Certifications & Prefixes

What are certifications?

Players may create a Horse Certification- this may be a sort of award, something given out to horses of friends, or, if you'd like, your own breed! This is a very fun aspect of the game. This will also keep real world breeds distinct from player created. A horse with a Certification will have it listed under their Breed, and you can see all horses registered under your certification at the Post Office.

For 1000 mobia, you may purchase your Certification in the Shop. To register a horse for a Certification, you can do so at a Post Office.

From there, you'll write a description of your Certification standard. For example:

Magical Glitter Pony

A certification for ponies that look magical and also glitter. Does not need to be an actual pony. 

(in this case, a very pretty looking Metallic horse.)

Submission Fee:

This is typically 1/5th the cost of the acceptance fee, however you can make it as much (or as little) as you'd like. This is given to you as a fee simply for reviewing the horse. Unless you waive the fee and delete the application, the owner of a rejected horse will not get this back. (If you'd like to give their submission fee back, simply Delete the certification application.)

Acceptance Fee 

Of course, any good studbook will have a registration and acceptance fee ;). You'll need to specify what your fee is for a horse to be reviewed for certification as a Certified Magical Glitter Pony.

Review Submissions

After all that is said and done, your Magical Glitter Pony Certification can now take submissions. If a horse doesn't fit your specifications, you can reject them and give a quick note to its owner as to why it was rejected. ("This horse looks magical, but does not glitter.") 

If the horse is deemed worthy of your very awesome Certification, it'll now display it on the profile under Breed! It'll look a bit like this:

Breed: Grade Pony

Certifications: Magical Glitter Pony

Number of Certifications

A horse may have multiple Certifications- perhaps Magical Glitter Pony, Best Dancer and Horgie (horse that looks an awful lot like a corgi.) While there's no limit to this, you may want to only register them with a few certifications to keep their profile clean (and for your sanity.)

What are prefixes?

Prefixes are the freezebrands of Horse Isle. They are permanent and cannot be removed or hidden once applied unless it's YOUR prefix on YOUR horse. You cannot remove a prefix on a horse that came with one unless the owner agrees to do an Unprefix trade.

An Unprefix trade will allow the OWNER of the prefix to remove the prefix from your horse without resetting bond or removing the horse from your account. Easy peasy.

A prefix must first be registered at a Clubhouse- your first prefix will cost 100 essence and the price will increase with each additional prefix.

There will be two 'checks' prior to getting your new prefix- the first tells you that it's available to use and the second will confirm that you wish to purchase the prefix.

To apply a prefix to a horse, simply select it from the dropdown in their profile, located under their name!

A prefix may be retired (deleted) if no living horses are registered with it.

Can I see a list of every horse with my prefix?

Unfortunately, no, as this can potentially be a list that is hard on both your computer and on the server to retrieve.