
How to Build a Course:

In order to build a course, follow the following steps:

1) Choose a place. You can build a course on your own ranch, or on any patch of unoccupied land, so long as it is not too close to someone else's course. Remember, these are Infinite Wilds! There's no shortage of room, let's not crowd and confuse each other.

2) On the top menu, click Courses. A window will come up saying, "Build or manage your own obstacle courses." To start a new course, click Add.

3) Once you've done this, you'll see the Manage Course window. Here you can do a number of things:

Name your course. Name it anything you want, but keep in mind that very long names won't fit on the sign. You can change the name of your course at any time.

Set the time penalty. Since the game keeps track of time to complete the course, faults are automatically added to time. Here you can decide how many seconds (in tenths of a second increments) you want to add to a player's time for things like hitting an obstacle, going off course, or whatever.

Set the Horse Source Rule. From this pull-down menu, you can restrict who runs your course in a number of ways. You can limit it to only Ordered horses, or horses who were caught wild, or were bred by a player, and several other options.

Set LifeCycle Rule. You can limit your course to horses who have a Natural life cycle, or to those who are Eternal, or to those who are Extended... or not.

Set Water Rule. You can direct riders/kayakers/swimmers to stay in the water, or everyone to stay out of it, if you like.

Set Terrain Rules. Want people to say on paths, beaches or ice? You can set that here.

Set Transport Rule. Plenty of options here! You can disallow changing horses in mid-course, or specify that a course is kayak or skis only, or that horses can't be used at all, or several other things.

NOTA BENE: You must click SAVE COURSE SETTINGS for any of these to take effect!

4) Place your starting obstacle. There are two available: one for land and one for water.

5) Set up your course.

Start by setting up your Starting Gate. Click BUILD, and you'll see the gate in ghosted (transparent) form. Move your player to select the spot on which you'd like to place your gate, then hold down your left (or right, if you're a lefty) mouse button to turn the gate in the direction you desire. Releasing the mouse button will build the actual gate. These steps will serve for setting up all future obstacles, just remember: red (diamond) on the right!

Once you have set up your start obstacle, the course setup window changes, and you will see many more options for a great variety of obstacles you can add. Please do exercise some care when placing obstacles, though, and make sure horses and riders have plenty of room to prepare for the next one.

6) End your course. By default a course end will loop back to the start. Otherwise you can put up a Finish gate. You can't add to the end of course unless you remove the Finish gate (though you can insert and manage obstacles if you're not happy with your current setup.)

7) For any corrections, you can DELETE or insert BEFORE or AFTER any existing obstacle. To do this just click ABOUT on one of the obstacles.

Available Obstacles and How They Work:

The obstacles available are listed below.  Some have clockwise and counterclockwise variations and some move; we've indicated which have these in their descriptions here. 

Obstacles are sorted on the Course Management page by type. Scroll to the bottom of the Course Management page to view more!

Course Start: This is just the gate you pass through to start your timer.

Course End:  This gate stops your timer.

Course Gate: A pass-through gate to help keep you on course.

Floating Course Gate:  For kayak and swimming competitions. These can also be placed on ice for speed skating competitions :)

Floating Course Start: Starts an aquatic or icy course. 

Floating Course End: Ends an aquatic or icy course.

Vertical Jump:  A simple vertical with pole-rails.  Faults are accrued by how many of these you knock down.

Hedge Jump:  This is hurdle made of arbor vitae plants.

Spread Jump:  A triple-bar jump; you are given faults for how many individual poles you knock down.

Bricks Jump: A low faux-brick wall.

Planters Jump A jump with plants in pots on it. For every pot you knock down, you'll get get a fault!

Chicken Coop Jump:  A low triangular obstacle.

Filler Board Jump:  Just the bottom part of a vertical.

High Board Jump:  A board vertical.

Funky Log Jump:  A large, brightly-painted log.

