Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 18: [Red-Haired Hero Story Digest] The destruction of Fenoben Village and the hero's departure

{M: Torch Perspective}

"Right now, this world, Ardist, is in danger…"

An endless white space.

A beautiful blonde Goddess-sama said that in front of me, as I floated in my soul form.

"He is still lurking in the darkness for now, but the Demon King was born. He is trying to destroy humans and make the world his own…"

I engraved the beautiful voice of the Goddess-sama firmly into my somewhat unfocused head.

"I beg you. O courageous soul from another world. Become a hero and save this Ardist.

Please defeat him and protect this beautiful world that I love…!"

The Goddess-sama was on the verge of tears.

You shouldn’t make girls cry.

My late grandpa always said that.

…If there are people in trouble, I have to help them!

Leave it to me, Goddess-sama!

Demon King or Supreme King or whatever, I'll beat any bad guys!

Hero… bring it on!

◇ ◇ ◇

It was a while after I reached my fifth birthday that I remembered that interaction with the Goddess-sama and the memory of my previous life as Suzudo Shota.

My name in this world is Torch Fenoben.

I was a normal boy living in Fenoben Village.

Yes, I really was just an ordinary boy until yesterday.

Fenoben Village is a small but warm place where the villagers help each other.

With a childish heart, I respected my dad, the mayor who organized the village, and I thought that in the future I would become a good adult like my father and protect this village.

But now it's different.

I have a mission to fulfill!

Overthrow the impending disaster, the Demon King, save people, and save the world.

That is my mission.

The power overflowing from the depths of my body is proof!

To keep the adults from knowing, I went silently to the nearby forest and tried out the power given to the hero by the Goddess-sama.

I meant to use a small fire magic, but a big explosion came out and I burned the whole area into a field!

"...This, definitely needs practice to control. Jeez, the power of [Protection of the Holy God] is ridiculous..."

I couldn’t help but smile as I talked to myself.

[Protection of the Holy God] is the power that the Goddess-sama who reincarnated me in this world gave me in order to fight.

The Goddess-sama said that even though it’s already so powerful, it will become even stronger if I train it.

It really is a ridiculous power.

I was terrified again that the Demon King, who cannot be defeated without such power, exists…!

I’m a little tired from using a power I’m unfamiliar with, so I decided to go back to the village right away.

I was thinking of keeping this power secret from everyone in the village, but… I was immediately discovered by the girl who is like my sister, Caro.

Rather, Caro was aware that I had sneaked out of the village, and she was able to see the scene where I was exercising my strength.

I was worried that she would be scared, but Caro was genuinely pleased to find out that I could use the power of the hero!

Caro jumping around is very cute.

To protect this girl's smile… For that as well, I must defeat the evil Demon King!

◇ ◇ ◇

Fortunately, since then, my power hasn’t been exposed to anyone except Caro, and the days have passed calmly.

Of course, my dad got mad at Caro and I for leaving the village without permission…

Caro kept quiet, though, and nobody realized that I was the cause of the big explosion.

I feel bad for the frightened villagers who keep muttering strange things like "calamity…" or "cursed child…", but I’ll still keep the truth a secret.

If I can't even control my power yet, I think I'm too young to embark on a journey of salvation.

I mean, I'm still five in this world, right? I think it's reckless to leave the village and travel, no matter how good my [Protection of the Holy God] is.

I’ll only leave after I’ve grown up a lot more and piled up experience through training!

Until then, wouldn't it be fine to relax a little longer in this warm and cozy village?

…Is what I thought, but when I think about it now, I was just naive.

It was about a month after my power and memory awoke that such naivety was shattered into pieces, and I was forced to leave the village.

◇ ◇ ◇

On that day, three bandits attacked the village.

Calling themselves the Megzam Bandits, they tried to take Caro as a hostage and steal money from the village!

Of course, I can’t keep my powers hidden in a time like this.

I used the power obtained from [Protection of the Holy God] to move my body around, and fight against the bandits with a wooden sword.

In the end, the bandits were weak.

With my physical ability improved thanks to my divine protection, the movements of the bandits’ cleavers seemed to have stopped.

