
Selected publications

Publication and Identification Biases in Measuring the Intertemporal Substitution of Labor SupplyReview of Economic Dynamics, 2023, 51, 1095-1113, with A. Elminejad, T. Havranek and Z. Havrankova 

Natural Disasters and Debt Financing Costs, Climate Change Economics, 2023, 14(3), 2350015, with B. Fisera and M. Melecky

Fiscal Policy and Nominal Term Premium, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2022, 54(2-3), 663-683, with L. Kaszab and A. Marsal

Natural Catastrophes and Financial Depth: An Empirical Analysis, Journal of Financial Stability, 2021, 53,100842

Peer Effects in Central Banking, IMF Economic Review, 2020, 68, 764-814

Finance and Wealth Inequality, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2020, 102161, with I. Hasan and J. Mares

Remittances and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis, World Development, 2020, 134, 105021, with A. Cazachevici and T. Havranek

Does Central Bank Communication Signal Future Monetary Policy? The Case of the ECB, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2020, 104, 102167, with H. Bennani, P. Gertler and N. Fanta

Central Bank Communication and Financial Comovements in the Euro Area, Open Economies Review, 2020, 31(2), 257-272, with P. Gertler and J. Jonasova

The Determinants of Fiscal Multipliers Revisited, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2020, 63, 103162, 1-24, with L. Kaszab, A. Marsal and K. Rabitsch

Central Bank Communication and Financial Markets: New High-Frequency Evidence, Journal of Financial Stability, 2018, 36, 336-345, with P. Gertler

What Type of Finance Matters for Growth? Bayesian Model Averaging Evidence, World Bank Economic Review, 2018, 32(2), 383-409, with I. Hasan and J. Mares

Interest Rate Pass-through in the Euro Area: Financial Fragmentation, Balance Sheet Policies and Negative Rates, Journal of Financial Stability, 2018, 36, 12-21, with J. Kotlebova and M. Siranova

Stock Market Contagion: A New Measure, Open Economies Review, 2018, 29(3), 547-577, with S. Lyocsa

Natural Resources and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis, World Development, 2016, 134-151, with T. Havranek and A. Zeynalov

Voting in Central Banks: Theory vs. Stylized Facts, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2016, 16(4), 1-62, with K. Smidkova and J. Zapal 

Central Bank Transparency and Financial Stability, Journal of Financial Stability, 2016, 45-56, with D. Vasko

Cross-Country Heterogeneity in Intertemporal Substitution, Journal of International Economics, 2015, 96(1), 100-118, with T. Havranek, Z. Irsova and M. Rusnak

Financial Development and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2015, 506-526, with P. Valickova and T. Havranek 

Central Banks’ Voting Record, Financial Crisis and Future Monetary Policy, European Journal of Political Economy, 2015, 229-243, with J. Jonasova

Are Bayesian Fan Charts Useful? An Evaluation of Macroeconomic Forecasts and Financial Stability Stress Tests, International Journal of Central Banking, 2014, 159-187, with M. Franta, J. Barunik and K. Smidkova

Bank Capital and Liquidity Creation: Granger Causality Evidence, Journal of Financial Services Research, 2014, 341-361, with J. Seidler and L. Weill

Exchange Market Pressures during the Financial Crisis: A Bayesian Model Averaging Evidence, Journal of International Money and Finance, 2014, 40, 21-41, with M. Feldkircher and M. Rusnak

How Does Monetary Policy Change? Evidence on Inflation Targeting Countries, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2014, 593-630, with J. Baxa and B. Vasicek 

How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2013, 45(1), 37-70, with T. Havranek and M. Rusnak

Time-Varying Monetary-Policy Rules and Financial Stress: Does Financial Instability Matter for Monetary Policy?, Journal of Financial Stability, 2013, 9(1), 117-138, wtih J. Baxa and B. Vasicek

Does Trust Promote Growth?, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2013, 777-788 

Central Banks’ Voting Record and Future Policy, International Journal of Central Banking, 2012, 8(4), 1-19, with K. Smidkova and J. Zapal

On the Reversibility of Structural Reforms, Economics Letters, 2012, 217-219, with N. Campos

Reform Redux: Measurement, Determinants and Growth Implications, European Journal of Political Economy, 2012, 227-237, with N. Campos

How Are Inflation Targets Set?, International Finance, 2011, 14(2), 265-300, with J. Mateju

The full list of publications available at my faculty website.

______________________________________________Painting by Antonie Brandeis, late 19th century