
PHOT 530 Online Online • Mt. San Jacinto College 

Michelle Pacansky-Brock

Instructor Communication

I will be active in your learning experience in this course. Each week, you will receive 1-2 announcements from me. I will also be an active participant in our VoiceThread conversations and Canvas Discussions. You will receive assignment feedback from me in Canvas in the form of written comments or voice/video messages.

To contact me, please use the Canvas inbox. I will be notified via email and via a notification on my phone that you’ve contacted me.

 I will reply to your message within 24 hours during the week (usually much quicker). On holidays and weekends, I need a break too so I may be slower or I may not respond until Monday.  If you prefer to meet with me live, please message me with a few time options that you are available. Once we find a time that works for both of us, we can meet in Zoom (click on the Virtual Office link on our homepage) or via phone.

Late Work Policy

Due dates are like targets. They are your goal and you should always strive to meet them. Getting behind is an overwhelming feeling and can easily cause you to not pass an online class. If you need an extension, message me and request one. Propose a new due date and we'll come to an agreement. If you miss a due date, don't be too hard on yourself. These are tough times. Make up the assignment as soon as possible and message me so I know you are working on it (Do you see the theme here? Keeping in touch with me is important!).

Check my course announcements to identify the last date I will accept missing work.

Class Participation/Drop Policy

It is ultimately your responsibility to drop the class, so you should monitor your grade and the college drop deadlines. However, I will drop students who do not regularly submit assignments and do not regularly communicate with me. If there is something happening in your life that is interfering with this course, please contact me directly so we can develop a plan for you to succeed. 

Plagiarism & Academic Dishonesty Policy

In this course, you will demonstrate your learning through writing, speaking, and creation assignments. Plagiarism is the use of another person’s ideas as your own and it includes writing, speaking, and creative projects.  When you respond to an assignment prompt, I expect you to craft your answer in your own words. I don’t expect you to be a master of the material in our course – you’re learning! I am looking for evidence of your growth and development.

You may be surprised how easy it is for an instructor to identify when a student has lifted words from a webpage. Just don’t do it. Take the time to learn the material, take a close look at the rubric provided with each assignment, and respond independently. If an assignment requires research then I will expect citations of sources and I will provide information about how to format them.

According to the rules and regulation of MSJC's student conduct (Section 605.04B Board Policy): “Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty” are subject to disciplinary sanctions. If you have any questions about plagiarism, let me know. I am happy to help.