Things to prepare

If you are exhibitor, you will need to prepare the following items in addition to works before the event day.

■Circle name

Circle cut

■List of works

Store appearance

Avatar (Some defaluts)

Circle name

"Circle name" is used as your shop name. It will be displayed at the event site and attendee list. There are no specific rules. English is also acceptable. Be sure to write it on your circle cut and list of exhibits.

■Circle cut

"Circle cut" is used as your shop sign. It will be displayed at the event hall and attendee list. Any  image is acceptable. But be sure to write your Circle name on it. Circle cut is often used to tweet event participation.

■size : 500px × 500px

 (or 1000px × 1000px) 1:1 is OK.

■List of works

"List of exhibits" is a list of samples of exhibits and how they will be displayed. It will be used for pre-event tweets, with the space number written in. User number of Network print and a password for exhibits are often written here on the event day.

■size : 500px × 1000px

 (or Vertically long)

■Store appearance

"Store appearance" is a background of your space at the event hall. The above image is the default. You can freely change it by drawing it yourself or using an image creation maker.

create maker : 


"Avatar" is used to move around the event hall. You don't need to prepare for it because there are many defaults by pictSQUARE. 

Avatars of Tsukasa and Emu will be distributed on the event day. 

\ Let's enjoy the event with us! /