Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 3: Void and grilled meat scent

Beyond being sucked into the black vortex, there was nothing in the void ...

A black space that lasts forever.

Everything was painted black, and I couldn't see or hear anything.

It was neither cold nor warm.

In such emptiness, only my blackish soul is floating.

...... No, maybe it ’s not even a black space? I mean it's just empty.

I don't really know what to say.

………… Ha~a~~~~ … …

Seriously, what is this development?

Makes me want to sigh.

Looking back on my life, I don't think it was a very happy one.

My father was a criminal and didn’t come out of prison.

My mother was distressed and died before I could remember.

The “family” who took over my custody ... They treated me as troublesome, and I changed my address often from an early age.

I couldn’t even make friends.

I was bullied by my father and abused by my "family".

… … Even so.

Even with all of that!!

I have been trying hard to live well.

I forcibly put up a smile and tried hard to make the best of it!

Try, try, try, and even if I’m dissatisfied, don’t let it show!

“I'm sure that someday these hard times will be good memories,” is what I heard… what I told myself to believe!!

All that effort and now this is what I get!?

Abducted by those ridiculous gods only to be thrown away because of the smell?!!

What the hell! What the hell!! Don’t give me this bullshit~!!

Anger overflows endlessly.

I feel that my soul is getting darker and darker.

I was angry, angry, angry, saddened, mournful, resentful… feeling miserable about my rotten life… … and after screaming for a while… …

Somehow, it got cold.

Well~... it's empty, isn't it?

No matter how noisy I was, there wasn't even anyone here to hear it.

I just get tired. Enough, stop stop. Think about something else.

…… A~~, I’m starting to feel hungry.

I want to eat meat.

I want to eat yakiniku.

I love meat.

I’m a carnivorous girl.

In my previous life, I don't remember eating it so much, but… … in the next world, that's it.

Eat more and more meat.

I want to live like that.

But I wonder if there is an afterlife for me who was abandoned in the void?

A circle of reincarnation? Something like that?

Can I still jump in there now?

Circle… … Circle… …

Spinning around, the circle of reincarnation…

A circle of sausages spinning around, I wish I could eat one…….

Like that, while my mind was wandering endlessly.

I suddenly felt the smell.

Wait, how do you see, hear, and smell in the state of your soul? I hadn’t thought about that, but either way forget it for now.

This smell…

There's no mistake.

The smell of roasting meat.

Sweet and fragrant… with the scent of sauce too.

It's grilled meat.

It smells like grilled meat.

Someone nearby is… grilling meat…?

I was pulled along the direction of the scent ...

Kyupon~! With that sound.

I was sucked in somewhere again.