Pirouettes:  Stop and do a complete turn on this spot before proceeding. These go both clockwise and counterclockwise.

Spins:  Stop and do four complete turns on this spot before proceeding. These have clockwise and counterclockwise variations.

90 degree turns: Stop, turn just enough, and carry on.

Walk Forward: Cross this obstacle at a walk, in the direction (and right over) the arrows. This obstacle has one line on either side of the arrows, indicating you need to walk.

Walk Backward: Same as above, but go backward in the direction of the arrows.

Trot Gait:  Trot over the arrows, in the direction they show. This obstacle has two lines on either side of the arrows, indicating a trot.

Canter Gait: Canter over the arrows, in the direction they show. This obstacle has three lines on either side of the arrows, indicating a canter.

Rollbacks:  These require you to turn around(180 degrees) on the spot in the direction indicated by the arrow.

Barrels: Run in a complete circle around the barrels in the direction indicated on the barrel. We have two variations of these!

Halt: Stop for four seconds, then move to the next obstacle.

Lasso High: A simple object that needs to be hit with a lasso before continuing with the rest of the course.

Air Rings: There are three variations of the Air Rings, each a different height (10m, 25m, and 50m.) These are for the Hang Glider- don't miss the ring or it's going to be very hard to complete an air course!

Moving Obstacles 

Moving Oxer Jump:  This multi-poled moving obstacle is similar to our Vertical Jump, except this one moves up and down. A horse with high Jump Power and a rider with excellent timing will be best for this.

Moving Board Jump: This Moving Board Jump also moves up and down and will require both skill and great ability on the rider's part.

Lasso Spin:  This spinning target will test a competitor's ability to lasso a moving target. 

Lasso Bounce:  This moving target bounces up and down. Timing and practice will help you complete this target.


Course Checkpoint: This bright circle on the ground is excellent for endurance courses. Horses will need to simply pass over it to clear it.

Course Fence:  Not an obstacle per se, but helps riders line their horses up for another obstacle. You'll get faulted if you hit it!

Low Cavaletto: Also not really an obstacle, but something you need to avoid. Super fun to put these in front of course gates or other jumps to increase the difficulty!

Number of Courses:

You can build additional courses if you permanently unlock the slot with Essence. The more courses you wish to build, the more Essence you'll need to collect; but if you're willing to explore and put the effort in, you can always unlock more slots.

Should you delete a course, the slot you unlocked for that course will remain unlocked on your account. You'll never lose your course slots!

TIP: Use the double course slots tome at the library to create more courses. The tome can be unlearned once course starts are built without losing courses.

Where To Build Courses:

Clubs have a 1km range of protection around themselves. So unless you are a Gold club member you cannot build in that area. There is also minimum distance from other course obstacles which may block placement. Otherwise you can build a course pretty much anywhere you like that isn't owned by another player.

Players that own a Preserve are the only ones that may build courses upon it.

Please note that while you can't build a course on another person's ranch, someone may build a ranch on your course. It's best to build your courses away from populated areas to prevent this from happening. 

How to Rate a Course

After finishing a course, a box with pop up on the right side saying "Rate Course." From there, you may rate the course on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.



Course Start

This is the starting point of a course, from which you may also look at current top times and the course rules.

Floating Course Start

This is a course start located in water, as you've probably guessed. You can click it to see the course rules, who owns it, and current top times.

Course End

If your course doesn't finish at the same place it started, you can use this to finish it. Otherwise, you can use your Course Start as a Course End.

Floating Course End

This is a course end located in water, as you've probably guessed. You can click it to see the course rules, who owns it, and current top times.

Course Gate

You'll need to pass between the flags of this obstacle to complete it!

Floating Course Gate

You must pass between the flags to complete this obstacle!

The Red flag must be on your Right side to get through this properly.

Course Checkpoint

This bright circle on the ground is excellent for endurance courses. Horses will need to simply pass over it to clear it.