Rather, I had to use extra power to control my own power, and when they were finally driven out of the village, I was exhausted.

Because, even if the opponents are bandits, if I accidentally injure or kill them, I wouldn’t be able to sleep well, you know?

I reincarnated from Japan, a peaceful country, and I am still a five year old after all.

…However, because of this judgment, I used extra power. This was a mistake.


An ice blade pierces my belly.


All of a sudden, my thoughts stopped.

What is? Why? How is this happening?

Questions fill my head.

I was suddenly stabbed in the belly with a magically created blade of ice.

Holding that ice blade, is my beloved sister.

The childhood friend with light blue hair, who my family took in with us.

The one who I had rushed to the side of to make sure she was safe, Caro.

"Damn, that took a while. I was waiting for the [Protection of the Holy God] to weaken, but that wasted so much time."

Caro seems different from usual, muttering in a surprisingly cold tone.

The ice blade was pulled out from me, and I fell down on the spot.

Blood flows and sinks into the ground…

"Wh… why, Caro…?"

"…You’re still alive. I suppose this is where I say ‘as expected of the hero’."

The girl with light blue hair answers with a sigh.

Before I knew it, her skin’s normal hue had faded to a bluish white.

"Well then, in honor of that bug-like life force, how about I reintroduce myself. My name is "Frost Blade Caro". The one assigned by the Demon King-sama to your surveillance and execution. How’s that, are your questions thawed out now? "

Demon King?


Caro was?

So that means, Caro is a subordinate of the Demon King?

I don’t get it.

My stomach hurts; I can’t get my thoughts together…

"Kukuku… That’s a nice expression. The face of a human betrayed and dyed in despair is truly wonderful!"

"Be, tray… Why…"

"Why? I'm a demon, a faithful servant of the Demon King-sama. That means, to ensure the Demon King-sama’s life, is there any reason to spare you, his enemy?"

"Then why… are you crying, Caro…?"


Caro wipes her cheeks, surprised by my point.

Yes… Caro was certainly crying.

It looks like she wasn’t aware until she heard it, though.

"…Fun, this has lost its amusement. Our chat is over."

However, on wiping her tears, not even the slightest trace of her surprise from earlier could be seen on Caro’s face.

She regains her ruthless look and approaches me with her ice blade.

"At least I’ll be merciful. You won’t have to suffer anymore, I’ll cut your neck in an instant."

With that, she raises her large ice blade, disproportionate to her small body.

When that is swung down, my world will end.

What kind of hero am I?

Will I die like this, without being able to use my power, without having been able to do anything, and without being able to become anything?

"Then, this is farewell."

Caro spoke, and the blade swung down toward my neck.

My head was cut off, and Torch Fenoben's life ended.

…That was how it was supposed to be.


A hard sound reverberates, like metal on metal.

The ice blade aiming at my neck was halted by a beautiful, golden sword.


Surprised, Caro takes a distance.

"…Hah, haah! Just barely made it in tiiime…"

Taking a rough breath as he repositioned the golden sword that saved my life towards Caro, was a blonde man in golden armor.

It's all golden.

"You are… special grade adventurer "Golden Arkus"!? Why are you here…!!"

"Heh… I just came for the wilderness heeere. You too, I never thought there’d be a demon here either… Zoh!!"

With that said, Arkus instantly closed the gap and slashed at Caro!


I couldn't catch his movements at all!

The ice blade and the golden sword collide at high speed.

Impacts that my eyes can’t follow.

Ga, ga, ga, kin!! The sounds echo with slight delay.

"Kuh…!! I guess I can’t keep up against you on my own…!"

Caro jumped back, catching her breath, and murmured some sort of incantation.


“Open the gate, call upon his subjects! [Summon]!!”

Shouting so, a violet magic circle appeared at her feet, and giant wolves and dragons, terrifying monsters popped out one after another!

"Naah!? Summoning magiiic!?"

"Remember this, Arkus! I won’t leave this debt unpaid! Someday, you’ll regret making an enemy of the Demon King Army! Open the gate, carry me to that land! [Teleport]!”

