Performance Metrics

While base stats give an overall picture of a horse's capabilities, Performance Metrics give you a much more specific view of how well your horse is currently doing in particular areas. Performance Metrics are largely based on the conformation of a horse. They change with training and the addition of appropriate tack. Performance metrics will give you additional insight to how much a horse's abilites have been changed by training. For stats with a blue bar, more is better. With a red bar, less is better.

Stride Length In the game, this is the measure of how much ground a horse's leg would cover from it's furthest point forward to its furthest point behind. The longer a horse's stride length, the farther (and generally, the faster) it can go with a minimum of effort.

Speed How fast a horse goes on flat ground at a full, but not forced, gallop, in miles per hour.

Sprint Boost How much faster than the previous a horse can go at a full sprint.

Acceleration Rate How quickly, in meters-per-second per second, a horse can get to full speed from a standing start.

Deceleration Rate How quickly, in the same measure, a horse can stop from a full gallop.

Turning Speed How fast a running horse can make a tight turn, measured in degrees per second. So if you have a horse with a 60 degree-per-second turning speed, it will take him three seconds to make a 180 degree turn.

Reverse Speed How quickly your horse can back up if it has to, in meters per second.

Jump Power How high and fast a horse can get off the ground, in meters-per-second per second in the vertical.

Fear Tolerance Horses are notoriously nervous by nature, but some will carry on regardless to a greater or lesser extent. This is a measure of how likely a horse is to set aside its fears because you asked it to. The scale goes from the timidest milquetoast of a horse to the Will Take All Comers fearless beast.

Pull Strength How heavy a load a horse can pull. This should give you an idea of their overall strength.

Stamina Drop Some horses tire easily; some can run for hours. This is a measure of how quickly a horse loses stamina per second.

Reaction Time Some hot-blooded horses seem to react to things almost before they happen; some coldbloods are asleep on their feet and seem to have been so for years. This is a measure of how quickly a horse will react to things happening around it, particularly any directions you give it.

SLED These are measures of how well a horse can pull a number of sledges/sleds of the same weight. The more there are, the less force a horse can apply to any one of them.

For more in-depth information about base stats and their implications, please read the Performance Metrics guide in Horses forum: