

You can feed any placed horse by clicking Inventory -> Horse Feed and selecting the specific item you want to feed. Some things are more filling than others, so keep an eye on the Hunger stats to see what fills your horse up best. Horses will graze on their own if they are left standing on a grassy area.

If you have a ranch, you can feed all of your horses at once. Building Hay Fields will provide harvestable hay once every three or four real days. Stagger your building of hay fields (build one or two a day for three or four days) so you can be sure of a continuous supply. You can build a Hay Shed to store hay, but once a bale is put in the shed, you can't take it out again (and add it to your inventory), only click on it to feed your horses. Clicking "Feed" on a bale in the hay shed will feed all your horses. A Hay Shed holds seven bales of hay.


Anyone who owns horses in real life can tell you, horses have a knack for finding new and bewildering ways to acquire injuries, minor and major. While the magic of the Infinite Wilds protects them from major mishaps, minor injuries requiring the attention of a veterinarian do happen. You cannot ride or breed an injured or sick horse- you'll need to take them to a vet in any Club Village.

Injury factors:

Riding on dangerous terrain (steep cliffs, slippery surfaces, rough gravel, jumping down a volcano.)

Riding a very tired horse.

Riding at high speed, will also up the chance of a horse injuring itself.

Horses with a lack of intelligence are prone to certain injuries.

Riding at night can increase injury odds.

Too hot/too cold/too humid/too dry can all increase odds of injury as well.

Drinking from a dirty water supply (tar pits, swamps, taiga bogs) can get your horse very sick!

Should a horse become injured, take it to the nearest Club Village for veterinary attention. It doesn't matter which one you go to, they all charge the same.

A Salus Amulet will prevent your horse from injuring itself or getting sick from dirty water. You can also get a Preventative Checkup at any vet to prevent your horse from getting an injury- just... don't run into cacti, that'll still cause your horse to buck you off.

Additionally a well-experienced horse will find out ways to prevent random injuries, having learned the ways of Horse Isle that they don't hurt themselves because they looked at a herdmate funny (or bit themselves.)


There are a number of ways you can keep your horse hydrated. If you ride up to a lake or river, your horse will drink on its own. Just be aware to make sure that you leave your horse by clear, clean water! Water with algae, swamp grass or other impurities may make your horse quite ill, requiring veterinary attention.

You can build wells, water towers and water troughs on your ranch. You can use ranch wells, rivers and lakes, and club fountains to fill water buckets that you can use to water your horses wherever you happen to be.

Wells will fill a bucket at a time for you. Water towers will water every horse you have at once. For water troughs, you simply need to leave your horse in front of it like you would a river or lake and they'll do the rest! (You really CAN lead a horse to water and make him drink... at least in Horse Isle.)


Every horse in Horse Isle has a mood bar (seen only by the owner.) This can be raised or lowered depending on their care- if you're negligent, you're going to have a stable full of ornery horses.

You can increase a horse's mood by grooming (which you can do by unlocking the Brush in the Equipment Menu) or petting. Horses gain a much higher mood boost from petting than they do grooming! Horses also really enjoy getting treats, which will make them very happy (especially if they're made of their favorite things!)

If a horse is in too bad a mood to breed, just groom or pet them to make them happier.

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