The next moment, Caro disappeared, leaving behind the magic circle with monsters still springing up.

"Chiiih! She just said whatever she felt like and ran away! That aside…"

A bead of sweat ran down Arkus’s forehead as he took in the surroundings.

"U… Uwaah!? What!?"


The villagers who were confusedly watching Akus and Caro’s battle were attacked by monsters!

"She left the worst souveniiirs!"

Arkus shouts while cutting an attacking wolf monster.

For him, each monster’s strength wasn’t a big deal, but he’s only one person.

They came after Arkus one after another and pinned him to the spot, so he couldn’t move!

"U… Gehoh…"

All the while, villagers were attacked by monsters, steadily losing their lives.

"I have to… protect…!"

…I squeeze out the last of my strength and manage to stand up with my wooden sword as support.

“Everyone in… the village…! I will protect them!”

And, while spitting blood, I hold the wooden sword out toward the monsters.

"Ki… Kid! You're injured, right!? Don't overdo iiit!"

Golden Ossan was saying something, but my consciousness wasn’t in any condition to hear him well.

However, I must fight.

I must protect!

What kind of hero can’t protect the people important to them!

I gather the tiny amount of power remaining from my divine protection and force my body to move.

Into my tattered body, fuel was injected!


And, upon trying to slash the monsters… my consciousness went dark.

◇ ◇ ◇


When I woke up again, it was already well into the night.

Innumerable, weakly-twinkling stars studded the purple night sky.

"Where… Where is this…?"

I start looking around.

Apparently, I’ve been sleeping in a plaza on the side of a highway somewhere.

"Whah!? Kid, you’re already awaaake!?"

Golden Ossan approached in a hurry, illuminated by a bonfire crackling in the background.

"Don’t overdo it! Sleeeep! You had a big hole in your belly!?"

When he said that, the place where I was stabbed started to hurt as if I’d just remembered it.

But from my hands touching it, the wound felt like it had already closed.

There are some traces left, but it’s incredibly well healed for the hole that it was before.

"Eh…? Why…?"

"…I used a potion for you after that. It's an item so luxurious you could build a house just by putting a bottle up for saaale."

A potion here is a magical medicine that can heal wounds just by sprinkling some on.

Apparently, this ossan… Arkus-san saved my life.

"Th, Thank you very much."

"…Don’t mind iiit. I'm a special grade adventurer, I'm actually rich. You seeee?"

Arkus-san taps annoyedly on the golden armor he was wearing.

Sitting down next to me, Arkus-san takes a cigarette from his bag, lights it with the bonfire and starts smoking.

The occasional cold night breeze blows through the plaza, where only the two of us sit, carrying away the bonfire and cigarette smoke.

…Yes, in this square are just Arkus-san and I, no one else…

I faintly feel the answer already. But, I can’t help but ask.

"Um, Arkus-san."


"Um… What happened to everyone from the village?"


"Everyone from Fenoben Village…? My dad…? My mom…?"


Arkus-san looks away from me and lets out a big sigh.

Smoke traces up into the sky like a string.


"You were the only one I could save."

He says frankly.


My teeth involuntarily grind into each other.

My vision blurs.

"I didn't… protect…! Anybody! I was… I was weak!"

After that, I couldn't put anything else into words.

I cried.

I just cried.

Feeling sorry for my own weakness, I broke down and cried.

Arkus-san sat silently next to me.

◇ ◇ ◇

"What are you going to do now?"

Finally stopping my tears and calming down a little, Arkus-san asked while throwing somewhere around the tenth cigarette butt into the fire.

"Got any relatives in another city? I'll take you theeere?"


I silently shook my head.

I had heard before that my mom and dad’s family all died of a pandemic.

"…Last one left in your family, huuuh…"

With a deep sigh, Arkus-san talks to himself.

"Same as me theeen… I lost the rest of my family in that, too."


"In that village, you knooow, my brother's family lived there. Did you know a man named Codyyy?"

Cody Oji-san… The drunk who lived in the village outskirts.

"I haven't seen him since he injured his leg and retired as an adventureeer… I was thinking I should go see his face for the first time in six or seven years. I heard he had a kid, too, but I guess I can’t see them anymooore…"

"…Cody Oji-san lived alone, but?"

