Hortonville Nets

"Who Knows What" Net

The "Who Knows What" Net started in November of 2021 by W9KD and AC9XK as a way to encourage discussion and share amateur radio knowledge in the community. Weekly nets may consist of a discussion topic such as, "why did you get into ham radio?" or "what's in your go-kit?" as well as topic moderator nets where various amateurs in the community volunteer to speak on a subject. Past subjects include "propagation", "logging your contacts", "how to install a mobile radio", "station grounding" and more! This net is built on topic suggestions from the amateur radio community. If there is something you'd like to know more about, please reach out via the "contact" tab on this website.


The "late night" slow scan tv net started in July of 2023 by W9CZK of Piglet Radio. This net presented by The Piglets, will allow you to enjoy casual conversation punctuated with SSTV images from your friends around Central Indiana. At the conclusion of each net, a puzzle will be transmitted via SSTV. If you submit the correct answer to the puzzle, you will earn one entry into prize drawings sponsored by DX Engineering at The Piglet's December Member's Meeting. You do not need to be a member to participate and enter! For more information visit: https://www.pigletradio.org/nets

Net Recordings

Missed at net? You can always listen later! Recordings for these nets (brought to you by Piglet Radio) can be found here