A centralized healthcare dashboard can be a great ally in the efficient management of your establishment as it will help you identify where the work is bottle-necking or what kind of trends you can determine over time, adapting that way the assignment of your resources, and generating sustainable development.

This hospital KPI dashboard will give you the big picture you need when running such a complex facility. Giving you the principal metrics on the major category you need, you can track the patients your hospital welcomed over a certain period of time, how much their treatments cost or how long they had to wait in the emergency room before seeing a doctor. This dashboard also breaks down for you the trends of incoming and outcoming patients per division, from surgery to cardiology, and how long it took them to see a specialist of the respective category.

Hospital Dashboard Template Free Download

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The healthcare dashboard example provided above aims at giving top management a holistic view of analytics data with global insights on how the facility is working, so as to enhance their decision-making process. They can for instance see the total number of patients they admit and how many have been discharged. How much the treatments administered cost on average for each person they took in charge, a global metric important for the finances, and the sustainability of the organization. The aim might be to reduce these costs if they are overwhelming for the general finances of the hospital, but it should maintain at the same time the quality of service delivered: this is why that metric should be evaluated in its context and broken down into different categories (divisions, types of treatments, age of patients, etc.).

The use of this type of healthcare dashboard can be an asset, especially in communication with your patients. Healthcare is a very specific industry because it is exposed to a lot of human subjectivity and it deals with high stakes, the health, and life of people. Communication and understanding are often cited as an important aspect in the doctor-patient relationship, this is why such a dashboard can benefit your services a lot. Patients like good quality of care, which requires their feedback.

In this healthcare dashboard template, you can also see an example of questions asked in surveys to patients after their stay in the hospital. Is the staff available enough to listen to questions patients might have, do they take the time to answer these questions and explain the procedures that are upcoming? How would you rate your meals? Taking the time to assess their opinions and feelings will not only provide valuable insights on how your facility is perceived, but it will also give them the feeling of being listened to and taken into account, an important aspect of the satisfaction score. All this leads to improved services.

The lab turnaround time is an important satisfaction metric, and measures the time your laboratory needs to process results. This metric needs to be broken down respectively to each test undertaken, and evaluate how long each one needs - some tests are more difficult to perform and require more time. The purpose should then be to set a time target for each lab result performed and reach it.

The first KPI to evaluate is the average length of stay of a patient. This metric will directly impact the costs as well as the workload of your staff. It will also vary greatly according to the kind of stay, as an appendix operation may take longer than a couple of stitches. It is therefore recommended to have further evaluation of this figure in its context, to spot out any emerging problem.

Another crucial metric of this healthcare dashboard template to measure, which can have serious consequences and directly impact your reputation, is the readmission rate. This metric is calculated by dividing the number of readmissions by the total of admissions. Readmission rates are a token of quality of care provided in your facilities, and should remain as low as possible: no one likes to go back to the hospital after discharge. Avoiding readmissions will also help you in cost control and decrease unnecessary expenses. Another KPI related to your patient safety is the HAI (hospital-acquired infections). This is an important metric that if not monitored will not only increase the workload for your staff, increase costs but also harm your reputation as the quality of care delivered by your facility depends on it. Tracking this KPI correctly will help you identify at which part of the care process the incidents happen and adjust your standards accordingly.

The medical dashboard further provides you with information related to the patient and staff management: the nurse-to-patient ratio indicates how many nurses are available per patient. This metric will indicate if your facility is overstaffed or understaffed. Once again, it is interesting to measure it not only globally, but at a unit level: trauma, ER, surgical rooms, rehabilitation, or nursery, and see which ones need to be readjusted. Likely, day or night shifts can be assessed and adapted accordingly.

Starting at the top, the dashboard provides valuable data about the operating cash flow and the net profit margin for the current fiscal year. These two indicators consider the performance of the entire network and are compared to the previous year. Paired to this, we get a chart displaying the development of both financial indicators over the past 12 months where we can monitor how they fluctuated and extract useful conclusions. This information is complemented with a forecast for the next two months. Forecasting your operating cash flow is beneficial as it can tell you if you have enough money to run and grow the business. As seen in the chart, both indicators are forecasted to decrease a bit in the next two months, therefore, something needs to be looked at to avoid any issues.

Paired to the claims denial, the treatment error rate and mortality rate are two other indicators that are fundamental for healthcare organizations. On one side, the treatment error rate tracks the number of mistakes medical staff made during the course of treatment. These errors can include a wrong diagnosis, type of medication prescribed, and dosage amount, among others. The example shows us that this company has met its 13% target. However, it is still 2% higher than the previous month, therefore there is still room for improvement. On the other side, the patient mortality rate tracks the number of people that passed away in the facility before being discharged. Naturally, this rate should be kept as low as possible.

Last but not least, we have patient satisfaction. The claims denial, treatment error, and mortality rates all heavily influence satisfaction levels. Here we can see that Richmond Hills clinic is only at 73% satisfaction, 7% below the target. This is not a surprise, as this facility also has a high treatment error and claims denial rate. It is also the only facility that has a financial deficit in the current fiscal year (open the full version to see). Therefore, it is clear that something is not going well and strategic measures need to be put in place to improve.

ToggleWhat is a healthcare dashboard?Advantages of a healthcare dashboardWhy do you need a healthcare dashboard?Types of healthcare dashboardsHealthcare Analytics dashboardsHospital Performance dashboardsPatient dashboardFree Healthcare dashboard Templates examplesPlus AdminRedStar Hospital What is a healthcare dashboard?A healthcare dashboard is one of the most important tools used by healthcare professionals. It is an analytical tool that is used to monitor KPIs in a healthcare organization. Hospitals have to manage large amounts of data, and a dashboard helps tremendously in this aspect. Healthcare dashboards provide medical professionals with the information they need, be it in terms of customer information, their medical history, or even analytical data that needs to be monitored to ensure smooth workflow. It is an essential tool that plays a major role in improving operational efficiency in healthcare.

There are some benefits of using a good healthcare dashboard. These dashboards help healthcare professionals to easily access important patient information in real-time. This ultimately improves the efficiency of the hospital workflow, improving the overall performance and also patient satisfaction. Accessing large amounts of data is always a hassle, but a good medical dashboard can solve this problem. With dashboards, the primary purpose is to make it easier to access the data you need. In this regard, dashboards also help speed up workflow, which ultimately results in faster and better healthcare facilities for everyone.

Many countries still have small hospitals in rural areas that store information in physical documents. Just imagine how much more efficient they would be with a computerized system, with a really powerful healthcare dashboard. This is exactly what these dashboards do. They help your healthcare organization to run smoothly.

With a good healthcare dashboard, there are fewer chances of you missing an important update or an important piece of information. This improves overall performance and ensures smoother workflow among all different departments of the hospital.

Hospitals that manage a lot of data will definitely find an analytics dashboard useful. This dashboard can be vital in analyzing data such as the number of beds available, doctors and nurses on duty, and more. You can even analyze patient visits trends to forecast when the hospital would be busiest. You can use this information to ensure that there is enough manpower where there should be. We could go on with more examples, but you get the idea.

This dashboard is perfect for getting patient details, medical history, and information about patients from different departments of the same hospital. A simple dashboard like this can greatly reduce the time it takes to administer treatment to a patient, which results in overall customer satisfaction. One of the hardest things a patient has to do is to repeat the same thing to multiple doctors. But with a patient dashboard, each healthcare professional has access to patient details that they have shared (with consent of course!) with the hospital. 152ee80cbc

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