Horse Shows

Show Platform

This show platform is where the club's horse shows are held.

A horse show is judged by the creator's standards, and these may be any number of things. A good horse show is something like "Most Resembles a Small Cow" or "Prettiest Foal" while a show that isn't so good might be "2020 Memorial Show for the seventh plant I neglected this month." (Just make sure it focuses on the horses :)! )

If you feel a judge is biased against you, generally it's just a good idea to not enter those shows.

Horses gain experience with every show and every placing; the higher the placement, the more experience.

It also helps to have more than one judge- multiple judges means the horses gain more experience!


If you would like to host a Horse Show, go to your club's Competition Board and choose Horse Show. You will be taken to the "Create Horse Show" window. Here you will:

1) Name your show. You can choose any name you like, but a name that gives a description of what is being judged will help encourage entries. "Horse That Looks Most Like A Moose" is good; "Davy Jones Memorial Show" is not.

2) Set your scoring criteria. This is very important! Be as specific as you can in telling prospective entrants what exactly you are looking for, and not looking for. Include whether or not you want to see the horse wearing tack, and, if so, what tack specifically you're asking for. Then stick to these criteria! Word will get around if you don't. You don't want your club to get a bad reputation!

3) Invite other judges. Type in their player names in the box provided; use a comma to separate them if you are inviting more than one. Leader+ members are automatically invited to judge.

4) Set the start time, entry fee and minimum number of entrants (the show will be cancelled if there are not enough entrants and your entry fee will be refunded).

5) Select the payout. Nota Bene: If the proceeds from the show are benefitting a club, it's a good idea to say so in the club description, or even the show title (e.g., "Etcetera Club Benefit Halter Show").


Entering a horse show is essentially the same as entering a competition. Go to the club Competition Board and check for shows you might be interested in, and enter by clicking Enter. You will then have to choose the horse you are entering from your own list of horses. Once you have entered a horse, you cannot change horses unless you forfeit first.


Competitions and Horse Shows are both run via the Competition Boards at clubs; but there, the similarity ends. While judging of competitions over/with obstacles is objective and done by the game itself, Horse Shows are often subjective, and are judged by players. Competitions can be held anywhere in the wilds where a course has been built; Horse Shows are held on Show Platforms in Club Towns. Horse shows can include Halter Shows, contests for the Largest, Smallest or Prettiest Horse, etc, and all decisions of the judge (or judges) is FINAL.