Omake no Tensei-sha

Chapter 2: They told me my soul stank

Soul auction for reincarnation in another world...!?

"Well then~! Let’s see the first con’s soul~!"

When the silk hatted moderator shouted so, a woman in a good-looking black suit (her face was also unrecognizable through the white mist) took a soul that was near me up to the stage.

"Introducing this soul’s profile~!"

Silk Hat removes the plastic case over the soul and reads the material in his hand.

"The name is Suzudo Shota, a 17-year-old male! He is the ace of the soccer club and the centerpiece of the boys in the class! Athletic ability, good leadership, positive, and cheerful; this soul is perfect for the role of protagonist~!

Ah, that soul is Suzudo-kun.

Certainly, as Silk Hat says, Suzudo-kun was a leader and popular with everyone in the class.

Well, it didn't matter to me.

"Oh~, what a well shaped soul indeed. And a refreshing scent as well~."

"Wonderful soul quality! I definitely want it..."

"It is a little different from what I am looking for…... but it's a beautiful shade!"

The gods in the audience critique Suzudo-kun's soul without permission.

….‥ Yeah, Suzudo-kun's soul had a beautiful color even from the perspective of me, who is not accustomed to seeing souls.

Somehow passionate red... like a beautiful flame color? It was such a soul.

On the other hand, I was...



"Saa~ sa! Let’s start the bidding right away~! This high-quality soul, "Suzudo Shota" will start at a minimum bid of 10,000 mana~!"




The price of Suzudo-kun's soul is going up quickly. Apparently the currency? Seems to be "mana".

"108,000! Currently 108,000 mana! Is there any other god who can give a higher price~?"

"Eei~...! Then it's 110,000 mana! How would this be!?"

"110,000! 110,000! ...Are there any others!? ...No one!? Then, the soul of "Suzudo Shota" goes to you there…... "Holy God Raintoria"-sama has a successful bid~! Don't forget to adjust various settings such as memory and blessing when using it!"

"Ee~! Of course!"

It was a beautiful blonde goddess who went up to the stage and received Suzudo-kun's soul.

She lifts his soul above her head and shows it off to the other gods.

"Chi~! I can’t believe I lost to Raintoria already!"

"But I'm looking forward to it! The "Hero vs Demon King" series by Raintoria and Bahalia is always interesting! I can't wait for the broadcast!"

"It’s not like it’s anything new, though."

The other gods were complaining, but still applauded with smiles.

What’s a broadcast?

"Saa~! The next one is coming~! Next up we have..."

In this way, the souls around me were auctioned off by the gods one after another.

Looking at the situation, it seems that the 29 con of souls, including myself, lined up here are my classmates.

Silk Hat was saying "harvested from the earth" right?

Have we, the whole class, have been kidnapped, made into souls, and put up for auction?


Our thoughts aren’t taken into consideration at all?

To the gods, are we just like ants?

We’re ants aren’t we. They’re all crazy.

.‥ Well~, I can’t really say my life so far has been how I’d want it, so I guess this is fine.

"80,000! 80,000! ...No more!? Successful bid! Successful bid! The soul of "Goki Takeshi" goes to... "Thief God Yabo”-sama~!”

On the stage, the soul of a boy named Goki was auctioned off.

By the way, this Goki is, in short, a bully.

Whether it was a man or a woman, anyone he didn't like was bullied any way he could.

I also went through a lot.

Some things I don’t want to put into words.

No one helped me.

The world is cold, isn't it~?

"Kakaka~! Just look at this soul! This distorted feeling is artistic isn’t it~!? If I’m giving out my blessing, it can’t be to anyone without such a stimulating scent y’know~!"

The thief god Yabo received the soul of Goki and returned to his seat in a good mood.

Anyway thief god. It's not hard to tell that the god itself is bad!?

"Saa~! Let's continue~..."

I get a fluffy floating feeling when Silk Hat speaks.

The plastic case I’m in was lifted and carried onto the stage.

It was my turn.

""Aihara Runa"! Studying, exercising, she’s no good at anything! No friends! I have no family to help her! She’s bullied by everyone and honestly, a failure of a high school girl!"

My introduction was terrible!?

No, it's not wrong... it’s sad, but it's not wrong!

Still, I've been doing my best! I've really been trying my hardest!?

Whether I was beaten, stolen from, or ignored by the class and even my "family"!!

I've been trying to live positively so that I won't lose even when things are painful!

Don’t I get any recognition for at least that!?

…… Eh~, what’s with this atmosphere here?

Why did the scene change as soon as I came out?

Hold on, gods~! Don't be shy~!? Why are you holding back now!?

"... dirty~..."

Someone in the venue said so.

It was a quiet comment, but the words sounded sadly well in the silent venue.

……Un, I get it. I understand the feeling of wanting to say that.

Because, even that bully Goki’s soul had a good amount of clarity. The shape was distorted, though.

So, what about me?

It's pitch black.

Or you could call it blackish.

In addition to that, the most dirty part is a rusty red color that occasionally floats and disappears.

Compared to other souls, mine being called dirty, well, I understand.

Maybe so...

"Ah, aah~, and..."

Silk Hat is in a hurry.

It seems that he was too focused on hosting and has only now noticed the fact that my soul is dirty.

Isn't that a little lacking in preparation? You got ahead of yourself~! As an entertainer... entertaining god (?), aren’t you disqualified~?

"So... So then this soul, the minimum bid is... 1 mana! 1 mana is fine! Yes, let the bidding begin~!"

Silk Hat decided the minimum bid with a feeling of throwing me away, and my auction started.

The assistant – the hazy faced black suit woman – took off the plastic case that was on me.

The next moment.

"It stinks~!? That soul stinks~!!?"

"Gehocho... Crazy~! It's crazy~!? What's with that smell!?"

"Oh... Ogeeh~! Gerororr..."

The venue instantly became a hellscape.

The gods who pinch their noses with looks of pain are better off.

Some gods have fallen to the floor and are convulsing.

A god that looks like a slime with an irregular shape was vomiting.

So rude! You look like vomit yourself!

Well, anyway.

My soul is dirty.

It seems to be very... smelly.

"My... My deepest apologies~! My most heartfelt apologies~~! It seems that garbage was mixed in during the soul harvesting process!!"

Silk Hat said he was sorry.

Hey wait, garbage is a terrible word.

This is still the soul of a high school girl who has lived her best for 17 years you know!

"Immediately~! I will dispose of it immediately!"

When Silk Hat took out something like a small remote control from the chest pocket and did something like operating it, a black vortex appeared in front of me.

......N? Disposal??

"Now, we are connecting to the void... We have established a connection! We will dispose of this garbage completely, without leaving any odor! We are extremely sorry for making you feel uncomfortable~!!!"

E? Void? Dispose? What are you talking about?

I’m not understanding the situation very well, but I see Silk Hat and Black Suit Woman who apologize to the audience with a 90 degree bow…...


And making a nice sound, I was sucked into the black whirlpool... into the void.