"Whaaa? …I see, his wife and daughter ran away, huh…"

Hahaha, Arkus-san spills a dry laugh.

It was the first time I heard that Cody Oji-san had a wife and child.

"Well, that’s enough about me. Let's get back to the pooiint. If you got nowhere to go, I'll introduce you to someone trustworthy. A merchant called Drogg."



"He’s tough, but he’s a good, honest guy. And he always wants manpower. At that place, you won't have any trouble eating, for suuure."


Keeping away from danger and living peacefully in the city…?

"What do you think? It's not a bad idea, is iiit? …I've already helped you, so no reason to hold baaack. I'll take care of at least that much for you."

"…Umm Arkus-san! I…!!"

Surprised by my suddenly raised voice, Arkus-san stopped speaking towards the bonfire and turned to look at me.

"I have to be strong! Strong enough to beat those monsters! So…!!"

I took a pause to breathe, and I noticed that Arkus-san's gaze had become a glare… it was much sharper than before.

Flinching, I keep looking straight at his eyes.

"Make me… Make me! Make me your disciple please!!"

Silence follows.

Only the crackling of the bonfire can be heard.

Arkus-san goes back to his cigarette.

He breathes in deeply and exhales.

The smoke illuminated red by the bonfire thins as it stretches toward the sky.

"…Don’t want tooo…"

Arkus-san muttered back.

"Please! Teach me how to fight! I’m no good like this! As I am, I can't protect anything! I have to, I have to be stronger no matter what!"

"Because you’re the hero… that’s whyyy?"


I stiffened at Arkus-san’s words.

"’How do you know?’ Riiight?"

Arkus-san continues with a smirk.

"Before you fell down in the village, when you were shouting, I felt a ridiculous divinity from youuu. And even though I used a high-class potion, the recovery was too fast. At that point it’s certain that the gods gave you some kind of divine protection, you knooow. Also, it looked like you were the target of that demon jou-chan… If you think about what kind of divine protection the demon race targets, it’s gotta be the herooo?"

With a big sigh, Arkus-san’s shoulders drop.

"This is the type of thiiing, the ‘Sword Saint’ or ‘Great Mage’ should have to dooo… It doesn't suit an idiot like meee… I was going to throw it all to Drogg and not worry about the reeest…"

Arkus-san, who looked down and mumbled to himself, faced me again, with a serious expression this time.

"What's your name?"

"…Torch… Torch Fenoben."

"Alright, Torch is it… It’ll be tough?"


"If I'm gonna do it, I'll get ready to do my best. You, no matter what happens, can you keep up without running away?"

"Yes! I will never run away!"

"…Fine. A hero asks to be my disciple. I guess, that’s my destiny then. I will grant your request!"


"Yeah, Torch. You're my disciple from today forward. I’ll train you hard, so don't whine. Got it?"

Arkus-san grinned while his large hand ruffled my hair.


Looking up at the night sky, the stars were shining bright.

When a person dies, their soul goes up to heaven, becomes a star, and watches over their family remaining on the ground.

It’s a legend of Fenoben Village.

Dad, Mom, and everyone from that kind village were surely watching me from the sky.

I'm sorry, I couldn’t protect you…

But, I'm going to get stronger and stronger, and I’ll get rid of misfortune like this. I’ll save the world!

You’ll be with me, right…?

The stars in the night sky don’t say anything back. They just keep twinkling.

But that light is very kind and warm.

This was the day when five-year-old hero Torch left his hometown.

{M: God that was long. Arkus does this thing where he’ll draw out the last word in a phrase sometimes which probably sounds a lot better in Japanese, but I’m still gonna try to include it since I want to keep speech patterns as much as possible. Also, Caro probably made an ice pun, and it’s either really bad or doesn’t translate well. That chapter was long though, seriously. The next one is shorter, and then after that, it’s Volume 3 time. Sorry about the links getting messed up, I did change some stuff around but it is fixed now and shouldn't happen again.

Torch uses 'oyaji' for 'father' btw.}