In this project our target was to design a safety system so that we can protect any industry from the disaster of fire. Basically we split this project into three parts so that the people can understand what we are actually offering.

Industrial Model: 

First thing first. At this point if we want to change the whole system we have to start from the scratch and that would not be a wise decision. So, we decided to install some sensors to some specific rooms/Halls where there are flammable things or any chemical or flammable gas.The sensors would give the temperature,humidity, the ppm of the gas level,Smoke,fire etc continuously to our main server pc. The computer will analyze data automatically, if it senses any unusual data it will warn the administration about that. Furthermore it will push the safety alarm and instantly activate the system. The system will send a message and a call to the nearby fire service station and it will also activate our mini robot and drone for rescuing every person stucked inside the factory.

The Firetron:

The previous system was mostly sensors, software and IOT based, but here we introduce mechanical and robotics in this part. Basically here we introduced our self made car robot which can instantly fight with the fire and save the person.This mini robot looks like a mini tank which can surf on uneven surfaces. It’s automated or it can be controlled.when the fire or smoke occurs,the sensors send the location to Firetron and activate it. A mini camera is installed in front of this firetron so that it can detect human presents or obstacles.The firetron can throw loads of carbon dioxide towards the fire and can make a path for the person who got stuck inside the room so that the person can come out to the safe zone.There can be multiple Firetron inside a factory and they can work as a team. 

The FireBird:

The firebird is another part of our system.This thing is actually going through some upgradation.The firebird is actually a hexacopter/Quadcopter. A fpv camera is installed on this for getting the overview of the process from the air. So that we can mark any human existence as well as the source of fire. It can also throw the fire extinguisher ball from the air.