Bring out magical power.

Discharge it.

This is probably the opposite flow of magical power from [body strengthening] or [sign blocking] which both keep magical power inside the body.

Thinking like that, it might be easier to learn than I expected.

I let go of the [body strengthening] that I’ve been unconsciously maintaining, and focus my consciousness on the current of magical power in the opposite direction.

I intentionally add to the amount of magical power leaking from my body.

This, this is tiring.

Umm so, when Master uses [intimidation], something like bloodthirst is on the magical power, so I will try to imitate it.

Bloodthirst… hatred…

I stop repressing everything I had crammed into the depths of my heart and let it gush out.

The monsters that drove me from my home, the humans who persecuted me, the gods who abandoned me, the bandits, the people of Fenoben Village, my father and mother, the classmates from my previous life, the “family” of my previous life, I call to mind the face of every single one of them.

Die. Die. Die. …Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die… Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill…


Suddenly, a fist falls on my head.

Looking over my shoulder, Master stands with his arms crossed, having returned from chopping wood.

Master sighs, lifts me by the back of my neck and tosses me out the front door.

Ban! The door slams shut behind me.

…He got mad.

Apparently my shoddy [intimidation] was unpleasant.

I'm sorry, Master…

<<E, Emmy… I had an idea, but your darkness is moderately deep.>>

No no, it's normal like this, Omake-sama.

Every person has their darkness, yet they still walk toward the light!

<<Is that so…>>

It is.

For now, since he got upset, let's practice [intimidation] outside.

As such, I was practicing [intimidation] at the side of the house until dinner that day.

On his way, Master came to check on me.

All of a sudden, I started giving off a murderous [intimidation]; instead of angry, I think Master was more worried about me.

And the meat he served for dinner was a little more than usual.

Master really is kind.

I love him.

{A/N: A silent, expressionless outer surface.

A bright and pleasant inner surface.

Killing intent, resentment, and hatred covered inner depths.

Layers like that are how the character Emmy-chan is built.

Is she tiramisu? (What kind of analogy…)}