Bricks Jump

Don't touch the brick wall! You'll get a course fault if your horse can't jump it without hitting it.

To clear this obstacle, you must jump over it with the Red flag on the Right.

Chicken Coop Jump

You'll get a fault if your horse fails to clear this Chicken Coop Jump during a competition or Trying the course out. You must jump over this with the Red flag on the Right for the obstacle to complete.

Wait, there aren't ACTUAL chickens in here, are there? No? Just the name? Good, we were a little worried there for a second.

Filler Board Jump

Don't let your horse touch the filler board while you're on this course! Hitting it will incur a fault.

You must jump over this obstacle with the Red flag on the Right in order to complete it.

Funky Jump

This crazy colored log is a fun jump, but will still give a fault penalty if your horse fails to clear it. 

You must jump this with the Red flag on the Right to clear it.

Hedge Jump

You'll get a fault penalty if you touch the planter, but the bushes are fine. Braver horses pass through these with no difficulty.

High Board Jump

This difficult jump will incur faults for every board your horse fails to clear!

You must jump over this with the Red flag on the Right in order to complete this obstacle.

Planters Jump

This Planters Jump will give you faults if you fail to clear the box OR knock any of the potted plants up top!

You must jump this with the Red flag on the Right to clear it!

Spread Jump

Requires a fast, Long jump and a lot of timing and training on your behalf!  (Or, at least, jumping it from above while it's on a downhill slope.)

Vertical Jump

Each pole hit adds a Fault Penalty. You'll need to time your jumps well and train your horse to clear this!

Moving Oxer Jump

This multi-poled obstacle is similar to our Vertical Jump, expcept this one moves up and down. A horse with high Jump Power and a rider with excellent timing will be best for this.

Moving Board Jump

This Moving Board Jump also moves up and down and will require both skill and great ability on the rider's part.


Halt 4s

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a full stop for 4 seconds within the 3 meter circle.

Walk Forward

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a walk gait in the direction shown for 2 meters within the 3 meter circle.

Walk Backward

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a backwards walk in the direction shown of arrows for 2 meters within the 3 meter circle.

Trot Gait

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a trot (or amble) in the direction shown of arrows for 2 meters within the 3 meter circle.

Canter Gate

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a canter (or pace) in the direction shown of arrows for 2 meters within the 3 meter circle.


Clockwise Pirouette

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a 360 degree Rightward spin within the 3 meter circle.

Counterclockwise Pirouette

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a 360 degree Leftward spin within the 3 meter circle.

Clockwise 4x Spin

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a full Rightward (clockwise) spin 4x within the 3 meter circle.

Counterclockwise 4x Spin

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a full Leftward (counter-clockwise) spin 4x within the 3 meter circle.

Clockwise Right Turn

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a 90 degree Rightward spin within the 3 meter circle.

Counterclockwise Left Turn

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a 90 degree Leftward spin within the 3 meter circle.

Clockwise Rollback

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a 180 degree Rightward spin within the 3 meter circle.

Counterclockwise Rollback

This Dressage-style obstacle requires the horse to perform a 180 degree Leftward spin within the 3 meter circle.


In order from left to right:

 8m High End Gate 

10m High 

25m High

50m High

One must pass through the ring in the air!


Course Fence

Even though this isn't technically a jump, it's still a fault penalty if you hit it!

Low Cavaletto

Knocking the rail of this Cavaletto down will cause you to get a course fault, even though this isn't an obstacle.

Lasso Spin

This spinning target will test a competitor's ability to lasso a moving target.

Lasso Bounce

This moving target bounces up and down. Timing and practive will help you complete this target.

Lasso High

A simple object that needs to be hit with a lasso before continuing with the rest of the course.

Clockwise Barrel Obstacle

Gotta run around this in the correct CW direction! 360 total degrees.

Counterclockwise Barrel Obstacle

Gotta run around this in the correct CCW direction! 360 total degrees