Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 17: The destruction of Trash Village and Emmy's departure

Fenoben Village.

The village where I was born.

The village where my blood relative, my father, lived.

The village that my blood relative, my mother, abandoned.

The village that abandoned me.

The village I abandoned.

A trash-like village.

There’s not even a shadow of a living person there now.

Humble wooden houses have been demolished beyond recognition.

Fields were completely trampled.

Roadside trees were knocked down from the root.

Rather than the former villagers, wolves, probably bigger than adults, occupy the ruins.

There are at least twenty of them.

In the village square, a winged lizard larger than a house… Is that a dragon? is sleeping as if it owns the place.

Looking up at the sky, a number of unusually large, bird-shaped silhouettes are dancing.

The village was… overrun by monsters.

What happened to the villagers?

I didn't even have to ask.

The wolves are swinging them around in their mouths, tearing them apart as if playing.

I don't really want to watch, but my enhanced eyesight shows me what’s happening.

Aah, that’s Rand Oji-san.


That guy rolling in the back.

That guy being devoured by a nearby wolf too.

Over there too, and there too.

<<Emmy! Please listen!!!>>

All of them are people I knew.



<<Emmy, for now at least, let's get away from here. It's best to head downwind. Escape just behind you without ever stopping [presence concealment]. Be careful not to make any noise.>>

……Got it.

Unsteadily, I start walking.

◇ ◇ ◇

<<Emmy, let's take a break soon.>>

When I realized that Omake-sama had called out, the stars were already shining in the night sky.

It seems like I’d been spaced out the whole time I was walking.

Where is this?

I'm in a meadow I've never seen before.

Since I didn’t think about anything other than running away, I’m completely lost.

…But, it’s fine I guess.

I don’t have anywhere to call home in the village or forest anyway.

When my mouth gets dry, I can make water with magic, and when I’m hungry, I can eat insects.

As long as I can hide myself from dangerous creatures, I should be able to live anywhere.

I found a big tree nearby, so I climbed it to make it my bed for tonight.

Before my camp at Kaliva Great Tree, I slept on tree branches like this, so I got used to it.

Climbing a little, to a branch that could fit multiple adults, when I lied down and caught my breath, a sudden feeling of fatigue struck me.

I don’t have the strength to raise my arms or legs.

I’m trembling, slightly.

Almost all of my magical power has been exhausted.

<<...Thanks for hanging in there. Emmy.>>

Un, I'm tired, Omake-sama.

Even though I’m so tired my body won’t move at all, I’m strangely clear-headed and can’t sleep.

Thinking about this and that, and so on.

...What were those monsters doing there?

<<…I’m not sure, but.>>

Omake-sama begins to talk.

<<It was probably an event.>>


<<In other words, the story drawn by the Holy God Raintoria has advanced. The village was in that terrible state, but… the hero boy Torch is probably safe. The hero’s village is attacked by powerful monsters and destroyed. The hero vows revenge on the monsters, becomes stronger, and sets out to subdue the evil leader, the Demon King.>>

Eh? Eh? Then, the one who destroyed that village was the Holy God?

<<It was the monsters that destroyed it. In other words, the Demon King Army. The monsters were probably called by Caro, the girl acting suspicious. The Holy God only wrote the scenario.>>

No, can you call that only writing the scenario? A lot of people are dead, right?

Can the “god of holiness” really do something like that?

<<No matter how many people die, their souls will just return to the cycle of reincarnation. The total amount of souls does not change.>>


That's what Omake-sama said before isn’t it.

For the gods of this world, the life or death of the people isn’t anything to be concerned about?

…Was that it?

Either way, take care of life! But if the gods had a sense of ethics, they wouldn’t auction off souls harvested from Earth in the first place, huh.


A sigh naturally slips out.

Although it’s summer, the night breeze is cold, and as it stokes my cheeks, the branches and leaves around me rustle.

The village was destroyed.

…I'm not particularly sad.

Should I care what happens to the people who bullied me and kicked me out of the village?

Then, am I relieved that they’re dead? Am I happy? If you asked me that… not really.

It looks like my spirit is not so rotten that I’d be happy when people die.

Even so, I was just shocked.

That village had its own daily life.

The efforts that the villagers piled up every single day.

In the blink of an eye, all of that was gone.

It was overrun by monsters, and now the only things left are rubble and corpses.

What had existed until now was stolen away unreasonably and disappeared in an instant.

That was an unbearable shock.

"…I don’t."

My words start to flow out.

"I don't. want to be."


"I don't want to be destroyed. I don't want to be taken away. …I don't want to be killed."

I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared.

The bandits who stole my home, compared to such unreasonable violence happening so close, seem irrelevant.

What if that unreasonable attack came for me?

I don't want to imagine it.

I was fine against the bandits, but now, my body is trembling…



At once, the night breeze stopped.

I felt warmth, as if I was being hugged.

<<It's okay, Emmy. There’s nothing to be afraid of.>>

…But, even if you tell me that…

I know, from facing the bandits and seeing the monsters occupy the village.

I am weak.

I mean, of course in the past, a five year old living in the forest was unthinkable.

But, I got overconfident…

Naso Forest was really, in this world, a gentle environment, huh…

If I was forced into a situation where I couldn’t run away, I probably couldn't even beat those bandits.

I have to live alone like this in the future?

In this world infested with such terrifying monsters?

That’s, That’s just not possible…!

My body is still trembling.

Beyond my line of sight, a terrifyingly beautiful starry sky spreads endlessly.

My small body feels even smaller.


<<…Emmy, didn’t I say this already? You are not alone. I'm here with you, you know!>>

As I was trembling, Omake-sama said so with a pleasant laugh.

<<”I am weak?” Of course you are! What is this five year old talking about~?!>>

Bright and maybe trying hard to keep the mood up, she continues talking to me.

<<…If you’re weak, then just get stronger.>>


<<Please leave it to me. After all, I'm an unrivaled isekai reincarnation broadcast enthusiast! With the knowledge I gained from the delivery! It's no exaggeration to say that you could be the strongest in the world!>>

…No no no, what are you saying?

Huge exaggeration! That’s a huge exaggeration!

<<Fufufu, please believe in me, Emmy. Isekai reincarnation broadcasts… all them are full of information to help make you stronger!>>

Not all of them, right!?

<<Now that it’s come to this, we should hurry! Training, right away! First is, ten thousand push-ups! In the isekai reincarnation broadcast of the Muscle God, that’s how the protagonist’s training started! Let’s go, Emmy! Lie on your stomach and with an image of keeping your body straight…>>

Calm down, Omake-samaaaaaa!

You’re being controlled! You’re being controlled by the information!!

It isn’t possible for a person without a divine protection to suddenly do ten thousand push-ups!!

I mean, Muscle God, another god with a strong personality!?

<<He is a man who trained and trained his muscles until he reached the level of god.>>

Okay! I didn’t hear! I didn’t hear the background of the Muscle God!!

<<He is a muscular god with a shaved head and chiseled features.>>

I didn’t hear any physical characteristics!!

The night goes on while I’m chatting with Omake-sama.

Surrounded by a mysterious warmth, my body’s trembling had stopped before I noticed.

This was the day when five-year-old wandering child Emmy left her hometown.